/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "komodo_defs.h" #include "uthash.h" #include "utlist.h" /*#ifdef _WIN32 #define PACKED #else #define PACKED __attribute__((packed)) #endif*/ #ifndef KOMODO_STRUCTS_H #define KOMODO_STRUCTS_H #define GENESIS_NBITS 0x1f00ffff #define KOMODO_MINRATIFY ((height < 90000) ? 7 : 11) #define KOMODO_NOTARIES_HARDCODED 180000 // DONT CHANGE #define KOMODO_MAXBLOCKS 250000 // DONT CHANGE #define KOMODO_EVENT_RATIFY 'P' #define KOMODO_EVENT_NOTARIZED 'N' #define KOMODO_EVENT_KMDHEIGHT 'K' #define KOMODO_EVENT_REWIND 'B' #define KOMODO_EVENT_PRICEFEED 'V' #define KOMODO_EVENT_OPRETURN 'R' #define KOMODO_OPRETURN_DEPOSIT 'D' #define KOMODO_OPRETURN_ISSUED 'I' // assetchain #define KOMODO_OPRETURN_WITHDRAW 'W' // assetchain #define KOMODO_OPRETURN_REDEEMED 'X' #define KOMODO_KVPROTECTED 1 #define KOMODO_KVBINARY 2 #define KOMODO_KVDURATION 1440 #define KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN 65 #ifndef _BITS256 #define _BITS256 union _bits256 { uint8_t bytes[32]; uint16_t ushorts[16]; uint32_t uints[8]; uint64_t ulongs[4]; uint64_t txid; }; typedef union _bits256 bits256; #endif union _bits320 { uint8_t bytes[40]; uint16_t ushorts[20]; uint32_t uints[10]; uint64_t ulongs[5]; uint64_t txid; }; typedef union _bits320 bits320; struct komodo_kv { UT_hash_handle hh; bits256 pubkey; uint8_t *key,*value; int32_t height; uint32_t flags; uint16_t keylen,valuesize; }; struct komodo_event_notarized { uint256 blockhash,desttxid,MoM; int32_t notarizedheight,MoMdepth; char dest[16]; }; struct komodo_event_pubkeys { uint8_t num; uint8_t pubkeys[64][33]; }; struct komodo_event_opreturn { uint256 txid; uint64_t value; uint16_t vout,oplen; uint8_t opret[]; }; struct komodo_event_pricefeed { uint8_t num; uint32_t prices[35]; }; struct komodo_event { struct komodo_event *related; uint16_t len; int32_t height; uint8_t type,reorged; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint8_t space[]; }; struct pax_transaction { UT_hash_handle hh; uint256 txid; uint64_t komodoshis,fiatoshis,validated; int32_t marked,height,otherheight,approved,didstats,ready; uint16_t vout; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],source[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],coinaddr[64]; uint8_t rmd160[20],type,buf[35]; }; struct knotary_entry { UT_hash_handle hh; uint8_t pubkey[33],notaryid; }; struct knotaries_entry { int32_t height,numnotaries; struct knotary_entry *Notaries; }; struct notarized_checkpoint { uint256 notarized_hash,notarized_desttxid,MoM,MoMoM; int32_t nHeight,notarized_height,MoMdepth,MoMoMdepth,MoMoMoffset,kmdstarti,kmdendi; }; struct komodo_ccdataMoM { uint256 MoM; int32_t MoMdepth,notarized_height,height,txi; }; struct komodo_ccdata_entry { uint256 MoM; int32_t notarized_height,kmdheight,txi; char symbol[65]; }; struct komodo_ccdatapair { int32_t notarized_height,MoMoMoffset; }; struct komodo_ccdataMoMoM { uint256 MoMoM; int32_t kmdstarti,kmdendi,MoMoMoffset,MoMoMdepth,numpairs,len; struct komodo_ccdatapair *pairs; }; struct komodo_ccdata { struct komodo_ccdata *next,*prev; struct komodo_ccdataMoM MoMdata; uint32_t CCid,len; char symbol[65]; }; struct komodo_state { uint256 NOTARIZED_HASH,NOTARIZED_DESTTXID,MoM; int32_t SAVEDHEIGHT,CURRENT_HEIGHT,NOTARIZED_HEIGHT,MoMdepth; uint32_t SAVEDTIMESTAMP; uint64_t deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,shorted; struct notarized_checkpoint *NPOINTS; int32_t NUM_NPOINTS,last_NPOINTSi; struct komodo_event **Komodo_events; int32_t Komodo_numevents; uint32_t RTbufs[64][3]; uint64_t RTmask; }; #endif /* KOMODO_STRUCTS_H */