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Add z_listreceivedbyaddress from ZER and refactor some stuff

Duke Leto 4 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 296
  3. 11
  4. 306


@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ void RegisterMiscRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
void RegisterMiningRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register raw transaction RPC commands */
void RegisterRawTransactionRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register Experimental RPC commands */
void RegisterHushExclusiveRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register test transaction RPC commands */
void RegisterTesttransactionsRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)


@ -476,299 +476,3 @@ void zsWalletTxJSON(const CWalletTx& wtx, UniValue& ret, const std::string strAd
UniValue z_listreceivedbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp) {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 5 || params.size() == 3)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturns received outputs for a single address.\n"
"This function only returns information on addresses with full spending keys."
"1. \"zeroaddress:\" (string, required) \n"
"2. \"Minimum Confimations:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
"3. \"Filter Type:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
" Value of 0: Returns all transactions in the wallet\n"
" Value of 1: Returns the last x days of transactions\n"
" Value of 2: Returns transactions with confimations less than x\n"
"4. \"Filter:\" (numeric, optional, default=999999) \n"
" Filter Type equal 0: paramater ignored\n"
" Filter Type equal 1: number represents the number of days returned\n"
" Filter Type equal 2: number represents the max confirmations for transaction to be returned\n"
"5. \"Count:\" (numeric, optional, default=9999999) \n"
" Last n number of transactions returned\n"
"Default Parameters:\n"
"2. 0 - O confimations required\n"
"3. 0 - Returns all transactions\n"
"4. 9999999 - Ignored\n"
"5. 9999999 - Return the last 9,999,999 transactions.\n"
" \"txid\": \"transactionid\", (string) The transaction id.\n"
" \"coinbase\": \"coinbase\", (string) Coinbase transaction, true or false\n"
" \"category\": \"category\", (string) orphan (coinbase), immature (coinbase), generate (coinbase), regular\n"
" \"blockhash\": \"hashvalue\", (string) The block hash containing the transaction\n"
" \"blockindex\": n, (numeric) The block index containing the transaction\n"
" \"blocktime\": n, (numeric) The block time in seconds of the block containing the transaction, 0 for unconfirmed transactions\n"
" \"expiryheight\": n, (numeric) The expiry height of the transaction\n"
" \"confirmations\": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction\n"
" \"time\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds of the transaction\n"
" \"size\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"walletconflicts\": [conflicts], An array of wallet conflicts\n"
" \"recieved\": { A list of receives from the transaction\n"
" \"transparentReceived\": [{ An Array of txos received for transparent addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"zeroaddress\", (string) Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\": \"script\", (string) Script for the Zero transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being received " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", positive for receives\n"
" \"vout\": : n, (numeric) the vout value\n"
" }],\n"
" \"saplingReceived\": [{ An Array of utxos/notes received for sapling addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"zeroaddress\", (string) Shielded address (z-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being received " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", positive for receives\n"
" \"sheildedOutputIndex\": n, (numeric) The index of the ShieledOutput\n"
" \"change\": true/false (string) The note is change. This can result from sending funds\n"
" to the same address they came from, or incomplete useage\n"
" resulting in the remainder of the note used being sent back to the\n"
" same z-address.\n"
" }],\n"
" },\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("z_listreceivedbyaddress", "R...")
+ HelpExampleRpc("z_listreceivedbyaddress", "R...")
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
//param values`
int64_t nMinConfirms = 0;
int64_t nFilterType = 0;
int64_t nFilter = 999999;
int64_t nCount = 9999999;
if (params.size() >= 2)
nMinConfirms = params[1].get_int64();
if (params.size() >= 4) {
nFilterType = params[2].get_int64();
nFilter = params[3].get_int64();
if (params.size() == 5) {
nCount = params[4].get_int64();
if (nMinConfirms < 0)
throw runtime_error("Minimum confimations must be greater that 0");
if (nFilterType < 0 || nFilterType > 2)
throw runtime_error("Filter type must be 0, 1 or 2.");
if (nFilter < 0)
throw runtime_error("Filter must be greater that 0.");
//Created Ordered Transaction Map
map<int64_t,CWalletTx> orderedTxs;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
orderedTxs.insert(std::pair<int64_t,CWalletTx>(wtx.nOrderPos, wtx));
uint64_t t = GetTime();
//Reverse Iterate thru transactions
for (map<int64_t,CWalletTx>::reverse_iterator it = orderedTxs.rbegin(); it != orderedTxs.rend(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
bool includeTransaction = true;
//Excude transactions with less confirmations than required
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < nMinConfirms) {
includeTransaction = false;
//Exclude Transactions older that max days old
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > 0) {
if (nFilterType == 1 && mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->GetBlockTime() < (t - (nFilter * 60 * 60 * 24))) {
includeTransaction = false;
//Exclude transactions with greater than max confirmations
if (nFilterType == 2 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > nFilter){
includeTransaction = false;
if (includeTransaction) {
zsWalletTxJSON(wtx, ret, params[0].get_str() , true, 2);
if (ret.size() > nCount) break;
return ret;
UniValue z_listsentbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp,const CPubKey&) {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 5 || params.size() == 3)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturns decrypted Hush outputs sent to a single address.\n"
"This function only returns information on addresses sent from wallet addresses with full spending keys."
