# Hush Arrakis Chains An overview of HSCs can be found here: https://git.hush.is/hush/hush-smart-chains Hush Arrakis Chains allow you to create a privacy coin with no custom C++ code, just running one command! The new coin that is created can use either Equihash PoW (ASIC or GPU) or RandomX PoW (CPU). ## HSC Creator https://git.hush.is/hush/hsc-creator with its site https://hush.is/hsc-creator ## HSC HOWTO https://git.hush.is/onryo/hush-arrakis-chain-how-to ## HSC CLI https://git.hush.is/jahway603/hsc-cli ## RandomX for HSCs Detailed docs on how to use RandomX Proof-of-Work is here: https://git.hush.is/hush/hush3/src/branch/dev/doc/randomx.md