// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2020 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "cJSON.c" bits256 zeroid; int32_t unstringbits(char *buf,uint64_t bits) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<8; i++,bits>>=8) if ( (buf[i]= (char)(bits & 0xff)) == 0 ) break; buf[i] = 0; return(i); } uint64_t stringbits(char *str) { uint64_t bits = 0; if ( str == 0 ) return(0); int32_t i,n = (int32_t)strlen(str); if ( n > 8 ) n = 8; for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) bits = (bits << 8) | (str[i] & 0xff); //printf("(%s) -> %llx %llu\n",str,(long long)bits,(long long)bits); return(bits); } char hexbyte(int32_t c) { c &= 0xf; if ( c < 10 ) return('0'+c); else if ( c < 16 ) return('a'+c-10); else return(0); } int32_t _unhex(char c) { if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) return(c - '0'); else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) return(c - 'a' + 10); else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) return(c - 'A' + 10); return(-1); } int32_t is_hexstr(char *str,int32_t n) { int32_t i; if ( str == 0 || str[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) { if ( n > 0 && i >= n ) break; if ( _unhex(str[i]) < 0 ) break; } if ( n == 0 ) return(i); return(i == n); } int32_t unhex(char c) { int32_t hex; if ( (hex= _unhex(c)) < 0 ) { //printf("unhex: illegal hexchar.(%c)\n",c); } return(hex); } unsigned char _decode_hex(char *hex) { return((unhex(hex[0])<<4) | unhex(hex[1])); } int32_t decode_hex(unsigned char *bytes,int32_t n,char *hex) { int32_t adjust,i = 0; //printf("decode.(%s)\n",hex); if ( is_hexstr(hex,n) <= 0 ) { memset(bytes,0,n); return(n); } if ( hex[n-1] == '\n' || hex[n-1] == '\r' ) hex[--n] = 0; if ( hex[n-1] == '\n' || hex[n-1] == '\r' ) hex[--n] = 0; if ( n == 0 || (hex[n*2+1] == 0 && hex[n*2] != 0) ) { if ( n > 0 ) { bytes[0] = unhex(hex[0]); printf("decode_hex n.%d hex[0] (%c) -> %d hex.(%s) [n*2+1: %d] [n*2: %d %c] len.%ld\n",n,hex[0],bytes[0],hex,hex[n*2+1],hex[n*2],hex[n*2],(long)strlen(hex)); } bytes++; hex++; adjust = 1; } else adjust = 0; if ( n > 0 ) { for (i=0; i>4) & 0xf); hexbytes[i*2 + 1] = hexbyte(message[i] & 0xf); //printf("i.%d (%02x) [%c%c]\n",i,message[i],hexbytes[i*2],hexbytes[i*2+1]); } hexbytes[len*2] = 0; //printf("len.%ld\n",len*2+1); return((int32_t)len*2+1); } long _stripwhite(char *buf,int accept) { int32_t i,j,c; if ( buf == 0 || buf[0] == 0 ) return(0); for (i=j=0; buf[i]!=0; i++) { buf[j] = c = buf[i]; if ( c == accept || (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t' && c != '\b') ) j++; } buf[j] = 0; return(j); } char *clonestr(char *str) { char *clone; if ( str == 0 || str[0]==0) { printf("warning cloning nullstr.%p\n",str); //#ifdef __APPLE__ // while ( 1 ) sleep(1); //#endif str = (char *)""; } clone = (char *)malloc(strlen(str)+16); strcpy(clone,str); return(clone); } int32_t safecopy(char *dest,char *src,long len) { int32_t i = -1; if ( src != 0 && dest != 0 && src != dest ) { if ( dest != 0 ) memset(dest,0,len); for (i=0; i0; i--) str[i] = str[i-1]; str[0] = '/'; str[n+1] = 0; }*/ #endif return(str); #endif } void *loadfile(char *fname,uint8_t **bufp,long *lenp,long *allocsizep) { FILE *fp; long filesize,buflen = *allocsizep; uint8_t *buf = *bufp; *lenp = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(portable_path(fname),"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(fp); if ( filesize == 0 ) { fclose(fp); *lenp = 0; //printf("loadfile null size.(%s)\n",fname); return(0); } if ( filesize > buflen ) { *allocsizep = filesize; *bufp = buf = (uint8_t *)realloc(buf,(long)*allocsizep+64); } rewind(fp); if ( buf == 0 ) printf("Null buf ???\n"); else { if ( fread(buf,1,(long)filesize,fp) != (unsigned long)filesize ) printf("error reading filesize.%ld\n",(long)filesize); buf[filesize] = 0; } fclose(fp); *lenp = filesize; //printf("loaded.(%s)\n",buf); } //else printf("OS_loadfile couldnt load.(%s)\n",fname); return(buf); } void *filestr(long *allocsizep,char *_fname) { long filesize = 0; char *fname,*buf = 0; void *retptr; *allocsizep = 0; fname = malloc(strlen(_fname)+1); strcpy(fname,_fname); retptr = loadfile(fname,(uint8_t **)&buf,&filesize,allocsizep); free(fname); return(retptr); } char *send_curl(char *url,char *fname) { long fsize; char curlstr[1024]; sprintf(curlstr,"curl --url \"%s\" > %s",url,fname); system(curlstr); return(filestr(&fsize,fname)); } cJSON *get_urljson(char *url,char *fname) { char *jsonstr; cJSON *json = 0; if ( (jsonstr= send_curl(url,fname)) != 0 ) { //printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",url,jsonstr); json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } return(json); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // start of dapp ////////////////////////////////////////////// int md_unlink(char *file) { #ifdef _WIN32 _chmod(file, 0600); return( _unlink(file) ); #else return(unlink(file)); #endif } char *REFCOIN_CLI,DPOW_pubkeystr[67],DPOW_secpkeystr[67],DPOW_handle[67],DPOW_recvaddr[64],DPOW_recvZaddr[128]; cJSON *get_hushcli(char *refcoin,char **retstrp,char *acname,char *method,char *arg0,char *arg1,char *arg2,char *arg3,char *arg4,char *arg5,char *arg6) { long fsize; cJSON *retjson = 0; char cmdstr[32768],*jsonstr,fname[32768]; sprintf(fname,"/tmp/notarizer_%s_%d",method,(rand() >> 17) % 10000); if ( acname[0] != 0 ) { if ( refcoin[0] != 0 && strcmp(refcoin,"HUSH3") != 0 && strcmp(refcoin,acname) != 0 ) printf("unexpected: refcoin.