"1. \"hushaddress:\" (string, required) \n"
"2. \"Minimum Confimations:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
"3. \"Filter Type:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
" Value of 0: Returns all transactions in the wallet\n"
" Value of 1: Returns the last x days of transactions\n"
" Value of 2: Returns transactions with confimations less than x\n"
"4. \"Filter:\" (numeric, optional, default=999999) \n"
" Filter Type equal 0: paramater ignored\n"
" Filter Type equal 1: number represents the number of days returned\n"
" Filter Type equal 2: number represents the max confirmations for transaction to be returned\n"
"5. \"Count:\" (numeric, optional, default=9999999) \n"
" Last n number of transactions returned\n"
"Default Parameters:\n"
"2. 0 - O confimations required\n"
"3. 0 - Returns all transactions\n"
"4. 9999999 - Ignored\n"
"5. 9999999 - Return the last 9,999,999 transactions.\n"
" \"txid\": \"transactionid\", (string) The transaction id.\n"
" \"coinbase\": \"coinbase\", (string) Coinbase transaction, true or false\n"
" \"category\": \"category\", (string) orphan (coinbase), immature (coinbase), generate (coinbase), regular\n"
" \"blockhash\": \"hashvalue\", (string) The block hash containing the transaction\n"
" \"blockindex\": n, (numeric) The block index containing the transaction\n"
" \"blocktime\": n, (numeric) The block time in seconds of the block containing the transaction, 0 for unconfirmed transactions\n"
" \"expiryheight\": n, (numeric) The expiry height of the transaction\n"
" \"confirmations\": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction\n"
" \"time\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds of the transaction\n"
" \"size\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"walletconflicts\": [conflicts], An array of wallet conflicts\n"
" \"sends\": { A list of outputs of where funds were sent to in the transaction,\n"
" only available if the transaction has valid sends (inputs) belonging to the wallet\n"
" \"transparentSends\": [{ An Array of spends (outputs) for transparent addresses of the receipient\n"
" \"address\": \"hushaddress\", (string) Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\": \"script\", (string) Script for the Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being sent " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", negative for sends\n"
" \"vout\": : n, (numeric) the vout value\n"
" }],\n"
" \"saplingSends\": [{ An Array of spends (outputs) for sapling addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"hushaddress\", (string) Hush sapling address (z-address) of the receipient\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being sent" + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", negative for sends\n"
" \"memo\": xxxxx, (string) hexademical string representation of memo field\n"
" \"memoStr\" : \"memo\", (string) Only returned if memo contains valid UTF-8 text.\n"
" \"shieldedOutputIndex\": n, (numeric) The index of the ShieledOutput\n"
" \"change\": true/false (string) The note is change. This can result from sending funds\n"
" to the same address they came from, or incomplete useage\n"
" resulting in the remainder of the note used being sent back to the\n"
" same z-address.\n"
" }],\n"
" \"missingSaplingOVK\": true/false (string) True if the sapling outputs are not decryptable\n"
" }\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("z_listsentbyaddress", "t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL")
+ HelpExampleRpc("z_listsentbyaddress", "t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL")
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
//param values`
int64_t nMinConfirms = 0;
int64_t nFilterType = 0;
int64_t nFilter = 9999999;
int64_t nCount = 9999999;
if (params.size() >= 2)
nMinConfirms = params[1].get_int64();
if (params.size() >= 4) {
nFilterType = params[2].get_int64();
nFilter = params[3].get_int64();
if (params.size() == 5) {
nCount = params[4].get_int64();
if (nMinConfirms < 0)
throw runtime_error("Minimum confimations must be greater that 0");
if (nFilterType < 0 || nFilterType > 2)
throw runtime_error("Filter type must be 0, 1 or 2.");
if (nFilter < 0)
throw runtime_error("Filter must be greater that 0.");
//Created Ordered Transaction Map
map<int64_t,CWalletTx> orderedTxs;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
orderedTxs.insert(std::pair<int64_t,CWalletTx>(wtx.nOrderPos, wtx));
uint64_t t = GetTime();
//Reverse Iterate thru transactions
for (map<int64_t,CWalletTx>::reverse_iterator it = orderedTxs.rbegin(); it != orderedTxs.rend(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (!CheckFinalTx(wtx))
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < 0)
if (wtx.mapSaplingNoteData.size() == 0 && !wtx.IsTrusted())
