#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Hush developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html use warnings; use strict; # Generate checkpoint data for use in src/chainparams.cpp my $perday = 1152; my $cli = "./src/hush-cli"; my $stride = shift || 1000; if ($stride =~ m/help/) { print "To generate checkpoint data every 1000 blocks: $0 &> checkpoints.txt\n"; print "To generate checkpoint data every X blocks: $0 X &> checkpoints.txt\n"; print "To generate checkpoint data every X blocks starting at height Y: $0 X Y &> checkpoints.txt\n"; print "To generate checkpoint data every X blocks starting at height Y for -ac_name CHAIN: $0 X Y CHAIN &> checkpoints.txt\n"; exit 0; } unless ($stride == int($stride) and $stride >= 0) { print "Invalid stride! Must be an integer > 0\n"; exit 1; } my $start_height = shift || 0; unless ($start_height == int($start_height) and $start_height >= 0) { print "Invalid start_height! Must be an integer > 0\n"; exit 1; } my $acname = shift; if ($acname) { # TODO: is acname valid? $cli .= " -ac_name=$acname"; # HSC's by default have a blocktime of 60s $perday = 1440; # Dragonx has a blocktime of 36s $perday = 2400 if ($acname eq 'DRAGONX'); } else { $acname = 'HUSH3'; } my $gethash = "$cli getblockhash"; my $count = 0; my $blocks = qx{$cli getblockcount}; if($?) { print "ERROR, exiting...\n"; exit 1; } my $prev = $blocks - $perday; my $last = 0; my $now = time(); chomp($blocks); print "// Generated at $now via hush3 util/checkpoints.pl by Duke Leto\n"; while (1) { $count++; my $block = $start_height + $stride*$count; if ($block > $blocks) { $last = $start_height + $stride*($count-1); #print "last checkpointed block=$last\n"; last; } my $blockhash = qx{$gethash $block}; chomp $blockhash; print qq{($block, uint256S("0x$blockhash"))\n}; } my $time = qx{$cli getblock $last |grep time|cut -d: -f2| sed 's/,//g'}; chomp($time); # TODO: This is Linux-only and assumes new (not legacy) dir my $line1 = qx{grep --text height=$prev ~/.hush/$acname/debug.log}; my $line2 = qx{grep --text height=$blocks ~/.hush/$acname/debug.log}; my $txs_per_day = 2 * $perday; # default estimate is 2 txs per block, on average my $total_txs = 0; #print "line1: $line1\n"; #print "line2: $line2\n"; # This will calculate the number of txs in the previous day to the last checkpointed block if ($line1 =~ m/tx=(\d+)/) { my $tx1 = $1; # number of txs in the block 1 day ago #print "prevblock has $tx1 txs\n"; if ($line2 =~ m/tx=(\d+)/) { $total_txs = $1; # TODO: average of last N days might be better $txs_per_day = $total_txs - $tx1; } } print ",(int64_t) $time, // time of last checkpointed block\n"; print "(int64_t) $total_txs, // total txs\n"; print "(double) $txs_per_day // txs in the last day before block $blocks\n";