(%s) acname.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname); sprintf(cmdstr,"hush-arrakis-chain -ac_name=%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s > %s\n",acname,method,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,fname); } else if ( strcmp(refcoin,"HUSH3") == 0 ) sprintf(cmdstr,"hush-cli %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s > %s\n",method,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,fname); else if ( REFCOIN_CLI != 0 && REFCOIN_CLI[0] != 0 ) { sprintf(cmdstr,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s > %s\n",REFCOIN_CLI,method,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,fname); //printf("ref.(%s) REFCOIN_CLI (%s)\n",refcoin,cmdstr); } //fprintf(stderr,"system(%s)\n",cmdstr); system(cmdstr); *retstrp = 0; if ( (jsonstr= filestr(&fsize,fname)) != 0 ) { jsonstr[strlen(jsonstr)-1]='\0'; //fprintf(stderr,"%s -> jsonstr.(%s)\n",cmdstr,jsonstr); if ( (jsonstr[0] != '{' && jsonstr[0] != '[') || (retjson= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) == 0 ) *retstrp = jsonstr; else free(jsonstr); md_unlink(fname); } //else fprintf(stderr,"system(%s) -> NULL\n",cmdstr); return(retjson); } cJSON *hushdex_cli(char *clistr,char **retstrp,char *method,char *arg0,char *arg1,char *arg2,char *arg3,char *arg4,char *arg5,char *arg6) { long fsize; cJSON *retjson = 0; char cmdstr[32768],*jsonstr,fname[32768]; //TODO: fix this shitty insecure jl777 fucktwattery sprintf(fname,"/tmp/hushdex_%s_%d",method,(rand() >> 17) % 10000); sprintf(cmdstr,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s > %s\n",clistr,method,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,fname); //fprintf(stderr,"system(%s)\n",cmdstr); system(cmdstr); *retstrp = 0; if ( (jsonstr= filestr(&fsize,fname)) != 0 ) { jsonstr[strlen(jsonstr)-1]='\0'; //fprintf(stderr,"%s -> jsonstr.(%s)\n",cmdstr,jsonstr); if ( (jsonstr[0] != '{' && jsonstr[0] != '[') || (retjson= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) == 0 ) *retstrp = jsonstr; else free(jsonstr); md_unlink(fname); } //else fprintf(stderr,"system(%s) -> NULL\n",cmdstr); return(retjson); } bits256 hushbroadcast(char *refcoin,char *acname,cJSON *hexjson) { char *hexstr,*retstr,str[65]; cJSON *retjson; bits256 txid; memset(txid.bytes,0,sizeof(txid)); if ( (hexstr= jstr(hexjson,"hex")) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"sendrawtransaction",hexstr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"broadcast.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( strlen(retstr) >= 64 ) { retstr[64] = 0; decode_hex(txid.bytes,32,retstr); } fprintf(stderr,"broadcast %s txid.(%s)\n",strlen(acname)>0?acname:refcoin,bits256_str(str,txid)); free(retstr); } } return(txid); } bits256 sendtoaddress(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *destaddr,int64_t satoshis,char *oprethexstr) { char numstr[32],*retstr,str[65]; cJSON *retjson; bits256 txid; memset(txid.bytes,0,sizeof(txid)); sprintf(numstr,"%.8f",(double)satoshis/SATOSHIDEN); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"sendtoaddress",destaddr,numstr,"false","","",oprethexstr,"")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"unexpected sendrawtransaction json.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( strlen(retstr) >= 64 ) { retstr[64] = 0; decode_hex(txid.bytes,32,retstr); } fprintf(stderr,"sendtoaddress %s %.8f txid.(%s)\n",destaddr,(double)satoshis/SATOSHIDEN,bits256_str(str,txid)); free(retstr); } return(txid); } bits256 tokentransfer(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *tokenid,char *destpub,int64_t units) { char numstr[32],*retstr,str[65]; cJSON *retjson; bits256 txid; memset(txid.bytes,0,sizeof(txid)); sprintf(numstr,"%llu",(long long)units); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"tokentransfer",tokenid,destpub,numstr,"","","","")) != 0 ) { txid = hushbroadcast(refcoin,acname,retjson); fprintf(stderr,"tokentransfer returned (%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"tokentransfer.(%s) error.(%s)\n",acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(txid); } char *get_tokenaddress(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *tokenaddr) { char *retstr,*str; cJSON *retjson; tokenaddr[0] = 0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"tokenaddress","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { if ( (str= jstr(retjson,"myCCAddress(Tokens)")) != 0 ) { strcpy(tokenaddr,str); fprintf(stderr,"tokenaddress returned (%s)\n",tokenaddr); free_json(retjson); return(tokenaddr); } free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"tokentransfer.