//Excude transactions with less confirmations than required
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < nMinConfirms)
//Exclude Transactions older that max days old
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > 0 && nFilterType == 1 && mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->GetBlockTime() < (t - (nFilter * 60 * 60 * 24)))
//Exclude transactions with greater than max confirmations
if (nFilterType == 2 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > nFilter)
zsWalletTxJSON(wtx, ret, "*", false, 0);
if (ret.size() >= nCount) break;
vector<UniValue> arrTmp = ret.getValues();
std::reverse(arrTmp.begin(), arrTmp.end()); // Return oldest to newest
return ret;


@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 The Hush developers
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
@ -18,12 +19,4 @@ void zsTxSendsToJSON(const CWalletTx& wtx, UniValue& sends, CAmount& totalSends,
void zsWalletTxJSON(const CWalletTx& wtx, UniValue& ret, const std::string strAddress, bool fBool, const int returnType);
class CRPCTable;
void RegisterHushExclusiveRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);


@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
#include "komodo_defs.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "sietch.h"
#include "rpchushwallet.h"
using namespace std;
@ -3025,6 +3026,301 @@ uint64_t komodo_interestsum()
UniValue z_listreceivedbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp) {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 5 || params.size() == 3)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturns received outputs for a single address.\n"
"This function only returns information on addresses with full spending keys."
"1. \"hushaddress:\" (string, required) \n"
"2. \"Minimum Confimations:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
"3. \"Filter Type:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
" Value of 0: Returns all transactions in the wallet\n"
" Value of 1: Returns the last x days of transactions\n"
" Value of 2: Returns transactions with confimations less than x\n"
"4. \"Filter:\" (numeric, optional, default=999999) \n"
" Filter Type equal 0: paramater ignored\n"
" Filter Type equal 1: number represents the number of days returned\n"
" Filter Type equal 2: number represents the max confirmations for transaction to be returned\n"
"5. \"Count:\" (numeric, optional, default=9999999) \n"
" Last n number of transactions returned\n"
"Default Parameters:\n"
"2. 0 - O confimations required\n"
"3. 0 - Returns all transactions\n"
"4. 9999999 - Ignored\n"
"5. 9999999 - Return the last 9,999,999 transactions.\n"
" \"txid\": \"transactionid\", (string) The transaction id.\n"
" \"coinbase\": \"coinbase\", (string) Coinbase transaction, true or false\n"
" \"category\": \"category\", (string) orphan (coinbase), immature (coinbase), generate (coinbase), regular\n"
" \"blockhash\": \"hashvalue\", (string) The block hash containing the transaction\n"
" \"blockindex\": n, (numeric) The block index containing the transaction\n"
" \"blocktime\": n, (numeric) The block time in seconds of the block containing the transaction, 0 for unconfirmed transactions\n"
" \"expiryheight\": n, (numeric) The expiry height of the transaction\n"
" \"confirmations\": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction\n"
" \"time\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds of the transaction\n"
" \"size\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"walletconflicts\": [conflicts], An array of wallet conflicts\n"
" \"recieved\": { A list of receives from the transaction\n"
" \"transparentReceived\": [{ An Array of txos received for transparent addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"zeroaddress\", (string) Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\": \"script\", (string) Script for the transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being received " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", positive for receives\n"
" \"vout\": : n, (numeric) the vout value\n"
" }],\n"
" \"saplingReceived\": [{ An Array of utxos/notes received for sapling addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"zeroaddress\", (string) Shielded address (z-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being received " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", positive for receives\n"
" \"sheildedOutputIndex\": n, (numeric) The index of the ShieledOutput\n"
" \"change\": true/false (string) The note is change. This can result from sending funds\n"
" to the same address they came from, or incomplete useage\n"
" resulting in the remainder of the note used being sent back to the\n"
" same z-address.\n"
" }],\n"
" },\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("z_listreceivedbyaddress", "R...")
