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added conditions for x S o B in AssetValidateCCvin

dimxy 6 years ago
  1. 57
  2. 6


@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ bool GetAssetorigaddrs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *CCaddr,char *destaddr,co
uint8_t evalCode;
n = tx.vout.size();
if( n == 0 || (funcid= DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) == 0 )
if( n == 0 || (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) == 0 )
if( GetTokensCCaddress(cp, CCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey)) != 0 && Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CScript() << origpubkey << OP_CHECKSIG) != 0 )
@ -382,11 +382,25 @@ bool GetAssetorigaddrs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *CCaddr,char *destaddr,co
int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,char *origaddr,const CTransaction &tx,int32_t vini,CTransaction &vinTx)
uint256 hashBlock;
char destaddr[64], dualEvalUnspendableAddr[64];
uint256 hashBlock;
uint256 assetid, assetid2;
int64_t tmpprice;
std::vector<uint8_t> tmporigpubkey;
uint8_t evalCode;
char destaddr[64], unspendableAddr[64];
origaddr[0] = destaddr[0] = CCaddr[0] = 0;
uint8_t funcid = 0;
if (tx.vout.size() > 0) {
uint256 assetid, assetid2;
int64_t tmpprice;
std::vector<uint8_t> tmporigpubkey;
uint8_t evalCode;
funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[tx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey);
if( < 2 )
return eval->Invalid("not enough for CC vins");
else if([vini].prevout.n != 0 )
@ -400,13 +414,25 @@ int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,ch
std::cerr << "AssetValidateCCvin cannot load vintx for vin=" << vini << " vintx id=" <<[vini].prevout.hash.GetHex() << std::endl;
return eval->Invalid("always should find CCvin, but didnt");
else if( Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) == 0 ||
!GetTokensCCaddress(cp, dualEvalUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) ||
strcmp(destaddr, dualEvalUnspendableAddr) != 0 )
// if fillSell or cancelSell --> to spend tokens from dual-eval token-assets unspendable addr
else if( (funcid == 'S' || funcid == 'x') &&
(Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) == 0 ||
!GetTokensCCaddress(cp, unspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) ||
strcmp(destaddr, unspendableAddr) != 0))
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin cc addr %s is not evalcode 0x%02x unspendable %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, (char *)cp->unspendableCCaddr);
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin cc addr %s is not dual token-evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin AssetsCCaddr");
// if fillBuy or cancelBuy --> to spend coins from asset unspendable addr
else if ((funcid == 'B' || funcid == 'o') &&
(Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) == 0 ||
!GetCCaddress(cp, unspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) ||
strcmp(destaddr, unspendableAddr) != 0))
fprintf(stderr, "AssetValidateCCvin cc addr %s is not evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin AssetsCCaddr");
//else if ( vinTx.vout[0].nValue < 10000 )
// return eval->Invalid("invalid dust for buyvin");
else if( GetAssetorigaddrs(cp, CCaddr, origaddr, vinTx) == 0 )
@ -423,11 +449,12 @@ int64_t AssetValidateBuyvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,int64_t &tmppr
CCaddr[0] = origaddr[0] = 0;
// validate locked coins on Assets vin[1]
if ( (nValue= AssetValidateCCvin(cp,eval,CCaddr,origaddr,tx,1,vinTx)) == 0 )
if ( (nValue= AssetValidateCCvin(cp, eval, CCaddr, origaddr, tx, 1, vinTx)) == 0 )
else if ( vinTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("invalid normal vout0 for buyvin");
else if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vinTx.vout[vinTx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey)) == 'b' && vinTx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 ) // marker is only in 'b'?
else if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vinTx.vout[vinTx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey)) == 'b' &&
vinTx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 ) // marker is only in 'b'?
return eval->Invalid("invalid normal vout1 for buyvin");
@ -467,7 +494,7 @@ bool ValidateAssetOpret(CTransaction tx, int32_t v, uint256 assetid, int64_t &pr
if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetidOpret, assetidOpret2, price, origpubkey)) == 0)
std::cerr << "ValidateAssetOpret() DecodeOpret returned null for n-1=" << n - 1 << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ValidateAssetOpret() DecodeAssetTokenOpRet returned null for the opret for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
/* it is now on token level:
@ -559,7 +586,7 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
// we are not inside the validation code -- dimxy
if ((eval && eval->GetTxUnconfirmed([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock) == 0) || (!eval && !myGetTransaction([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock)))
std::cerr << "AssetExactAmounts() cannot read vintx for i." << i << " numvins." << numvins << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() cannot read vintx for i." << i << " numvins." << numvins << std::endl;
return (!eval) ? false : eval->Invalid("always should find vin tx, but didnt");
else {
@ -573,7 +600,7 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
assetoshis = IsTokensvout(false, false, cpTokens, NULL, /* vopretExtra,*/ vinTx,[i].prevout.n, assetid, vinPubkeysEmpty);
if (assetoshis != 0)
std::cerr << "AssetExactAmounts() vin i=" << i << " assetoshis=" << assetoshis << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() vin i=" << i << " assetoshis=" << assetoshis << std::endl;
inputs += assetoshis;
@ -595,18 +622,18 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
if (assetoshis != 0)
std::cerr << "AssetExactAmounts() vout i=" << i << " assetoshis=" << assetoshis << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() vout i=" << i << " assetoshis=" << assetoshis << std::endl;
outputs += assetoshis;
std::cerr << "AssetExactAmounts() inputs=" << inputs << " outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() inputs=" << inputs << " outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
/* we do not verify inputs == outputs here,
it's done in Tokens:
if (inputs != outputs) {
if (tx.GetHash() != assetid) {
std::cerr << "AssetExactAmounts() unequal inputs=" << inputs << " vs outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() unequal inputs=" << inputs << " vs outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
return (!eval) ? false : eval->Invalid("assets cc inputs != cc outputs");
} */


@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
return eval->Invalid("locked value doesnt match vout0+1 fillbuy");
else if( tx.vout[3].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 )
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, tokensCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, assetsCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt go to origpubkey fillbuy");
else if ( inputs != tx.vout[2].nValue + tx.vout[3].nValue )
return eval->Invalid("asset inputs doesnt match vout2+3 fillbuy");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, tokensCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, assetsCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt match inputs fillbuy");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1],0,0,0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout1 is CC for fillbuy");
@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
if( assetoshis != tx.vout[0].nValue + tx.vout[1].nValue )
return eval->Invalid("locked value doesnt match vout0+1 fillex");
else if( tx.vout[3].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 )
////////// not implemented yet ////////////
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, tokensCCaddr, 0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt go to origpubkey fillex");
@ -399,6 +400,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
return eval->Invalid("asset inputs doesnt match vout2+3 fillex");
////////// not implemented yet ////////////
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, tokensCCaddr, inputs) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt match inputs fillex");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1], 0, 0, 0) == 0 )