(%s) error.(%s)\n",acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } int64_t get_tokenbalance(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *tokenid) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,cmpstr[64]; int64_t amount=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"tokenbalance",tokenid,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { amount = j64bits(retjson,"balance"); fprintf(stderr,"tokenbalance %llu\n",(long long)amount); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { //printf("retstr %s -> %.8f\n",retstr,dstr(amount)); free(retstr); } return (amount); } cJSON *get_decodescript(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *script) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"decodescript",script,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_decodescript.(%s) error.(%s)\n",acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } char *get_createmultisig2(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *msigaddr,char *redeemscript,char *pubkeyA,char *pubkeyB) { //char para 2 '["02c3af47b51a506b08b4ededb156cb4c3f9db9e0ac7ad27b8623c08a056fdcc220", "038e61fbface549a850862f12ed99b7cbeef5c2bd2d8f1daddb34809416f0259e1"]' cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,*str,params[256]; int32_t height=0; msigaddr[0] = 0; redeemscript[0] = 0; sprintf(params,"'[\"%s\", \"%s\"]'",pubkeyA,pubkeyB); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"createmultisig","2",params,"","","","","")) != 0 ) { if ( (str= jstr(retjson,"address")) != 0 ) strcpy(msigaddr,str); if ( (str= jstr(retjson,"redeemScript")) != 0 ) strcpy(redeemscript,str); free_json(retjson); if ( msigaddr[0] != 0 && redeemscript[0] != 0 ) return(msigaddr); else return(0); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s get_createmultisig2.(%s) error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } int32_t get_coinheight(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 *blockhashp) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; int32_t height=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getblockchaininfo","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { height = jint(retjson,"blocks"); *blockhashp = jbits256(retjson,"bestblockhash"); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s get_coinheight.(%s) error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(height); } bits256 get_coinblockhash(char *refcoin,char *acname,int32_t height) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,heightstr[32]; bits256 hash; memset(hash.bytes,0,sizeof(hash)); sprintf(heightstr,"%d",height); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getblockhash",heightstr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"unexpected blockhash json.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( strlen(retstr) >= 64 ) { retstr[64] = 0; decode_hex(hash.bytes,32,retstr); } free(retstr); } return(hash); } bits256 get_coinmerkleroot(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 blockhash,uint32_t *blocktimep) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; bits256 merkleroot; memset(merkleroot.bytes,0,sizeof(merkleroot)); *blocktimep = 0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getblockheader",bits256_str(str,blockhash),"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { merkleroot = jbits256(retjson,"merkleroot"); *blocktimep = juint(retjson,"time"); //fprintf(stderr,"got merkleroot.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,merkleroot)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s %s get_coinmerkleroot error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(merkleroot); } uint32_t get_heighttime(char *refcoin,char *acname,int32_t height) { bits256 blockhash; uint32_t blocktime; blockhash = get_coinblockhash(refcoin,acname,height); get_coinmerkleroot(refcoin,acname,blockhash,&blocktime); return(blocktime); } int32_t get_coinheader(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 *blockhashp,bits256 *merklerootp,int32_t prevheight) { int32_t height = 0; char str[65]; bits256 bhash; uint32_t blocktime; if ( prevheight == 0 ) height = get_coinheight(refcoin,acname,&bhash) - 20; else height = prevheight + 1; if ( height > 0 ) { *blockhashp = get_coinblockhash(refcoin,acname,height); if ( bits256_nonz(*blockhashp) != 0 ) { *merklerootp = get_coinmerkleroot(refcoin,acname,*blockhashp,&blocktime); if ( bits256_nonz(*merklerootp) != 0 ) return(height); } } memset(blockhashp,0,sizeof(*blockhashp)); memset(merklerootp,0,sizeof(*merklerootp)); return(0); } cJSON *get_rawmempool(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getrawmempool","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { //printf("mempool.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_rawmempool.(%s) error.