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Delete more CCs #381

Duke 4 months ago
  1. 40
  2. 236
  3. 121
  4. 22
  5. 40


@ -18,41 +18,6 @@
#ifndef CC_INCLUDE_H
#define CC_INCLUDE_H
/*! \file CCinclude.h
\brief Cryptoconditions
CCs for teh lulz
/// \mainpage Brief introduction into cryptocondition contracts
/// There are only a very few types in bitcoin: pay to pubkey, pay to pubkey hash and pay to script hash (p2pk, p2pkh, p2sh).
/// There are actually more that are possible, but those three are 99%+ of bitcoin transactions.
/// So you can pay to a pubkey, or to its hash or to a script's hash. The last is how most of the more complex scripts are invoked. To spend a p2sh vout, you need to provide the redeemscript,
/// this script's hash is what the p2sh address was.
/// All of the above are the standard bitcoin vout types and there should be plenty of materials about it.
/// Cryptoconditions (CC) contracts created a fourth type of vout, the CC vout. This is using the cryptoconditions standard and it is even a different signature mechanism,
/// ed25519 instead of secp256k1. It is basically a big extension to the bitcoin script. There is a special opcode that is added that says it is a CC script.
/// But it gets more interesting. Each CC script has an evalcode.
/// This is just an arbitrary number but what it does is allows to create a self-contained universe of CC utxo that all have the same evalcode and that is
/// how a faucet CC contract differentiates itself from a dice CC contract, the eval code is different.
/// One effect from using a different eval code is that even if the rest of the CC script is the same, the bitcoin address that is calculated is different.
/// What this means is that for each pubkey, there is a unique address for each different eval code!
/// And this allows efficient segregation of one CC contracts transactions from another.
/// The final part that will make it all clear how the funds can be locked inside the contract.
/// This is what makes a contract, a contract.
/// I put both the privkey and pubkey for a randomly chosen address and associate it with each CC contract.
/// That means anybody can sign outputs for that privkey.
/// However, it is a CC output, so in addition to the signature, whatever constraints a CC contract implements must also be satistifed.
/// This allows funds to be locked and yet anybody is able to spend it, assuming they satisfy the CC's rules.
/// One other technical note is that Hush has the insight-explorer extensions built in
/// so it can lookup directly all transactions to any address.
/// This is a key performance boosting thing as if it wasnt there, trying to get all the utxo for an address not in the wallet is quite time consuming.
#include <cc/eval.h>
#include <script/cc.h>
@ -949,11 +914,6 @@ extern void CCLogPrintStr(const char *category, int level, const std::string &st
template <class T>
void CCLogPrintStream(const char *category, int level, const char *functionName, T print_to_stream)
std::ostringstream stream;
if (functionName != NULL)
stream << functionName << " ";
CCLogPrintStr(category, level, stream.str());
/// Macro for logging messages using bitcoin LogAcceptCategory and LogPrintStr functions.
/// Supports error, info and three levels of debug messages.


@ -30,151 +30,31 @@
// for tokens to be used there should be at least one 't' tx with other contract's custom opret
CScript EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, std::string name, std::string description, vscript_t vopretNonfungible)
/* CScript opret;
uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_TOKENS;
funcid = 'c'; // override the param
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode << funcid << origpubkey << name << description; \
if (!vopretNonfungible.empty()) {
ss << vopretNonfungible;
}); */
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
oprets.push_back(std::make_pair(OPRETID_NONFUNGIBLEDATA, vopretNonfungible));
return EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(funcid, origpubkey, name, description, oprets);
return CScript();
CScript EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets)
CScript opret;
uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_TOKENS;
funcid = 'c'; // override the param
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode << funcid << origpubkey << name << description;
for (auto o : oprets) {
if (o.first != 0) {
ss << (uint8_t)o.first;
ss << o.second;
// opret 'i' for imported tokens
CScript EncodeTokenImportOpRet(std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, std::string name, std::string description, uint256 srctokenid, std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets)
CScript opret;
uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_TOKENS;
uint8_t funcid = 'i';
srctokenid = revuint256(srctokenid); // do not forget this
