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Duke Leto 3 years ago
  1. 50


@ -10,6 +10,56 @@ and no longer on Github, since they banned Duke Leto and
also because they censor many people around the world and work with
evil organizations.
# Hush 3.9.0 "Unusual Ursid"
136 files changed, 3881 insertions(+), 3156 deletions(-)
This is a MANDATORY release, please update as soon as you can! At some point, full nodes older than 3.9.0
will no longer be able to sync the current HUSH network correctly. More details will be given in a future update.
* hushd/hush-cli/hush-tx are now true binaries instead of shell scripts
* This means hushd.bat, hush-cli.bat and hush-tx.bat are no longer needed on Windows
and simplifies the maintenance of internals
* New official location for full node data is ~/.hush !
* New full nodes will install and use ~/.hush
* Existing full nodes will continue to use the legacy ~/.komodo directory
* If both ~/.hush/HUSH3 and ~/.komodo/HUSH3 exist, the ~/.hush directory will be used
* Hush full nodes will now attempt to talk to two more nodes by default:
* New RPCs:
* listaddresses - Show all taddrs in this wallet.dat
* rpcinfo - Shows stats about RPC internals
* These RPCs can now be run during RPC warmup:
* listaddresses
* z\_exportwallet
* signmessage
* decoderawtransaction
* getnetworkinfo
* New doc/hushd.service to use hushd with systemd
* Learn more at doc/
* Many updates to Hush Smart Chains and Hush internals
* Optimize zaddrs by only building witness caches for blocks that involve our wallet
* When RPC connection fails hush-cli now tells you which port it was trying to connect to
* Calculation of HSC "network magic" has changed as of 3.9.0
* If using or developing an HSC, all nodes must use either 3.8.0 or earlier, or
preferably, all use 3.9.0 code or later. HSC networks using both 3.8.0 and 3.9.0 will not work.
* This was required by internals changes and we do not plan to do this again.
* New Stratum API so you can Solo mine with your full node!
* This is an optional feature that defaults to disabled. Enable it with `-stratum=1`
* Example usage: `hushd -stratum=1 -stratumport=31337 -stratumallowip='
* This allows mining connections from your local network where computers have IPs like 192.168.0.x .
* Your ASICs must be able to connect to the IP and port of your full node. Firewall rules may be needed.
* It offers the highest privacy for miners, since mining pools know your IP and address metadata and can be
hacked or coerced into giving that data. Solo mining with your own full node gives the absolute least metadata
to third parties.
* This is also the cheapest possible way to mine HUSH, since there are NO POOL FEES and NO PAYOUT TRANSACTION FEES! :smile:
* Miners can mine entire HUSH blocks from the privacy of their own server
* As many ASICs as you like can be used with a single Hush full node, just use an address inside a wallet you control,
and set your pool to the IP and port of your Hush full node with Stratum enabled.
* The hush-smart-chain script is now installed in Debian packages
# Hush 3.8.0 "Chuckling Chupacabra"
