#!/bin/bash set -e -o pipefail CURDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) # Get BUILDDIR and REAL_BITCOIND . "${CURDIR}/tests-config.sh" export BITCOINCLI=${BUILDDIR}/qa/pull-tester/run-bitcoin-cli export BITCOIND=${REAL_BITCOIND} #Run the tests # FAUCET test should be permanently first!!! testScripts=( 'cryptoconditions_faucet.py' 'cryptoconditions_dice.py' 'cryptoconditions_oracles.py' 'cryptoconditions_rewards.py' 'cryptoconditions_token.py' #'cryptoconditions_gateways.py' 'cryptoconditions_heir.py' # TODO: cant reconnect nodes back in channels test because of crash (seems regtest only specific) 'cryptoconditions_channels.py' ); extArg="-extended" passOn=${@#$extArg} successCount=0 declare -a failures function runTestScript { local testName="$1" shift echo -e "=== Running testscript ${testName} ===" if eval "$@" then successCount=$(expr $successCount + 1) echo "--- Success: ${testName} ---" else failures[${#failures[@]}]="$testName" echo "!!! FAIL: ${testName} !!!" fi echo } if [ "x${ENABLE_BITCOIND}${ENABLE_UTILS}${ENABLE_WALLET}" = "x111" ]; then for (( i = 0; i < ${#testScripts[@]}; i++ )) do if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "${1:0:1}" == "-" ] || [ "$1" == "${testScripts[$i]}" ] || [ "$1.py" == "${testScripts[$i]}" ] then runTestScript \ "${testScripts[$i]}" \ "${BUILDDIR}/qa/rpc-tests/${testScripts[$i]}" \ --srcdir "${BUILDDIR}/src" ${passOn} fi done for (( i = 0; i < ${#testScriptsExt[@]}; i++ )) do if [ "$1" == $extArg ] || [ "$1" == "${testScriptsExt[$i]}" ] || [ "$1.py" == "${testScriptsExt[$i]}" ] then runTestScript \ "${testScriptsExt[$i]}" \ "${BUILDDIR}/qa/rpc-tests/${testScriptsExt[$i]}" \ --srcdir "${BUILDDIR}/src" ${passOn} fi done echo -e "\n\nTests completed: $(expr $successCount + ${#failures[@]})" echo "successes $successCount; failures: ${#failures[@]}" if [ ${#failures[@]} -gt 0 ] then echo -e "\nFailing tests: ${failures[*]}" exit 1 else exit 0 fi else echo "No rpc tests to run. Wallet, utils, and bitcoind must all be enabled" fi