#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Hush developers # Copyright (c) 2018 SuperNET developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html from test_framework.test_framework import CryptoconditionsTestFramework from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_greater_than, \ initialize_chain_clean, initialize_chain, start_nodes, start_node, connect_nodes_bi, \ stop_nodes, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, wait_bitcoinds, rpc_port, assert_raises from cryptoconditions import assert_success, assert_error, generate_random_string class CryptoconditionsTokenTest(CryptoconditionsTestFramework): def run_token_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] result = rpc.tokenaddress() assert_success(result) for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.tokenaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.assetsaddress() assert_success(result) for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.assetsaddress(self.pubkey) assert_success(result) for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # there are no tokens created yet result = rpc.tokenlist() assert_equal(result, []) # trying to create token with negative supply result = rpc.tokencreate("NUKE", "-1987420", "no bueno supply") assert_error(result) # creating token with name more than 32 chars result = rpc.tokencreate("NUKE123456789012345678901234567890", "1987420", "name too long") assert_error(result) # creating valid token result = rpc.tokencreate("DUKE", "1987.420", "Duke's custom token") assert_success(result) tokenid = self.send_and_mine(result['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenlist() assert_equal(result[0], tokenid) # there are no token orders yet result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # getting token balance for non existing tokenid result = rpc.tokenbalance(self.pubkey) assert_error(result) # get token balance for token with pubkey result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid, self.pubkey) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['balance'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) # get token balance for token without pubkey result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['balance'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) # this is not a valid assetid result = rpc.tokeninfo(self.pubkey) assert_error(result) # check tokeninfo for valid token result = rpc.tokeninfo(tokenid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['tokenid'], tokenid) assert_equal(result['owner'], self.pubkey) assert_equal(result['name'], "DUKE") assert_equal(result['supply'], 198742000000) assert_equal(result['description'], "Duke's custom token") # invalid numtokens ask result = rpc.tokenask("-1", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid numtokens ask result = rpc.tokenask("0", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid price ask result = rpc.tokenask("1", tokenid, "-1") assert_error(result) # invalid price ask result = rpc.tokenask("1", tokenid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid tokenid ask result = rpc.tokenask("100", "deadbeef", "1") assert_error(result) # valid ask tokenask = rpc.tokenask("100", tokenid, "7.77") tokenaskhex = tokenask['hex'] tokenaskid = self.send_and_mine(tokenask['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) order = result[0] assert order, "found order" # invalid ask fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid ask fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "-777") assert_error(result) # valid ask fillunits fillask = rpc.tokenfillask(tokenid, tokenaskid, "777") result = self.send_and_mine(fillask['hex'], rpc) txid = result[0] assert txid, "found txid" # should be no token orders result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # checking ask cancellation testorder = rpc.tokenask("100", tokenid, "7.77") testorderid = self.send_and_mine(testorder['hex'], rpc) # from other node (ensuring that second node have enough balance to cover txfee # to get the actual error - not "not enough balance" one rpc.sendtoaddress(rpc1.getnewaddress(), 1) rpc.sendtoaddress(rpc1.getnewaddress(), 1) rpc.generate(2) self.sync_all() result = rpc1.getbalance() assert_greater_than(result, 0.1) result = rpc1.tokencancelask(tokenid, testorderid) assert_error(result) # from valid node cancel = rpc.tokencancelask(tokenid, testorderid) self.send_and_mine(cancel["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # invalid numtokens bid result = rpc.tokenbid("-1", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid numtokens bid result = rpc.tokenbid("0", tokenid, "1") assert_error(result) # invalid price bid result = rpc.tokenbid("1", tokenid, "-1") assert_error(result) # invalid price bid result = rpc.tokenbid("1", tokenid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid tokenid bid result = rpc.tokenbid("100", "deadbeef", "1") assert_error(result) tokenbid = rpc.tokenbid("100", tokenid, "10") tokenbidhex = tokenbid['hex'] tokenbidid = self.send_and_mine(tokenbid['hex'], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) order = result[0] assert order, "found order" # invalid bid fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "0") assert_error(result) # invalid bid fillunits result = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "-777") assert_error(result) # valid bid fillunits fillbid = rpc.tokenfillbid(tokenid, tokenbidid, "1000") result = self.send_and_mine(fillbid['hex'], rpc) txid = result[0] assert txid, "found txid" # should be no token orders result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # checking bid cancellation testorder = rpc.tokenbid("100", tokenid, "7.77") testorderid = self.send_and_mine(testorder['hex'], rpc) # from other node result = rpc1.getbalance() assert_greater_than(result, 0.1) result = rpc1.tokencancelbid(tokenid, testorderid) assert_error(result) # from valid node cancel = rpc.tokencancelbid(tokenid, testorderid) self.send_and_mine(cancel["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenorders(tokenid) assert_equal(result, []) # invalid token transfer amount (have to add status to CC code!) randompubkey = "021a559101e355c907d9c553671044d619769a6e71d624f68bfec7d0afa6bd6a96" result = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"0") assert_error(result) # invalid token transfer amount (have to add status to CC code!) result = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"-1") assert_error(result) # valid token transfer sendtokens = rpc.tokentransfer(tokenid,randompubkey,"1") self.send_and_mine(sendtokens["hex"], rpc) result = rpc.tokenbalance(tokenid,randompubkey) assert_equal(result["balance"], 1) def run_test(self): print("Mining blocks...") rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] # utxos from block 1 become mature in block 101 if not self.options.noshutdown: rpc.generate(101) self.sync_all() rpc.getinfo() rpc1.getinfo() # this corresponds to -pubkey above print("Importing privkeys") rpc.importprivkey(self.privkey) rpc1.importprivkey(self.privkey1) self.run_token_tests() if __name__ == '__main__': CryptoconditionsTokenTest().main()