// Copyright 2016-2020 The Hush Developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "hush_defs.h" void komodo_prefetch(FILE *fp); uint32_t komodo_heightstamp(int32_t height); void hush_stateupdate(int32_t height,uint8_t notarypubs[][33],uint8_t numnotaries,uint8_t notaryid,uint256 txhash,uint64_t voutmask,uint8_t numvouts,uint32_t *pvals,uint8_t numpvals,int32_t kheight,uint32_t ktime,uint64_t opretvalue,uint8_t *opretbuf,uint16_t opretlen,uint16_t vout,uint256 MoM,int32_t MoMdepth); void komodo_init(int32_t height); int32_t komodo_MoMdata(int32_t *notarized_htp,uint256 *MoMp,uint256 *kmdtxidp,int32_t nHeight,uint256 *MoMoMp,int32_t *MoMoMoffsetp,int32_t *MoMoMdepthp,int32_t *kmdstartip,int32_t *kmdendip); int32_t komodo_notarizeddata(int32_t nHeight,uint256 *notarized_hashp,uint256 *notarized_desttxidp); char *komodo_issuemethod(char *userpass,char *method,char *params,uint16_t port); void komodo_init(int32_t height); int32_t hush_chosennotary(int32_t *notaryidp,int32_t height,uint8_t *pubkey33,uint32_t timestamp); int32_t komodo_isrealtime(int32_t *kmdheightp); uint64_t komodo_paxtotal(); int32_t hush_longestchain(); uint64_t komodo_maxallowed(int32_t baseid); int32_t komodo_bannedset(int32_t *indallvoutsp,uint256 *array,int32_t max); int32_t komodo_checkvout(int32_t vout,int32_t k,int32_t indallvouts); pthread_mutex_t komodo_mutex,staked_mutex; #define KOMODO_ELECTION_GAP 2000 //((SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0) ? 2000 : 100) #define HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN 65 struct pax_transaction *PAX; int32_t NUM_PRICES; uint32_t *PVALS; struct knotaries_entry *Pubkeys; struct hush_state KOMODO_STATES[34]; #define _COINBASE_MATURITY 100 int COINBASE_MATURITY = _COINBASE_MATURITY;//100; unsigned int WITNESS_CACHE_SIZE = _COINBASE_MATURITY+10; uint256 KOMODO_EARLYTXID; int32_t HUSH_MININGTHREADS = -1,IS_HUSH_NOTARY,USE_EXTERNAL_PUBKEY,KOMODO_CHOSEN_ONE,ASSETCHAINS_SEED,KOMODO_ON_DEMAND,KOMODO_EXTERNAL_NOTARIES,HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE,KOMODO_PAX,HUSH_EXCHANGEWALLET,HUSH_REWIND,HUSH_CONNECTING = -1,KOMODO_DEALERNODE,HUSH_EXTRASATOSHI,ASSETCHAINS_FOUNDERS,ASSETCHAINS_CBMATURITY,HUSH_NSPV; int32_t HUSH_INSYNC,KOMODO_LASTMINED,prevKOMODO_LASTMINED,KOMODO_CCACTIVATE,JUMBLR_PAUSE = 1; std::string NOTARY_PUBKEY,ASSETCHAINS_NOTARIES,ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY,DONATION_PUBKEY,ASSETCHAINS_SCRIPTPUB,NOTARY_ADDRESS,ASSETCHAINS_SELFIMPORT,ASSETCHAINS_CCLIB; uint8_t NOTARY_PUBKEY33[33],ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEY33[33],ASSETCHAINS_OVERRIDE_PUBKEYHASH[20],ASSETCHAINS_PUBLIC,ASSETCHAINS_PRIVATE,ASSETCHAINS_TXPOW,ASSETCHAINS_MARMARA; int8_t ASSETCHAINS_ADAPTIVEPOW; std::vector Mineropret; std::vector vWhiteListAddress; char NOTARYADDRS[64][64]; char NOTARY_ADDRESSES[NUM_HUSH_SEASONS][64][64]; char SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],ASSETCHAINS_USERPASS[4096]; uint16_t ASSETCHAINS_P2PPORT,ASSETCHAINS_RPCPORT,ASSETCHAINS_BEAMPORT,ASSETCHAINS_CODAPORT; uint32_t ASSETCHAIN_INIT,ASSETCHAINS_CC,HUSH_STOPAT,HUSH_DPOWCONFS = 1,STAKING_MIN_DIFF; uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_MAGIC = 2387029918; int64_t ASSETCHAINS_GENESISTXVAL = 5000000000; int64_t MAX_MONEY = 200000000 * 100000000LL; // consensus variables for coinbase timelock control and timelock transaction support // time locks are specified enough to enable their use initially to lock specific coinbase transactions for emission control // to be verifiable, timelocks require additional data that enables them to be validated and their ownership and // release time determined from the blockchain. to do this, every time locked output according to this // spec will use an op_return with CLTV at front and anything after |OP_RETURN|PUSH of rest|OPRETTYPE_TIMELOCK|script| #define _ASSETCHAINS_TIMELOCKOFF 0xffffffffffffffff uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_TIMELOCKGTE = _ASSETCHAINS_TIMELOCKOFF; uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_TIMEUNLOCKFROM = 0, ASSETCHAINS_TIMEUNLOCKTO = 