#!/usr/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html # This script makes the neccesary transactions to migrate # coin between 2 assetchains on the same -ac_cc id set -e source=DERPZ target=DERPZ000 address="Rxxx" amount=1 # Alias for running cli on source chain cli_source="hush-cli -ac_name=$source" # Raw tx that we will work with txraw=`$cli_source createrawtransaction "[]" "{\"$address\":$amount}"` # Convert to an export tx exportData=`$cli_source migrate_converttoexport $txraw $target $amount` exportRaw=`echo $exportData | jq -r .exportTx` exportPayouts=`echo $exportData | jq -r .payouts` # Fund exportFundedData=`$cli_source fundrawtransaction $exportRaw` exportFundedTx=`echo $exportFundedData | jq -r .hex` # Sign exportSignedData=`$cli_source signrawtransaction $exportFundedTx` exportSignedTx=`echo $exportSignedData | jq -r .hex` # Send echo "Sending export tx" $cli_source sendrawtransaction $exportSignedTx read -p "Wait for a notarization to HUSH, and then two more notarizations from the target chain, and then press enter to continue" # Create import importTx=`$cli_source migrate_createimporttransaction $exportSignedTx $payouts` importTx=`hush-cli migrate_completeimporttransaction $importTx` # Send import hush-cli -ac_name=$target sendrawtransaction $importTx