/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef H_KOMODOKV_H #define H_KOMODOKV_H int32_t komodo_kvcmp(uint8_t *refvalue,uint16_t refvaluesize,uint8_t *value,uint16_t valuesize) { if ( refvalue == 0 && value == 0 ) return(0); else if ( refvalue == 0 || value == 0 ) return(-1); else if ( refvaluesize != valuesize ) return(-1); else return(memcmp(refvalue,value,valuesize)); } int32_t komodo_kvnumdays(uint32_t flags) { int32_t numdays; if ( (numdays= ((flags>>2)&0x3ff)+1) > 365 ) numdays = 365; return(numdays); } int32_t komodo_kvduration(uint32_t flags) { return(komodo_kvnumdays(flags) * KOMODO_KVDURATION); } uint64_t komodo_kvfee(uint32_t flags,int32_t opretlen,int32_t keylen) { int32_t numdays,k; uint64_t fee; if ( (k= keylen) > 32 ) k = 32; numdays = komodo_kvnumdays(flags); if ( (fee= (numdays*(opretlen * opretlen / k))) < 100000 ) fee = 100000; return(fee); } int32_t komodo_kvsearch(uint256 *pubkeyp,int32_t current_height,uint32_t *flagsp,int32_t *heightp,uint8_t value[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE],uint8_t *key,int32_t keylen) { struct komodo_kv *ptr; int32_t duration,retval = -1; *heightp = -1; *flagsp = 0; memset(pubkeyp,0,sizeof(*pubkeyp)); portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_KV_mutex); HASH_FIND(hh,KOMODO_KV,key,keylen,ptr); if ( ptr != 0 ) { duration = komodo_kvduration(ptr->flags); //printf("duration.%d flags.%d current.%d ht.%d keylen.%d valuesize.%d\n",duration,ptr->flags,current_height,ptr->height,ptr->keylen,ptr->valuesize); if ( current_height > (ptr->height + duration) ) { HASH_DELETE(hh,KOMODO_KV,ptr); if ( ptr->value != 0 ) free(ptr->value); if ( ptr->key != 0 ) free(ptr->key); free(ptr); } else { *heightp = ptr->height; *flagsp = ptr->flags; int32_t i; for (i=0; i<32; i++) { //printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&ptr->pubkey)[31-i]); ((uint8_t *)pubkeyp)[i] = ((uint8_t *)&ptr->pubkey)[31-i]; } //printf(" ptr->pubkey\n"); memcpy(pubkeyp,&ptr->pubkey,sizeof(*pubkeyp)); if ( (retval= ptr->valuesize) > 0 ) memcpy(value,ptr->value,retval); } } portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_KV_mutex); if ( retval < 0 ) { // search rawmempool } return(retval); } void komodo_kvupdate(uint8_t *opretbuf,int32_t opretlen,uint64_t value) { static uint256 zeroes; uint32_t flags; uint256 pubkey,refpubkey,sig; int32_t i,refvaluesize,hassig,coresize,haspubkey,height,kvheight; uint16_t keylen,valuesize,newflag = 0; uint8_t *key,*valueptr,keyvalue[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; struct komodo_kv *ptr; char *transferpubstr,*tstr; uint64_t fee; iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[1],sizeof(keylen),&keylen); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[3],sizeof(valuesize),&valuesize); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[5],sizeof(height),&height); iguana_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[9],sizeof(flags),&flags); key = &opretbuf[13]; if ( keylen+13 > opretlen ) { static uint32_t counter; if ( counter++ < 3 ) printf("komodo_kvupdate: keylen.%d + 13 > opretlen.%d, this can be ignored\n",keylen,opretlen); return; } valueptr = &key[keylen]; fee = komodo_kvfee(flags,opretlen,keylen); //printf("fee %.8f vs %.8f flags.%d keylen.%d valuesize.%d height.%d (%02x %02x %02x) (%02x %02x %02x)\n",(double)fee/COIN,(double)value/COIN,flags,keylen,valuesize,height,key[0],key[1],key[2],valueptr[0],valueptr[1],valueptr[2]); if ( value >= fee ) { coresize = (int32_t)(sizeof(flags)+sizeof(height)+sizeof(keylen)+sizeof(valuesize)+keylen+valuesize+1); if ( opretlen == coresize || opretlen == coresize+sizeof(uint256) || opretlen == coresize+2*sizeof(uint256) ) { memset(&pubkey,0,sizeof(pubkey)); memset(&sig,0,sizeof(sig)); if ( (haspubkey= (opretlen >= coresize+sizeof(uint256))) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&pubkey)[i] = opretbuf[coresize+i]; } if ( (hassig= (opretlen == coresize+sizeof(uint256)*2)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&sig)[i] = opretbuf[coresize+sizeof(uint256)+i]; } memcpy(keyvalue,key,keylen); if ( (refvaluesize= komodo_kvsearch((uint256 *)&refpubkey,height,&flags,&kvheight,&keyvalue[keylen],key,keylen)) >= 0 ) { if ( memcmp(&zeroes,&refpubkey,sizeof(refpubkey)) != 0 ) { if ( komodo_kvsigverify(keyvalue,keylen+refvaluesize,refpubkey,sig) < 0 ) { printf("komodo_kvsigverify error [%d]\n",coresize-13); return; } } } portable_mutex_lock(&KOMODO_KV_mutex); HASH_FIND(hh,KOMODO_KV,key,keylen,ptr); if ( ptr != 0 ) { //if ( (ptr->flags & KOMODO_KVPROTECTED) != 0 ) { tstr = (char *)"transfer:"; transferpubstr = (char *)&valueptr[strlen(tstr)]; if ( strncmp(tstr,(char *)valueptr,strlen(tstr)) == 0 && is_hexstr(transferpubstr,0) == 64 ) { printf("transfer.(%s) to [%s]? ishex.%d\n",key,transferpubstr,is_hexstr(transferpubstr,0)); for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&pubkey)[31-i] = _decode_hex(&transferpubstr[i*2]); } } } else if ( ptr == 0 ) { ptr = (struct komodo_kv *)calloc(1,sizeof(*ptr)); ptr->key = (uint8_t *)calloc(1,keylen); ptr->keylen = keylen; memcpy(ptr->key,key,keylen); newflag = 1; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,KOMODO_KV,ptr->key,ptr->keylen,ptr); //printf("KV add.(%s) (%s)\n",ptr->key,valueptr); } if ( newflag != 0 || (ptr->flags & KOMODO_KVPROTECTED) == 0 ) { if ( ptr->value != 0 ) free(ptr->value), ptr->value = 0; if ( (ptr->valuesize= valuesize) != 0 ) { ptr->value = (uint8_t *)calloc(1,valuesize); memcpy(ptr->value,valueptr,valuesize); } } /*for (i=0; i<32; i++) printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&ptr->pubkey)[i]); printf(" <- "); for (i=0; i<32; i++) printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&pubkey)[i]); printf(" new pubkey\n");*/ memcpy(&ptr->pubkey,&pubkey,sizeof(ptr->pubkey)); ptr->height = height; ptr->flags = flags | 1; portable_mutex_unlock(&KOMODO_KV_mutex); } //else printf("size mismatch %d vs %d\n",opretlen,coresize); } } #endif