+ HelpExampleRpc("z_listreceivedbyaddress", "R...")
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
//param values`
int64_t nMinConfirms = 0;
int64_t nFilterType = 0;
int64_t nFilter = 999999;
int64_t nCount = 9999999;
if (params.size() >= 2)
nMinConfirms = params[1].get_int64();
if (params.size() >= 4) {
nFilterType = params[2].get_int64();
nFilter = params[3].get_int64();
if (params.size() == 5) {
nCount = params[4].get_int64();
if (nMinConfirms < 0)
throw runtime_error("Minimum confimations must be greater that 0");
if (nFilterType < 0 || nFilterType > 2)
throw runtime_error("Filter type must be 0, 1 or 2.");
if (nFilter < 0)
throw runtime_error("Filter must be greater that 0.");
//Created Ordered Transaction Map
map<int64_t,CWalletTx> orderedTxs;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
orderedTxs.insert(std::pair<int64_t,CWalletTx>(wtx.nOrderPos, wtx));
uint64_t t = GetTime();
//Reverse Iterate thru transactions
for (map<int64_t,CWalletTx>::reverse_iterator it = orderedTxs.rbegin(); it != orderedTxs.rend(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
bool includeTransaction = true;
//Excude transactions with less confirmations than required
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < nMinConfirms) {
includeTransaction = false;
//Exclude Transactions older that max days old
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > 0) {
if (nFilterType == 1 && mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->GetBlockTime() < (t - (nFilter * 60 * 60 * 24))) {
includeTransaction = false;
//Exclude transactions with greater than max confirmations
if (nFilterType == 2 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > nFilter){
includeTransaction = false;
if (includeTransaction) {
zsWalletTxJSON(wtx, ret, params[0].get_str() , true, 2);
if (ret.size() > nCount) break;
return ret;
UniValue z_listsentbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp,const CPubKey&) {
if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp))
return NullUniValue;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 5 || params.size() == 3)
throw runtime_error(
"\nReturns decrypted Hush outputs sent to a single address.\n"
"This function only returns information on addresses sent from wallet addresses with full spending keys."
"1. \"hushaddress:\" (string, required) \n"
"2. \"Minimum Confimations:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
"3. \"Filter Type:\" (numeric, optional, default=0) \n"
" Value of 0: Returns all transactions in the wallet\n"
" Value of 1: Returns the last x days of transactions\n"
" Value of 2: Returns transactions with confimations less than x\n"
"4. \"Filter:\" (numeric, optional, default=999999) \n"
" Filter Type equal 0: paramater ignored\n"
" Filter Type equal 1: number represents the number of days returned\n"
" Filter Type equal 2: number represents the max confirmations for transaction to be returned\n"
"5. \"Count:\" (numeric, optional, default=9999999) \n"
" Last n number of transactions returned\n"
"Default Parameters:\n"
"2. 0 - O confimations required\n"
"3. 0 - Returns all transactions\n"
"4. 9999999 - Ignored\n"
"5. 9999999 - Return the last 9,999,999 transactions.\n"
" \"txid\": \"transactionid\", (string) The transaction id.\n"
" \"coinbase\": \"coinbase\", (string) Coinbase transaction, true or false\n"
" \"category\": \"category\", (string) orphan (coinbase), immature (coinbase), generate (coinbase), regular\n"
" \"blockhash\": \"hashvalue\", (string) The block hash containing the transaction\n"
" \"blockindex\": n, (numeric) The block index containing the transaction\n"
" \"blocktime\": n, (numeric) The block time in seconds of the block containing the transaction, 0 for unconfirmed transactions\n"
" \"expiryheight\": n, (numeric) The expiry height of the transaction\n"
" \"confirmations\": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction\n"
" \"time\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds of the transaction\n"
" \"size\": xxx, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"walletconflicts\": [conflicts], An array of wallet conflicts\n"
" \"sends\": { A list of outputs of where funds were sent to in the transaction,\n"
" only available if the transaction has valid sends (inputs) belonging to the wallet\n"
" \"transparentSends\": [{ An Array of spends (outputs) for transparent addresses of the receipient\n"
