#!/usr/bin/env python3 import platform import os import re import json import random import base58 import binascii import hashlib import sys import time from slickrpc import Proxy # fucntion to define rpc_connection def def_credentials(chain): rpcport = ''; operating_system = platform.system() if operating_system == 'Darwin': ac_dir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Library/Application Support/Hush' elif operating_system == 'Linux': ac_dir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.hush' elif operating_system == 'Windows': ac_dir = '%s/hush/' % os.environ['APPDATA'] coin_config_file = str(ac_dir + '/' + chain + '/' + chain + '.conf') with open(coin_config_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: l = line.rstrip() if re.search('rpcuser', l): rpcuser = l.replace('rpcuser=', '') elif re.search('rpcpassword', l): rpcpassword = l.replace('rpcpassword=', '') elif re.search('rpcport', l): rpcport = l.replace('rpcport=', '') if len(rpcport) == 0: if chain == 'HUSH3': rpcport = 18031 else: print("rpcport not in conf file, exiting") print("check " + coin_config_file) exit(1) return (Proxy("http://%s:%s@" % (rpcuser, rpcpassword, int(rpcport)))) # generate address, validate address, dump private key def genvaldump(rpc_connection): # get new address address = rpc_connection.getnewaddress() # validate address validateaddress_result = rpc_connection.validateaddress(address) pubkey = validateaddress_result['pubkey'] address = validateaddress_result['address'] # dump private key for the address privkey = rpc_connection.dumpprivkey(address) # function output output = [pubkey, privkey, address] return(output) CHAIN = 'MUSIG' #sys.argv[1] rpc = def_credentials(CHAIN) pubkeys = [] address_info = [] ret = input('Do you want to generate new pubkeys? ').lower() if ret.startswith('y'): numpks = int(input('Enter number of pubkeys to combine: ')) if os.path.isfile("list.json"): print('Already have list.json, move it if you would like to generate a new set.') sys.exit(0) while len(address_info) < numpks: addressinfo = genvaldump(rpc) address_info.append(addressinfo) f = open("list.json", "w+") f.write(json.dumps(address_info)) else: if os.path.isfile("list.json"): with open('list.json') as list: address_info = json.load(list) else: sys.exit('No list.json you need to create new pubkeys!') for addressinfo in address_info: pubkeys.append(addressinfo[0]) ret = rpc.setpubkey(pubkeys[0]) ret = rpc.cclib("combine", "18", str(pubkeys)) pkhash = str(ret['pkhash']) combinedpk = str(ret['combined_pk']) print('Your combined pubkey is: ' + combinedpk) print('Your pkhash is: ' + pkhash) amount = float(input('Enter amount to send: ')) if amount == 0: sys.exit('Cannot send 0 coins. Exiting.') tmp = str([combinedpk, amount]) hex = rpc.cclib("send", "18", tmp)['hex'] senttxid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(hex) print('Your senttxid is: ' + senttxid) print("Waiting for tx to be confirmed") while True: confirmed = int(rpc.gettransaction(senttxid)["confirmations"]) if not confirmed: time.sleep(10) else: print('SentTX confirmed') break scriptPubKey = rpc.getrawtransaction(senttxid,1)['vout'][1]['scriptPubKey']['hex'] print('Your scriptPubKey is: ' + scriptPubKey) tmp = str([senttxid, scriptPubKey]) msg = rpc.cclib("calcmsg", "18", tmp)['msg'] print('Your msg is: ' + msg) i = 0; commitments = [] for pubkey in pubkeys: ret = rpc.setpubkey(pubkey) tmp = str([i, len(pubkeys), combinedpk, pkhash, msg, i]) commitments.append(rpc.cclib("session", "18", tmp)['commitment']) i = i + 1 print("Created commitments sucessfully... Sending to all signers.") i = 0 nonces = [] for pubkey in pubkeys: ret = rpc.setpubkey(pubkey) n = 0 for commitment in commitments: tmp = str([pkhash, n, commitment, i]) ret = rpc.cclib("commit", "18", tmp) try: nonces.append(ret['nonce']) except: x = 1 n = n + 1 i = i + 1 print("Created nounce's sucessfully... Sending to all signers.") i = 0 partialsigs = [] for pubkey in pubkeys: ret = rpc.setpubkey(pubkey) n = 0 for nonce in nonces: tmp = str([pkhash, n, nonce, i]) ret = rpc.cclib("nonce", "18", tmp) try: partialsigs.append(ret['partialsig']) except: x = 1 n = n + 1 i = i + 1 print("Created partial sigs sucessfully... Sending to all signers.") i = 0 combinedsigs = [] for pubkey in pubkeys: ret = rpc.setpubkey(pubkey) n = 0 for partialsig in partialsigs: tmp = str([pkhash, n, partialsig, i]) ret = rpc.cclib("partialsig", "18", tmp) try: combinedsigs.append(ret['combinedsig']) except: x = 1 n = n + 1 i = i + 1 print("Created combined sigs sucessfully... Verifying.") tmp = str([msg, combinedpk, combinedsigs[0]]) ret = rpc.cclib("verify", "18", tmp) if ret['result'] != "success": print(ret) sys.exit('Could not verify signature.') print('Verified... Attempting to send.') tmp = str([senttxid, scriptPubKey, combinedsigs[0]]) ret = rpc.cclib("spend", "18", tmp) if ret['result'] != "success": print(ret) sys.exit('Could not create spend transaction.') try: ret = rpc.sendrawtransaction(ret['hex']) except: sys.exit('Could not send transaction.') print('Spent txid: ' + ret)