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode << funcid << origpubkey << name << description << srctokenid;
for (auto o : oprets) {
if (o.first != 0) {
ss << (uint8_t)o.first;
ss << o.second;
return CScript();
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t> opretWithId)
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
return EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutPubkeys, oprets);
return CScript();
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets)
CScript opret;
uint8_t tokenFuncId = 't';
uint8_t evalCodeInOpret = EVAL_TOKENS;
tokenid = revuint256(tokenid);
uint8_t ccType = 0;
if (voutPubkeys.size() >= 0 && voutPubkeys.size() <= 2)
ccType = voutPubkeys.size();
else {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "EncodeTokenOpRet voutPubkeys.size()=" << voutPubkeys.size() << " not supported" << std::endl);
//vopret_t vpayload;
//GetOpReturnData(payload, vpayload);
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalCodeInOpret << tokenFuncId << tokenid << ccType;
if (ccType >= 1) ss << voutPubkeys[0];
if (ccType == 2) ss << voutPubkeys[1];
for (auto o : oprets) {
if (o.first != 0) {
ss << (uint8_t)o.first;
ss << o.second;
// bad opret cases (tries to attach payload without re-serialization):
// error "64: scriptpubkey":
// if (payload.size() > 0)
// opret += payload;
// error "64: scriptpubkey":
// CScript opretPayloadNoOpcode(vpayload);
// return opret + opretPayloadNoOpcode;
// error "sig_aborted":
// opret.resize(opret.size() + vpayload.size());
// CScript::iterator it = opret.begin() + opret.size();
// for (int i = 0; i < vpayload.size(); i++, it++)
// *it = vpayload[i];
return opret;
return CScript();
// overload for compatibility
//CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint8_t tokenFuncId, uint8_t evalCodeInOpret, uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScript payload)
// return EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutPubkeys, payload);
// overload for fungible tokens (no additional data in opret):
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description) {
//vopret_t vopretNonfungibleDummy;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> opretsDummy;
return DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description, opretsDummy);
return 0;
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description, std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> &oprets)
vscript_t vopret, vblob;
uint8_t dummyEvalcode, funcid, opretId = 0;
GetOpReturnData(scriptPubKey, vopret);
if (vopret.size() > 2 && vopret.begin()[0] == EVAL_TOKENS && vopret.begin()[1] == 'c')
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalcode; ss >> funcid; ss >> origpubkey; ss >> name; ss >> description;
while (!ss.eof()) {
ss >> opretId;
if (!ss.eof()) {
ss >> vblob;
oprets.push_back(std::make_pair(opretId, vblob));
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenCreateOpRet() incorrect token create opret" << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
@ -183,99 +63,6 @@ uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t>
// for 'c' returns only funcid. NOTE: nonfungible data is not returned
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCodeTokens, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> &oprets)
vscript_t vopret, vblob, dummyPubkey, vnonfungibleDummy;
uint8_t funcId = 0, *script, dummyEvalCode, dummyFuncId, ccType, opretId = 0;
std::string dummyName; std::string dummyDescription;
uint256 dummySrcTokenId;
CPubKey voutPubkey1, voutPubkey2;
vscript_t voldstyledata;
bool foundOldstyle = false;
GetOpReturnData(scriptPubKey, vopret);
script = (uint8_t *);
tokenid = zeroid;
if (script != NULL && vopret.size() > 2)
evalCodeTokens = script[0];
if (evalCodeTokens != EVAL_TOKENS) {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() incorrect evalcode in tokens opret" << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
funcId = script[1];
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() decoded funcId=" << (char)(funcId ? funcId : ' ') << std::endl);
switch (funcId)
case 'c':
return DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(scriptPubKey, dummyPubkey, dummyName, dummyDescription, oprets);
case 't':
// compatibility with old-style rogue or assets data (with no opretid):
// try to unmarshal old-style rogue or assets data:
foundOldstyle = E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyFuncId; ss >> tokenid; ss >> ccType;
if (ccType >= 1) ss >> voutPubkey1;
if (ccType == 2) ss >> voutPubkey2;
if (!ss.eof()) {
ss >> voldstyledata;
}) && voldstyledata.size() >= 2 &&
(voldstyledata.begin()[0] == 0x11 /*EVAL_ROGUE*/ && IS_CHARINSTR(voldstyledata.begin()[1], "RHQKG") ||
voldstyledata.begin()[0] == EVAL_ASSETS && IS_CHARINSTR(voldstyledata.begin()[1], "sbSBxo")) ;
if (foundOldstyle || // fix for compatibility with old style data (no opretid)
