/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2018 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "asn/Condition.h" #include "asn/Fulfillment.h" #include "asn/PrefixFingerprintContents.h" #include "asn/OCTET_STRING.h" #include "include/cJSON.h" #include "cryptoconditions.h" struct CCType CC_PrefixType; static int prefixVisitChildren(CC *cond, CCVisitor visitor) { size_t prefixedLength = cond->prefixLength + visitor.msgLength; unsigned char *prefixed = malloc(prefixedLength); memcpy(prefixed, cond->prefix, cond->prefixLength); memcpy(prefixed + cond->prefixLength, visitor.msg, visitor.msgLength); visitor.msg = prefixed; visitor.msgLength = prefixedLength; int res = cc_visit(cond->subcondition, visitor); free(prefixed); return res; } static unsigned char *prefixFingerprint(const CC *cond) { PrefixFingerprintContents_t *fp = calloc(1, sizeof(PrefixFingerprintContents_t)); asnCondition(cond->subcondition, &fp->subcondition); // TODO: check asnCondition for safety fp->maxMessageLength = cond->maxMessageLength; OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&fp->prefix, cond->prefix, cond->prefixLength); return hashFingerprintContents(&asn_DEF_PrefixFingerprintContents, fp); } static unsigned long prefixCost(const CC *cond) { return 1024 + cond->prefixLength + cond->maxMessageLength + cond->subcondition->type->getCost(cond->subcondition); } static CC *prefixFromFulfillment(const Fulfillment_t *ffill) { PrefixFulfillment_t *p = ffill->choice.prefixSha256; CC *sub = fulfillmentToCC(p->subfulfillment); if (!sub) return 0; CC *cond = cc_new(CC_Prefix); cond->maxMessageLength = p->maxMessageLength; cond->prefix = calloc(1, p->prefix.size); memcpy(cond->prefix, p->prefix.buf, p->prefix.size); cond->prefixLength = p->prefix.size; cond->subcondition = sub; return cond; } static Fulfillment_t *prefixToFulfillment(const CC *cond) { Fulfillment_t *ffill = asnFulfillmentNew(cond->subcondition); if (!ffill) { return NULL; } PrefixFulfillment_t *pf = calloc(1, sizeof(PrefixFulfillment_t)); OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&pf->prefix, cond->prefix, cond->prefixLength); pf->maxMessageLength = cond->maxMessageLength; pf->subfulfillment = ffill; ffill = calloc(1, sizeof(Fulfillment_t)); ffill->present = Fulfillment_PR_prefixSha256; ffill->choice.prefixSha256 = pf; return ffill; } static uint32_t prefixSubtypes(const CC *cond) { return cc_typeMask(cond->subcondition) & ~(1 << CC_Prefix); } static CC *prefixFromJSON(const cJSON *params, char *err) { cJSON *mml_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "maxMessageLength"); if (!cJSON_IsNumber(mml_item)) { strcpy(err, "maxMessageLength must be a number"); return NULL; } cJSON *subcond_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "subfulfillment"); CC *sub = cc_conditionFromJSON(subcond_item, err); if (!sub) { return NULL; } CC *cond = cc_new(CC_Prefix); cond->maxMessageLength = (unsigned long) mml_item->valuedouble; cond->subcondition = sub; if (!jsonGetBase64(params, "prefix", err, &cond->prefix, &cond->prefixLength)) { cc_free(cond); return NULL; } return cond; } static void prefixToJSON(const CC *cond, cJSON *params) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(params, "maxMessageLength", (double)cond->maxMessageLength); unsigned char *b64 = base64_encode(cond->prefix, cond->prefixLength); cJSON_AddStringToObject(params, "prefix", b64); free(b64); cJSON_AddItemToObject(params, "subfulfillment", cc_conditionToJSON(cond->subcondition)); } int prefixIsFulfilled(const CC *cond) { return cc_isFulfilled(cond->subcondition); } static void prefixFree(CC *cond) { free(cond->prefix); cc_free(cond->subcondition); } struct CCType CC_PrefixType = { 1, "prefix-sha-256", Condition_PR_prefixSha256, &prefixVisitChildren, &prefixFingerprint, &prefixCost, &prefixSubtypes, &prefixFromJSON, &prefixToJSON, &prefixFromFulfillment, &prefixToFulfillment, &prefixIsFulfilled, &prefixFree };