(%s)\n",acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *get_addressutxos(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *coinaddr) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,jsonbuf[256]; if ( refcoin[0] != 0 && strcmp(refcoin,"HUSH3") != 0 ) printf("warning: assumes %s has addressindex enabled\n",refcoin); sprintf(jsonbuf,"{\\\"addresses\\\":[\\\"%s\\\"]}",coinaddr); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getaddressutxos",jsonbuf,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { //printf("addressutxos.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_addressutxos.(%s) error.(%s)\n",acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *get_rawtransaction(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 txid) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getrawtransaction",bits256_str(str,txid),"1","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_rawtransaction.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *get_z_viewtransaction(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 txid) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_viewtransaction",bits256_str(str,txid),"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_z_viewtransaction.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *get_listunspent(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"listunspent","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_listunspent.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *get_getinfo(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getinfo","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_getinfo.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *z_listunspent(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_listunspent","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_listunspent.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *z_listoperationids(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65]; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_listoperationids","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_listoperationids.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *z_getoperationstatus(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *opid) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65],params[512]; sprintf(params,"'[\"%s\"]'",opid); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_getoperationstatus",params,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { //printf("got status (%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_getoperationstatus.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } cJSON *z_getoperationresult(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *opid) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,str[65],params[512]; sprintf(params,"'[\"%s\"]'",opid); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_getoperationresult",params,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { return(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_getoperationresult.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return(0); } int32_t validateaddress(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *depositaddr, char* compare) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; int32_t res=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"validateaddress",depositaddr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { if (is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,compare)) != 0 ) res=1; free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"validateaddress.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return (res); } int32_t z_validateaddress(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *depositaddr, char *compare) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; int32_t res=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_validateaddress",depositaddr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { if (is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,compare)) != 0 ) res=1; free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_validateaddress.(%s) %s error.(%s)\n",refcoin,acname,retstr); free(retstr); } return (res); } int64_t get_getbalance(char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,cmpstr[64]; int64_t amount=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getbalance","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"get_getbalance.(%s) %s returned json!\n",refcoin,acname); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { amount = atof(retstr) * SATOSHIDEN; sprintf(cmpstr,"%.8f",dstr(amount)); if ( strcmp(retstr,cmpstr) != 0 ) amount++; //printf("retstr %s -> %.8f\n",retstr,dstr(amount)); free(retstr); } return (amount); } int64_t z_getbalance(char *refcoin,char *acname,char *coinaddr) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,cmpstr[64]; int64_t amount=0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_getbalance",coinaddr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_getbalance.(%s) %s returned json!