0,ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET=0; uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA = 1; uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[ASSETCHAINS_MAX_ERAS+1],ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[ASSETCHAINS_MAX_ERAS+1],ASSETCHAINS_HALVING[ASSETCHAINS_MAX_ERAS+1],ASSETCHAINS_DECAY[ASSETCHAINS_MAX_ERAS+1],ASSETCHAINS_NOTARY_PAY[ASSETCHAINS_MAX_ERAS+1],ASSETCHAINS_PEGSCCPARAMS[3]; uint8_t ASSETCHAINS_CCDISABLES[256]; std::vector ASSETCHAINS_PRICES,ASSETCHAINS_STOCKS; #define _ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH 0 uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_NUMALGOS = 3; uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH = _ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH; const char *ASSETCHAINS_ALGORITHMS[] = {"equihash"}; uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_NONCEMASK[] = {0xffff}; uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_NONCESHIFT[] = {32}; uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_HASHESPERROUND[] = {1}; uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_ALGO = _ASSETCHAINS_EQUIHASH; // min diff returned from GetNextWorkRequired needs to be added here for each algo, so they can work with ac_staked. uint32_t ASSETCHAINS_MINDIFF[] = {537857807}; int32_t ASSETCHAINS_LWMAPOS = 0; // percentage of blocks should be PoS int32_t ASSETCHAINS_SAPLING = -1; int32_t ASSETCHAINS_OVERWINTER = -1; uint64_t KOMODO_INTERESTSUM,KOMODO_WALLETBALANCE; int32_t ASSETCHAINS_STAKED; uint64_t ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION,ASSETCHAINS_SUPPLY = 10,ASSETCHAINS_FOUNDERS_REWARD; uint32_t HUSH_INITDONE; char KMDUSERPASS[8192+512+1],BTCUSERPASS[8192]; uint16_t KMD_PORT = 7771,BITCOIND_RPCPORT = 7771; uint64_t PENDING_KOMODO_TX; extern int32_t HUSH_LOADINGBLOCKS; unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = 20000; int32_t HUSH_TESTNODE, HUSH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL; CScript KOMODO_EARLYTXID_SCRIPTPUB; int32_t ASSETCHAINS_EARLYTXIDCONTRACT; std::map mapHeightEvalActivate; struct komodo_kv *KOMODO_KV; pthread_mutex_t KOMODO_KV_mutex,KOMODO_CC_mutex; #define MAX_CURRENCIES 32 char CURRENCIES[][8] = { "USD", "EUR", "JPY", "GBP", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "NZD", // major currencies "CNY", "RUB", "MXN", "BRL", "INR", "HKD", "TRY", "ZAR", "PLN", "NOK", "SEK", "DKK", "CZK", "HUF", "ILS", "KRW", "MYR", "PHP", "RON", "SGD", "THB", "BGN", "IDR", "HRK", "KMD" }; int32_t komodo_baseid(char *origbase) { int32_t i; char base[64]; for (i=0; origbase[i]!=0&&i= 0 && baseid < 32 ) // cur_money = ASSETCHAINS_GENESISTXVAL + ASSETCHAINS_SUPPLY + nHeight * ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[0] / SATOSHIDEN; //else { // figure out max_money by adding up supply to a maximum of 10,000,000 blocks cur_money = (ASSETCHAINS_SUPPLY+1) * SATOSHIDEN + (ASSETCHAINS_MAGIC & 0xffffff) + ASSETCHAINS_GENESISTXVAL; if ( ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA == 0 && ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[0] == 0 ) { cur_money += (nHeight * 10000);// / SATOSHIDEN; } else { for ( int j = 0; j <= ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA; j++ ) { // if any condition means we have no more rewards, break if (j != 0 && (nHeight <= ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j - 1] || (ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j - 1] == 0 && (ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[j] == 0 && (j == ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA || ASSETCHAINS_DECAY[j] != SATOSHIDEN))))) break; // add rewards from this era, up to nHeight int64_t reward = ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[j]; //fprintf(stderr,"last.%d reward %llu period %llu\n",(int32_t)ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA,(long long)reward,(long long)ASSETCHAINS_HALVING[j]); if ( reward > 0 ) { uint64_t lastEnd = j == 0 ? 