E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyFuncId; ss >> tokenid; ss >> ccType;
if (ccType >= 1) ss >> voutPubkey1;
if (ccType == 2) ss >> voutPubkey2;
while (!ss.eof()) {
ss >> opretId;
if (!ss.eof()) {
ss >> vblob;
oprets.push_back(std::make_pair(opretId, vblob));
if (!(ccType >= 0 && ccType <= 2)) { //incorrect ccType
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() incorrect ccType=" << (int)ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
// add verification pubkeys:
if (voutPubkey1.IsValid())
if (voutPubkey2.IsValid())
tokenid = revuint256(tokenid);
if (foundOldstyle) { //patch for old-style opret data with no opretid
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() found old-style rogue/asset data, evalcode=" << (int)voldstyledata.begin()[0] << " funcid=" << (char)voldstyledata.begin()[1] << " for tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl);
uint8_t opretIdRestored;
if (voldstyledata.begin()[0] == 0x11 /*EVAL_ROGUE*/)
oprets.push_back(std::make_pair(opretIdRestored, voldstyledata));
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() bad opret format," << " ccType=" << (int)ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() illegal funcid=" << (int)funcId << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
else {
LOGSTREAM((char *)"cctokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() empty opret, could not parse" << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
@ -328,27 +115,20 @@ CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk) {
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(evalcode, evalcode2, pk1, pk2);
vout = CTxOut(nValue, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) 1of2 cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2) {
return MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalcode, 0, nValue, pk1, pk2);
return CTxOut();
// make three-eval (token+evalcode+evalcode2) cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, evalcode2, pk);
vout = CTxOut(nValue, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
return CTxOut();
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk) {
return MakeTokensCC1vout(evalcode, 0, nValue, pk);
return CTxOut();


@ -41,25 +41,6 @@ void endiancpy(uint8_t *dest,uint8_t *src,int32_t len)
CC *MakeCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk1,CPubKey pk2)
std::vector<CC*> pks;
CC *condCC = CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode));
CC *Sig = CCNewThreshold(1, pks);
return CCNewThreshold(2, {condCC, Sig});
CC *MakeCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk)
std::vector<CC*> pks;
CC *condCC = CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode));
CC *Sig = CCNewThreshold(1, pks);
return CCNewThreshold(2, {condCC, Sig});
int32_t has_opret(const CTransaction &tx, uint8_t evalcode)
int i = 0;
@ -73,83 +54,31 @@ int32_t has_opret(const CTransaction &tx, uint8_t evalcode)
return 0;
bool getCCopret(const CScript &scriptPubKey, CScript &opret)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vParams = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>();
CScript dummy; bool ret = false;
if ( scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition(&dummy, vParams) != 0 )
ret = true;
if ( vParams.size() == 1)
opret = CScript(vParams[0].begin()+6, vParams[0].end());
//fprintf(stderr, "vparams.%s\n", HexStr(vParams[0].begin(), vParams[0].end()).c_str());
return ret;
bool makeCCopret(CScript &opret, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> &vData)
if ( opret.empty() )
return false;
vData.push_back(std::vector<unsigned char>(opret.begin(), opret.end()));
return true;
CTxOut MakeCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode,CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>* vData)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeCCcond1(evalcode,pk);
vout = CTxOut(nValue,CCPubKey(payoutCond));
if ( vData )
//std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vtmpData = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>(vData->begin(), vData->end());
std::vector<CPubKey> vPubKeys = std::vector<CPubKey>();
COptCCParams ccp = COptCCParams(COptCCParams::VERSION, evalcode, 1, 1, vPubKeys, ( * vData));
vout.scriptPubKey << ccp.AsVector() << OP_DROP;
CTxOut MakeCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode,CAmount nValue,CPubKey pk1,CPubKey pk2, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>* vData)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeCCcond1of2(evalcode,pk1,pk2);
vout = CTxOut(nValue,CCPubKey(payoutCond));
if ( vData )
//std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vtmpData = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>(vData->begin(), vData->end());
std::vector<CPubKey> vPubKeys = std::vector<CPubKey>();
// skip pubkeys. These need to maybe be optional and we need some way to get them out that is easy!