\n",refcoin,acname); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { amount = atof(retstr) * SATOSHIDEN; sprintf(cmpstr,"%.8f",dstr(amount)); if ( strcmp(retstr,cmpstr) != 0 ) amount++; //printf("retstr %s -> %.8f\n",retstr,dstr(amount)); free(retstr); } return (amount); } int32_t z_exportkey(char *privkey,char *refcoin,char *acname,char *zaddr) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,cmpstr[64]; int64_t amount=0; privkey[0] = 0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_exportkey",zaddr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_exportkey.(%s) %s returned json!\n",refcoin,acname); free_json(retjson); return(-1); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { //printf("retstr %s -> %.8f\n",retstr,dstr(amount)); strcpy(privkey,retstr); free(retstr); return(0); } return(-1); } int32_t getnewaddress(char *coinaddr,char *refcoin,char *acname) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; int64_t amount=0; int32_t retval = -1; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"getnewaddress","","","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"getnewaddress.(%s) %s returned json!\n",refcoin,acname); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { strcpy(coinaddr,retstr); free(retstr); retval = 0; } return(retval); } int32_t z_getnewaddress(char *coinaddr,char *refcoin,char *acname,char *typestr) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; int64_t amount=0; int32_t retval = -1; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(refcoin,&retstr,acname,"z_getnewaddress",typestr,"","","","","","")) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_getnewaddress.(%s) %s returned json!\n",refcoin,acname); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { strcpy(coinaddr,retstr); free(retstr); retval = 0; } return(retval); } int64_t find_onetime_amount(char *coinstr,char *coinaddr) { cJSON *array,*item; int32_t i,n; char *addr; int64_t amount = 0; coinaddr[0] = 0; if ( (array= get_listunspent(coinstr,"")) != 0 ) { //printf("got listunspent.(%s)\n",jprint(array,0)); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) { for (i=0; i %s\n",coinstr,acname,srcaddr,params); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(coinstr,&retstr,acname,"z_sendmany",addr,params,"","","","","")) != 0 ) { printf("unexpected json z_sendmany.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_sendmany.(%s) -> opid.(%s)\n",coinstr,retstr); strcpy(opidstr,retstr); free(retstr); retval = 0; } return(retval); } int32_t z_mergetoaddress(char *opidstr,char *coinstr,char *acname,char *destaddr) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr,addr[128],*opstr; int32_t retval = -1; sprintf(addr,"[\\\"ANY_SPROUT\\\"]"); if ( (retjson= get_hushcli(coinstr,&retstr,acname,"z_mergetoaddress",addr,destaddr,"","","","","")) != 0 ) { if ( (opstr= jstr(retjson,"opid")) != 0 ) strcpy(opidstr,opstr); retval = jint(retjson,"remainingNotes"); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else if ( retstr != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"z_mergetoaddress.(%s) -> opid.(%s)\n",coinstr,retstr); strcpy(opidstr,retstr); free(retstr); } return(retval); } int32_t empty_mempool(char *coinstr,char *acname) { cJSON *array; int32_t n; if ( (array= get_rawmempool(coinstr,acname)) != 0 ) { if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) return(0); free_json(array); return(1); } return(-1); } cJSON *getinputarray(int64_t *totalp,cJSON *unspents,int64_t required) { cJSON *vin,*item,*vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); int32_t i,n,v; int64_t satoshis; bits256 txid; *totalp = 0; if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(unspents)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i= required ) break; } } } return(vins); } int32_t tx_has_voutaddress(char *refcoin,char *acname,bits256 txid,char *coinaddr) { cJSON *txobj,*vouts,*vout,*vins,*vin,*sobj,*addresses; char *addr,str[65]; int32_t i,j,n,numarray,retval = 0, hasvout=0; if ( (txobj= get_rawtransaction(refcoin,acname,txid)) != 0 ) { if ( (vouts= jarray(&numarray,txobj,"vout")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) { for (j=0; j 0 && strcmp(vinaddr,cmpaddr) == 0 ) return(0); printf("mismatched vinaddr.(%s) vs %s\n",vinaddr,cmpaddr); } } return(-1); } int32_t txid_in_vins(char *refcoin,bits256 txid,bits256 cmptxid) { cJSON *txjson,*vins,*vin; int32_t numvins,v,vinvout; bits256 vintxid; char str[65]; if ( (txjson= get_rawtransaction(refcoin,"",txid)) != 0 ) { if ( (vins= jarray(&numvins,txjson,"vin")) != 0 ) { for (v=0; v n.%d retval.%d\n",tagA,tagB,pubkeystr,n,retval); } free_json(retjson); } return(retval); } int32_t dpow_hasmessage(char *payload,char *tagA,char *tagB,char *pubkeystr) { cJSON *retjson,*item,*array; char *retstr,*pstr; int32_t i,n,retval = 0; if ( (retjson= get_hushcli((char *)"",&retstr,DEXP2P_CHAIN,"DEX_list","0","0",tagA,tagB,pubkeystr,"","")) != 0 ) { if ( (array= jarray(&n,retjson,"matches")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) { ptrs = calloc(n,sizeof(*ptrs)); for (i=0; ishorthash = juint(item,"id"); ptrs[m]->jsonstr = ptr; strcpy(ptrs[m]->senderpub,senderpub); m++; } } } *nump = m; } free_json(retjson); } return(ptrs); }