0 : ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j - 1]; uint64_t curEnd = ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j] == 0 ? nHeight : nHeight > ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j] ? ASSETCHAINS_ENDSUBSIDY[j] : nHeight; uint64_t period = ASSETCHAINS_HALVING[j]; if ( period == 0 ) period = 210000; uint32_t nSteps = (curEnd - lastEnd) / period; uint32_t modulo = (curEnd - lastEnd) % period; uint64_t decay = ASSETCHAINS_DECAY[j]; //fprintf(stderr,"period.%llu cur_money %.8f += %.8f * %d\n",(long long)period,(double)cur_money/COIN,(double)reward/COIN,nHeight); if ( ASSETCHAINS_HALVING[j] == 0 ) { // no halving, straight multiply cur_money += reward * (nHeight - 1); //fprintf(stderr,"cur_money %.8f\n",(double)cur_money/COIN); } // if exactly SATOSHIDEN, linear decay to zero or to next era, same as: // (next_era_reward + (starting reward - next_era_reward) / 2) * num_blocks else if ( decay == SATOSHIDEN ) { int64_t lowestSubsidy, subsidyDifference, stepDifference, stepTriangle; int64_t denominator, modulo=1; int32_t sign = 1; if ( j == ASSETCHAINS_LASTERA ) { subsidyDifference = reward; lowestSubsidy = 0; } else { // Ex: -ac_eras=3 -ac_reward=0,384,24 -ac_end=1440,260640,0 -ac_halving=1,1440,2103840 -ac_decay 100000000,97750000,0 subsidyDifference = reward - ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[j + 1]; if (subsidyDifference < 0) { sign = -1; subsidyDifference *= sign; lowestSubsidy = reward; } else { lowestSubsidy = ASSETCHAINS_REWARD[j + 1]; } } // if we have not finished the current era, we need to caluclate a total as if we are at the end, with the current // subsidy. we will calculate the total of a linear era as follows. Each item represents an area calculation: // a) the rectangle from 0 to the lowest reward in the era * the number of blocks // b) the rectangle of the remainder of blocks from the lowest point of the era to the highest point of the era if any remainder // c) the minor triangle from the start of transition from the lowest point to the start of transition to the highest point // d) one halving triangle (half area of one full step) // // we also need: // e) number of steps = (n - erastart) / halving interval // // the total supply from era start up to height is: // a + b + c + (d * e) // calculate amount in one step's triangular protrusion over minor triangle's hypotenuse denominator = nSteps * period; if ( denominator == 0 ) denominator = 1; // difference of one step vs. total stepDifference = (period * subsidyDifference) / denominator; // area == coin holding of one step triangle, protruding from minor triangle's hypotenuse stepTriangle = (period * stepDifference) >> 1; // sign is negative if slope is positive (start is less than end) if (sign < 0) { // use steps minus one for our calculations, and add the potentially partial rectangle // at the end cur_money += stepTriangle * (nSteps - 1); cur_money += stepTriangle * (nSteps - 1) * (nSteps - 1); // difference times number of steps is height of rectangle above lowest subsidy cur_money += modulo * stepDifference * nSteps; } else { // if negative slope, the minor triangle is the full number of steps, as the highest // level step is full. lowest subsidy is just the lowest so far lowestSubsidy = reward - (stepDifference * nSteps); // add the step triangles, one per step cur_money += stepTriangle * nSteps; // add the minor triangle cur_money += stepTriangle * nSteps * nSteps; } // add more for the base rectangle if lowest subsidy is not 0 cur_money += lowestSubsidy * (curEnd - lastEnd); } else { for ( int k = lastEnd; k < curEnd; k += period ) { cur_money += period * reward; // if zero, we do straight halving reward = decay ? (reward * decay) / SATOSHIDEN : reward >> 1; } cur_money += modulo * reward; } } } } } if ( KOMODO_BIT63SET(cur_money) != 0 ) return(KOMODO_MAXNVALUE); if ( ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 ) { uint64_t newval = (cur_money + (cur_money/COIN * ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION)); if ( KOMODO_BIT63SET(newval) != 0 ) return(KOMODO_MAXNVALUE); else if ( newval < cur_money ) // check for underflow return(KOMODO_MAXNVALUE); return(newval); } //fprintf(stderr,"cur_money %.8f\n",(double)cur_money/COIN); return(cur_money); }