#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2016-2024 The Hush developers # Released under the GPLv3 set -e set -x #hardcode and uncomment if hushd is not running on this machine #VERSION=3.6.3 VERSION=$(./src/hushd --version|grep version|cut -d' ' -f4|cut -d- -f1|sed 's/v//g') DIR="hush-$VERSION-linux-amd64" FILE="$DIR.tar" TIME=$(perl -e 'print time') if [ -d "build" ] then mv build build.$TIME echo "Moved existing build/ dir to build.$TIME" fi mkdir build BUILD="build/$DIR" mkdir $BUILD echo "Created new build dir $BUILD" cp contrib/asmap/asmap.dat $BUILD cp sapling*.params $BUILD cd src cp hushd hush-cli hush-tx hush-arrakis-chain dragonx-cli dragonxd ../$BUILD cd ../$BUILD strip hushd hush-cli hush-tx cd .. tar -f $FILE -c hush-$VERSION-linux-amd64/* gzip -9 $FILE sha256sum *.gz du -sh *.gz