#include #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include #include #include "zcash/prf.h" #include "util.h" #include "streams.h" #include "version.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "primitives/transaction.h" #include "zcash/JoinSplit.hpp" #include "zcash/Note.hpp" #include "zcash/NoteEncryption.hpp" #include "zcash/IncrementalMerkleTree.hpp" #include using namespace libzcash; extern ZCJoinSplit* params; typedef std::array SproutProofs; // Make both the PHGR and Groth proof for a Sprout statement, // and store the results in JSDescription objects. SproutProofs makeSproutProofs( ZCJoinSplit& js, const std::array& inputs, const std::array& outputs, const uint256& joinSplitPubKey, uint64_t vpub_old, uint64_t vpub_new, const uint256& rt ){ //Making the PHGR proof JSDescription phgr(false, js, joinSplitPubKey, rt, inputs, outputs, vpub_old, vpub_new); //Making the Groth proof JSDescription groth(true, js, joinSplitPubKey, rt, inputs, outputs, vpub_old, vpub_new); return {phgr, groth}; } bool verifySproutProofs( ZCJoinSplit& js, const SproutProofs& jsdescs, const uint256& joinSplitPubKey ) { auto verifier = libzcash::ProofVerifier::Strict(); bool phgrPassed = jsdescs[0].Verify(js, verifier, joinSplitPubKey); bool grothPassed = jsdescs[1].Verify(js, verifier, joinSplitPubKey); return phgrPassed && grothPassed; } void test_full_api(ZCJoinSplit* js) { // Create verification context. auto verifier = libzcash::ProofVerifier::Strict(); // The recipient's information. SproutSpendingKey recipient_key = SproutSpendingKey::random(); SproutPaymentAddress recipient_addr = recipient_key.address(); // Create the commitment tree SproutMerkleTree tree; // Set up a JoinSplit description uint64_t vpub_old = 10; uint64_t vpub_new = 0; uint256 joinSplitPubKey = random_uint256(); uint256 rt = tree.root(); SproutProofs jsdescs; { std::array inputs = { JSInput(), // dummy input JSInput() // dummy input }; std::array outputs = { JSOutput(recipient_addr, 10), JSOutput() // dummy output }; std::array output_notes; // Perform the proofs jsdescs = makeSproutProofs( *js, inputs, outputs, joinSplitPubKey, vpub_old, vpub_new, rt ); } // Verify both PHGR and Groth Proof: ASSERT_TRUE(verifySproutProofs(*js, jsdescs, joinSplitPubKey)); // Run tests using both phgr and groth as basis for field values for (auto jsdesc : jsdescs) { SproutMerkleTree tree; SproutProofs jsdescs2; // Recipient should decrypt // Now the recipient should spend the money again auto h_sig = js->h_sig(jsdesc.randomSeed, jsdesc.nullifiers, joinSplitPubKey); ZCNoteDecryption decryptor(recipient_key.receiving_key()); auto note_pt = SproutNotePlaintext::decrypt( decryptor, jsdesc.ciphertexts[0], jsdesc.ephemeralKey, h_sig, 0 ); auto decrypted_note = note_pt.note(recipient_addr); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_note.value() == 10); // Insert the commitments from the last tx into the tree tree.append(jsdesc.commitments[0]); auto witness_recipient = tree.witness(); tree.append(jsdesc.commitments[1]); witness_recipient.append(jsdesc.commitments[1]); vpub_old = 0; vpub_new = 1; rt = tree.root(); auto joinSplitPubKey2 = random_uint256(); { std::array inputs = { JSInput(), // dummy input JSInput(witness_recipient, decrypted_note, recipient_key) }; SproutSpendingKey second_recipient = SproutSpendingKey::random(); SproutPaymentAddress second_addr = second_recipient.address(); std::array outputs = { JSOutput(second_addr, 9), JSOutput() // dummy output }; std::array output_notes; // Perform the proofs jsdescs2 = makeSproutProofs( *js, inputs, outputs, joinSplitPubKey2, vpub_old, vpub_new, rt ); } // Verify both PHGR and Groth Proof: ASSERT_TRUE(verifySproutProofs(*js, jsdescs2, joinSplitPubKey2)); } } // Invokes the API (but does not compute a proof) // to test exceptions void invokeAPI( ZCJoinSplit* js, const std::array& inputs, const std::array& outputs, uint64_t vpub_old, uint64_t vpub_new, const uint256& rt ) { uint256 ephemeralKey; uint256 randomSeed; uint256 joinSplitPubKey = random_uint256(); std::array macs; std::array nullifiers; std::array commitments; std::array ciphertexts; std::array output_notes; // PHGR SproutProof proof = js->prove( false, inputs, outputs, output_notes, ciphertexts, ephemeralKey, joinSplitPubKey, randomSeed, macs, nullifiers, commitments, vpub_old, vpub_new, rt, false ); // Groth proof = js->prove( true, inputs, outputs, output_notes, ciphertexts, ephemeralKey, joinSplitPubKey, randomSeed, macs, nullifiers, commitments, vpub_old, vpub_new, rt, false ); } void invokeAPIFailure( ZCJoinSplit* js, const std::array& inputs, const std::array& outputs, uint64_t vpub_old, uint64_t vpub_new, const uint256& rt, std::string reason ) { try { invokeAPI(js, inputs, outputs, vpub_old, vpub_new, rt); FAIL() << "It worked, when it shouldn't have!"; } catch(std::invalid_argument const & err) { EXPECT_EQ(err.what(), reason); } catch(...) { FAIL() << "Expected invalid_argument exception."; } } TEST(joinsplit, h_sig) { /* // by Taylor Hornby import pyblake2 import binascii def hSig(randomSeed, nf1, nf2, joinSplitPubKey): return pyblake2.blake2b( data=(randomSeed + nf1 + nf2 + joinSplitPubKey), digest_size=32, person=b"ZcashComputehSig" ).digest() INCREASING = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F" TEST_VECTORS = [ [b"a" * 32, b"b" * 32, b"c" * 32, b"d" * 32], [b"\x00" * 32, b"\x00" * 32, b"\x00" * 32, b"\x00" * 32], [b"\xFF" * 32, b"\xFF" * 32, b"\xFF" * 32, b"\xFF" * 32], [INCREASING, INCREASING, INCREASING, INCREASING] ] for test_input in TEST_VECTORS: print "---" print "\"" + binascii.hexlify(test_input[0][::-1]) + "\"" print "\"" + binascii.hexlify(test_input[1][::-1]) + "\"" print "\"" + binascii.hexlify(test_input[2][::-1]) + "\"" print "\"" + binascii.hexlify(test_input[3][::-1]) + "\"" print "\"" + binascii.hexlify(hSig(test_input[0], test_input[1], test_input[2], test_input[3])[::-1]) + "\"" */ std::vector> tests = { { "6161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161", "6262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262", "6363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363", "6464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464", "a8cba69f1fa329c055756b4af900f8a00b61e44f4cb8a1824ceb58b90a5b8113" }, { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "697322276b5dd93b12fb1fcbd2144b2960f24c73aac6c6a0811447be1e7f1e19" }, { "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "4961048919f0ca79d49c9378c36a91a8767060001f4212fe6f7d426f3ccf9f32" }, { "1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100", "1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100", "1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100", "1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100", "b61110ec162693bc3d9ca7fb0eec3afd2e278e2f41394b3ff11d7cb761ad4b27" } }; BOOST_FOREACH(std::vector& v, tests) { auto expected = ZCJoinSplit::h_sig( uint256S(v[0]), {uint256S(v[1]), uint256S(v[2])}, uint256S(v[3]) ); EXPECT_EQ(expected, uint256S(v[4])); } } void increment_note_witnesses( const uint256& element, std::vector& witnesses, SproutMerkleTree& tree ) { tree.append(element); for (ZCIncrementalWitness& w : witnesses) { w.append(element); } witnesses.push_back(tree.witness()); } TEST(joinsplit, full_api_test) { { std::vector witnesses; SproutMerkleTree tree; increment_note_witnesses(uint256(), witnesses, tree); SproutSpendingKey sk = SproutSpendingKey::random(); SproutPaymentAddress addr = sk.address(); SproutNote note1(addr.a_pk, 100, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); increment_note_witnesses(note1.cm(), witnesses, tree); SproutNote note2(addr.a_pk, 100, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); increment_note_witnesses(note2.cm(), witnesses, tree); SproutNote note3(addr.a_pk, 2100000000000001, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); increment_note_witnesses(note3.cm(), witnesses, tree); SproutNote note4(addr.a_pk, 1900000000000000, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); increment_note_witnesses(note4.cm(), witnesses, tree); SproutNote note5(addr.a_pk, 1900000000000000, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); increment_note_witnesses(note5.cm(), witnesses, tree); // Should work invokeAPI(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root()); // lhs > MAX_MONEY invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 2100000000000001, 0, tree.root(), "nonsensical vpub_old value"); // rhs > MAX_MONEY invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 2100000000000001, tree.root(), "nonsensical vpub_new value"); // input witness for the wrong element invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(witnesses[0], note1, sk), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 100, tree.root(), "witness of wrong element for joinsplit input"); // input witness doesn't match up with // real root invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(witnesses[1], note1, sk), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 100, uint256(), "joinsplit not anchored to the correct root"); // input is in the tree now! this should work invokeAPI(params, { JSInput(witnesses[1], note1, sk), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 100, tree.root()); // Wrong secret key invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(witnesses[1], note1, SproutSpendingKey::random()), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "input note not authorized to spend with given key"); // Absurd input value invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(witnesses[3], note3, sk), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "nonsensical input note value"); // Absurd total input value invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(witnesses[4], note4, sk), JSInput(witnesses[5], note5, sk) }, { JSOutput(), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "nonsensical left hand size of joinsplit balance"); // Absurd output value invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(addr, 2100000000000001), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "nonsensical output value"); // Absurd total output value invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(addr, 1900000000000000), JSOutput(addr, 1900000000000000) }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "nonsensical right hand side of joinsplit balance"); // Absurd total output value invokeAPIFailure(params, { JSInput(), JSInput() }, { JSOutput(addr, 1900000000000000), JSOutput() }, 0, 0, tree.root(), "invalid joinsplit balance"); } test_full_api(params); } TEST(joinsplit, note_plaintexts) { uint252 a_sk = uint252(uint256S("f6da8716682d600f74fc16bd0187faad6a26b4aa4c24d5c055b216d94516840e")); uint256 a_pk = PRF_addr_a_pk(a_sk); uint256 sk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_privkey(a_sk); uint256 pk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_pubkey(sk_enc); SproutPaymentAddress addr_pk(a_pk, pk_enc); uint256 h_sig; ZCNoteEncryption encryptor(h_sig); uint256 epk = encryptor.get_epk(); SproutNote note(a_pk, 1945813, random_uint256(), random_uint256() ); std::array memo; SproutNotePlaintext note_pt(note, memo); ZCNoteEncryption::Ciphertext ct = note_pt.encrypt(encryptor, pk_enc); ZCNoteDecryption decryptor(sk_enc); auto decrypted = SproutNotePlaintext::decrypt(decryptor, ct, epk, h_sig, 0); auto decrypted_note = decrypted.note(addr_pk); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_note.a_pk == note.a_pk); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_note.rho == note.rho); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_note.r == note.r); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted_note.value() == note.value()); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted.memo() == note_pt.memo()); // Check memo() returns by reference, not return by value, for use cases such as: // std::string data(plaintext.memo().begin(), plaintext.memo().end()); ASSERT_TRUE(decrypted.memo().data() == decrypted.memo().data()); // Check serialization of note plaintext CDataStream ss(SER_DISK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << note_pt; SproutNotePlaintext note_pt2; ss >> note_pt2; ASSERT_EQ(note_pt.value(), note.value()); ASSERT_EQ(note_pt.value(), note_pt2.value()); ASSERT_EQ(note_pt.memo(), note_pt2.memo()); ASSERT_EQ(note_pt.rho, note_pt2.rho); ASSERT_EQ(note_pt.r, note_pt2.r); } TEST(joinsplit, note_class) { uint252 a_sk = uint252(uint256S("f6da8716682d600f74fc16bd0187faad6a26b4aa4c24d5c055b216d94516840e")); uint256 a_pk = PRF_addr_a_pk(a_sk); uint256 sk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_privkey(a_sk); uint256 pk_enc = ZCNoteEncryption::generate_pubkey(sk_enc); SproutPaymentAddress addr_pk(a_pk, pk_enc); SproutNote note(a_pk, 1945813, random_uint256(), random_uint256()); SproutNote clone = note; ASSERT_NE(¬e, &clone); ASSERT_EQ(note.value(), clone.value()); ASSERT_EQ(note.cm(), clone.cm()); ASSERT_EQ(note.rho, clone.rho); ASSERT_EQ(note.r, clone.r); ASSERT_EQ(note.a_pk, clone.a_pk); }