COptCCParams ccp = COptCCParams(COptCCParams::VERSION, evalcode, 1, 2, vPubKeys, ( * vData));
vout.scriptPubKey << ccp.AsVector() << OP_DROP;
CC* GetCryptoCondition(CScript const& scriptSig)
auto pc = scriptSig.begin();
opcodetype opcode;
std::vector<unsigned char> ffbin;
if (scriptSig.GetOp(pc, opcode, ffbin))
return cc_readFulfillmentBinary((uint8_t*), ffbin.size()-1);
else return(0);
bool IsCCInput(CScript const& scriptSig)
CC *cond;
if ( (cond= GetCryptoCondition(scriptSig)) == 0 )
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool CheckTxFee(const CTransaction &tx, uint64_t txfee, uint32_t height, uint64_t blocktime, int64_t &actualtxfee)
@ -308,68 +237,34 @@ CPubKey CCCustomtxidaddr(char *txidaddr,uint256 txid,uint8_t taddr,uint8_t prefi
bool _GetCCaddress(char *destaddr,uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ( (payoutCond= MakeCCcond1(evalcode,pk)) != 0 )
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
return false;
bool GetCCaddress(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *destaddr,CPubKey pk)
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ( pk.size() == 0 )
pk = GetUnspendable(cp,0);
return false;
bool _GetTokensCCaddress(char *destaddr, uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, evalcode2, pk)) != 0)
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
return false;
// get scriptPubKey adddress for three/dual eval token cc vout
bool GetTokensCCaddress(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk)
destaddr[0] = 0;
if (pk.size() == 0)
pk = GetUnspendable(cp, 0);
return(_GetTokensCCaddress(destaddr, cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, pk));
return false;
bool GetCCaddress1of2(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *destaddr,CPubKey pk,CPubKey pk2)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ( (payoutCond= MakeCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode,pk,pk2)) != 0 )
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
return false;
bool GetTokensCCaddress1of2(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk, CPubKey pk2)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, pk, pk2)) != 0) // if additionalTokensEvalcode2 not set then it is dual-eval cc else three-eval cc
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
return false;
bool ConstrainVout(CTxOut vout, int32_t CCflag, char *cmpaddr, int64_t nValue)


@ -84,25 +84,5 @@ UniValue custom_func1(uint64_t txfee,struct CCcontract_info *cp,cJSON *params)
bool custom_validate(struct CCcontract_info *cp,int32_t height,Eval *eval,const CTransaction tx)
char expectedaddress[64]; CPubKey pk;
CScript opret; int32_t numvout = 0;
if ( has_opret(tx, EVAL_CUSTOM) == 0 )
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vParams = std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>();
if ( getCCopret(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey,opret) )
numvout = 1;
opret = tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey;
numvout = 2;
if ( tx.vout.size() != numvout ) // make sure the tx only has appropriate outputs
return eval->Invalid("invalid number of vouts");
else if ( custom_opretdecode(pk,opret) != '1' ) // verify opreturn payload
return eval->Invalid("invalid opreturn");
if ( IsCClibvout(cp,tx,0,expectedaddress) == COIN ) // make sure amount and destination matches
else return eval->Invalid("invalid vout0 amount");
return false;


@ -20,30 +20,18 @@
bool IsCryptoConditionsEnabled()
return 0 != ASSETCHAINS_CC;
return 0;
bool IsSupportedCryptoCondition(const CC *cond)
int mask = cc_typeMask(cond);
if (mask & ~CCEnabledTypes) return false;
// Also require that the condition have at least one signable node
if (!(mask & CCSigningNodes)) return false;
return true;
return false;
bool IsSignedCryptoCondition(const CC *cond)
if (!cc_isFulfilled(cond)) return false;
if (1 << cc_typeId(cond) & CCSigningNodes) return true;
if (cc_typeId(cond) == CC_Threshold)
for (int i=0; i<cond->size; i++)
if (IsSignedCryptoCondition(cond->subconditions[i])) return true;
return false;
@ -87,19 +75,13 @@ CC* CCNewEval(std::vector<unsigned char> code)
CScript CCPubKey(const CC *cond)
unsigned char buf[1000];
size_t len = cc_conditionBinary(cond, buf);
return CScript() << std::vector<unsigned char>(buf, buf+len) << OP_CHECKCRYPTOCONDITION;
return CScript();
CScript CCSig(const CC *cond)
unsigned char buf[10000];
size_t len = cc_fulfillmentBinary(cond, buf, 10000);
auto ffill = std::vector<unsigned char>(buf, buf+len);
ffill.push_back(1); // SIGHASH_ALL
return CScript() << ffill;
return CScript();
std::vector<unsigned char> CCSigVec(const CC *cond)
@ -114,20 +96,6 @@ std::vector<unsigned char> CCSigVec(const CC *cond)
std::string CCShowStructure(CC *cond)
std::string out;
if (cc_isAnon(cond)) {
out = "A" + std::to_string(cc_typeId(cond));
else if (cc_typeId(cond) == CC_Threshold) {
out += "(" + std::to_string(cond->threshold) + " of ";
for (int i=0; i<cond->size; i++) {
out += CCShowStructure(cond->subconditions[i]);
if (i < cond->size - 1) out += ",";
out += ")";
else {
out = std::to_string(cc_typeId(cond));
return out;