" \"address\": \"hushaddress\", (string) Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\": \"script\", (string) Script for the Hush transparent address (t-address)\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being sent " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", negative for sends\n"
" \"vout\": : n, (numeric) the vout value\n"
" }],\n"
" \"saplingSends\": [{ An Array of spends (outputs) for sapling addresses\n"
" \"address\": \"hushaddress\", (string) Hush sapling address (z-address) of the receipient\n"
" \"amount\": x.xxxx, (numeric) Value of output being sent" + CURRENCY_UNIT + ", negative for sends\n"
" \"memo\": xxxxx, (string) hexademical string representation of memo field\n"
" \"memoStr\" : \"memo\", (string) Only returned if memo contains valid UTF-8 text.\n"
" \"shieldedOutputIndex\": n, (numeric) The index of the ShieledOutput\n"
" \"change\": true/false (string) The note is change. This can result from sending funds\n"
" to the same address they came from, or incomplete useage\n"
" resulting in the remainder of the note used being sent back to the\n"
" same z-address.\n"
" }],\n"
" \"missingSaplingOVK\": true/false (string) True if the sapling outputs are not decryptable\n"
" }\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("z_listsentbyaddress", "t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL")
+ HelpExampleRpc("z_listsentbyaddress", "t1KzZ5n2TPEGYXTZ3WYGL1AYEumEQaRoHaL")
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
//param values`
int64_t nMinConfirms = 0;
int64_t nFilterType = 0;
int64_t nFilter = 9999999;
int64_t nCount = 9999999;
if (params.size() >= 2)
nMinConfirms = params[1].get_int64();
if (params.size() >= 4) {
nFilterType = params[2].get_int64();
nFilter = params[3].get_int64();
if (params.size() == 5) {
nCount = params[4].get_int64();
if (nMinConfirms < 0)
throw runtime_error("Minimum confimations must be greater that 0");
if (nFilterType < 0 || nFilterType > 2)
throw runtime_error("Filter type must be 0, 1 or 2.");
if (nFilter < 0)
throw runtime_error("Filter must be greater that 0.");
//Created Ordered Transaction Map
map<int64_t,CWalletTx> orderedTxs;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
orderedTxs.insert(std::pair<int64_t,CWalletTx>(wtx.nOrderPos, wtx));
uint64_t t = GetTime();
//Reverse Iterate thru transactions
for (map<int64_t,CWalletTx>::reverse_iterator it = orderedTxs.rbegin(); it != orderedTxs.rend(); ++it) {
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (!CheckFinalTx(wtx))
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < 0)
if (wtx.mapSaplingNoteData.size() == 0 && !wtx.IsTrusted())
//Excude transactions with less confirmations than required
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() < nMinConfirms)
//Exclude Transactions older that max days old
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > 0 && nFilterType == 1 && mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->GetBlockTime() < (t - (nFilter * 60 * 60 * 24)))
//Exclude transactions with greater than max confirmations
if (nFilterType == 2 && wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() > nFilter)
zsWalletTxJSON(wtx, ret, "*", false, 0);
if (ret.size() >= nCount) break;
vector<UniValue> arrTmp = ret.getValues();
std::reverse(arrTmp.begin(), arrTmp.end()); // Return oldest to newest
return ret;
UniValue z_listunspent(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk)
@ -3953,6 +4249,15 @@ UniValue z_listreceivedbyaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubK
obj.push_back(Pair("txid", entry.op.hash.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(CAmount(entry.note.value()))));
obj.push_back(Pair("memo", HexStr(entry.memo)));
// give a string representation if valid utf8
auto memo = entry.memo;
if (memo[0] <= 0xf4) {
auto end = std::find_if(memo.rbegin(), memo.rend(), [](unsigned char v) { return v != 0; });
std::string memoStr(memo.begin(), end.base());
if (utf8::is_valid(memoStr)) {
obj.push_back(Pair("memoStr", memoStr));
obj.push_back(Pair("outindex", (int)entry.op.n));
obj.push_back(Pair("rawconfirmations", entry.confirmations));
obj.push_back(Pair("confirmations", dpowconfs));
@ -8188,6 +8493,7 @@ static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ "disclosure", "z_validatepaymentdisclosure", &z_validatepaymentdisclosure, true }
void RegisterWalletRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
