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Update relnotes for 3.9.2 'Anecdotal Axolotl'

Duke Leto 2 years ago
  1. 35


@ -10,6 +10,41 @@ and no longer on Github, since they banned Duke Leto and
also because they censor many people around the world and work with
evil organizations.
# Hush 3.9.2 "Anecdotal Axolotl"
966 files changed, 26999 insertions(+), 2758 deletions(-)
This is an OPTIONAL release. It is recommended for exchanges, solo miners and mining pools to update to this release
since it contains various bugfixes and improvements that will benefit busy wallets.
* This release adds RandomX support in Hush Smart Chains (HSCs)
* When creating a new HSC specify `-ac_algo=randomx` to use RandomX instead of Equihash
* Example: `hush-smart-chain -ac_name=RANDX -ac_algo=randomx ...`
* This allows HSCs to be mined with CPUs instead of ASICs
* Because of RandomX, `cmake` is a new dependency needed to compile Hush from source
* More detailed documentation available at ...
* A new feature called "zsweep" has been added, which defaults to disabled.
* It will sweep funds from all zaddrs into a single specified zaddr
* A new RPC `z_sweepstatus` will show various details about the sweeping
* There are many advanced options to it, see full docs at ...
* Expired transactions will not be relayed and nodes who relay expired transactions are no longer banned
* A node relaying expired transactions is usually misconfigured or confused, not attacking us
* This change means node operators no longer need to deal with unbanning or allowlisting confused nodes
* Fix a rare coredump that could happen when nodes have many unconfirmed or expired transactions
* New RPC: `getblockmerkletree`, which will show the full Merkle Tree for a block height
* New RPC: `z_consolidationstatus` is similar to `z_sweepstatus` and will show config+stats about consolidation
* New RPC: `z_anonsettxdelta` : Returns delta (difference) in the anonset for a given txid.
* A delta > 0 increases the anonset
* A delta < 0 reduces the anonset
* A delta=0 leaves the anonset the same
* New RPC: `z_anonsetblockdelta` : Returns delta (difference) in the anonset for a given block.
* getrawtransaction RPC now returns a "size" key with the size in bytes of a transaction
* sendmany RPC will now reject transactions that send to taddrs immediately, instead of them being rejected in mempool
* Preliminary support for FreeBSD has been added to the Hush build system
* ZeroMQ support has been removed from Hush
# Hush 3.9.1 "Luciferous Locust"
This is an OPTIONAL release. It is most important for users with large wallets, as it fixes an important
