// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // paxdeposit equivalent in reverse makes opreturn and HUSH does the same in reverse #include "hush_defs.h" /*#include "secp256k1/include/secp256k1.h" #include "secp256k1/include/secp256k1_schnorrsig.h" #include "secp256k1/include/secp256k1_musig.h" int32_t dummy_linker_tricker() { secp256k1_context *ctx = 0; std::vector musig64; CPubKey pk; secp256k1_schnorrsig musig; secp256k1_pubkey combined_pk; if ( secp256k1_schnorrsig_parse((const secp256k1_context *)ctx,&musig,(const uint8_t *)&musig64[0]) > 0 && secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx,&combined_pk,pk.begin(),33) > 0 ) return(1); }*/ int32_t pax_fiatstatus(uint64_t *available,uint64_t *deposited,uint64_t *issued,uint64_t *withdrawn,uint64_t *approved,uint64_t *redeemed,char *base) { int32_t baseid; struct hush_state *sp; int64_t netliability,maxallowed,maxval; *available = *deposited = *issued = *withdrawn = *approved = *redeemed = 0; if ( (baseid= komodo_baseid(base)) >= 0 ) { if ( (sp= hush_stateptrget(base)) != 0 ) { *deposited = sp->deposited; *issued = sp->issued; *withdrawn = sp->withdrawn; *approved = sp->approved; *redeemed = sp->redeemed; maxval = sp->approved; if ( sp->withdrawn > maxval ) maxval = sp->withdrawn; netliability = (sp->issued - maxval) - sp->shorted; maxallowed = komodo_maxallowed(baseid); if ( netliability < maxallowed ) *available = (maxallowed - netliability); //printf("%llu - %llu %s %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n",(long long)maxallowed,(long long)netliability,base,dstr(*deposited),dstr(*issued),dstr(*withdrawn),dstr(*approved),dstr(*redeemed)); return(0); } else printf("pax_fiatstatus cant get basesp.%s\n",base); } // else printf("pax_fiatstatus illegal base.%s\n",base); return(-1); } void pax_keyset(uint8_t *buf,uint256 txid,uint16_t vout,uint8_t type) { memcpy(buf,&txid,32); memcpy(&buf[32],&vout,2); buf[34] = type; } struct pax_transaction *komodo_paxfind(uint256 txid,uint16_t vout,uint8_t type) { struct pax_transaction *pax; uint8_t buf[35]; pthread_mutex_lock(&komodo_mutex); pax_keyset(buf,txid,vout,type); HASH_FIND(hh,PAX,buf,sizeof(buf),pax); pthread_mutex_unlock(&komodo_mutex); return(pax); } struct pax_transaction *komodo_paxfinds(uint256 txid,uint16_t vout) { struct pax_transaction *pax; int32_t i; uint8_t types[] = { 'I', 'D', 'X', 'A', 'W' }; for (i=0; itxid = txid; pax->vout = vout; pax->type = type; memcpy(pax->buf,buf,sizeof(pax->buf)); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,PAX,pax->buf,sizeof(pax->buf),pax); //printf("ht.%d create pax.%p mark.%d\n",height,pax,mark); } if ( pax != 0 ) { pax->marked = mark; //if ( height > 214700 || pax->height > 214700 ) // printf("mark ht.%d %.8f %.8f\n",pax->height,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&komodo_mutex); return(pax); } void komodo_paxdelete(struct pax_transaction *pax) { return; // breaks when out of order pthread_mutex_lock(&komodo_mutex); HASH_DELETE(hh,PAX,pax); pthread_mutex_unlock(&komodo_mutex); } void komodo_gateway_deposit(char *coinaddr,uint64_t value,char *symbol,uint64_t fiatoshis,uint8_t *rmd160,uint256 txid,uint16_t vout,uint8_t type,int32_t height,int32_t otherheight,char *source,int32_t approved) // assetchain context { struct pax_transaction *pax; uint8_t buf[35]; int32_t addflag = 0; struct hush_state *sp; char str[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],*s; //if ( KOMODO_PAX == 0 ) // return; //if ( strcmp(symbol,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) != 0 ) // return; sp = hush_stateptr(str,dest); pthread_mutex_lock(&komodo_mutex); pax_keyset(buf,txid,vout,type); HASH_FIND(hh,PAX,buf,sizeof(buf),pax); if ( pax == 0 ) { pax = (struct pax_transaction *)calloc(1,sizeof(*pax)); pax->txid = txid; pax->vout = vout; pax->type = type; memcpy(pax->buf,buf,sizeof(pax->buf)); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,PAX,pax->buf,sizeof(pax->buf),pax); addflag = 1; if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<32; i++) printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&txid)[i]); printf(" v.%d [%s] kht.%d ht.%d create pax.%p symbol.%s source.%s\n",vout,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,height,otherheight,pax,symbol,source); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&komodo_mutex); if ( coinaddr != 0 ) { strcpy(pax->coinaddr,coinaddr); if ( value != 0 ) pax->komodoshis = value; if ( symbol != 0 ) strcpy(pax->symbol,symbol); if ( source != 0 ) strcpy(pax->source,source); if ( fiatoshis != 0 ) pax->fiatoshis = fiatoshis; if ( rmd160 != 0 ) memcpy(pax->rmd160,rmd160,20); if ( height != 0 ) pax->height = height; if ( otherheight != 0 ) pax->otherheight = otherheight; } else { pax->marked = height; //printf("pax.%p MARK DEPOSIT ht.%d other.%d\n",pax,height,otherheight); } } int32_t komodo_rwapproval(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *opretbuf,struct pax_transaction *pax) { int32_t i,len = 0; if ( rwflag == 1 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) opretbuf[len++] = ((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[i]; opretbuf[len++] = pax->vout & 0xff; opretbuf[len++] = (pax->vout >> 8) & 0xff; } else { for (i=0; i<32; i++) ((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[i] = opretbuf[len++]; //for (i=0; i<32; i++) // printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[31-i]); pax->vout = opretbuf[len++]; pax->vout += ((uint32_t)opretbuf[len++] << 8); //printf(" txid v.%d\n",pax->vout); } len += dragon_rwnum(rwflag,&opretbuf[len],sizeof(pax->komodoshis),&pax->komodoshis); len += dragon_rwnum(rwflag,&opretbuf[len],sizeof(pax->fiatoshis),&pax->fiatoshis); len += dragon_rwnum(rwflag,&opretbuf[len],sizeof(pax->height),&pax->height); len += dragon_rwnum(rwflag,&opretbuf[len],sizeof(pax->otherheight),&pax->otherheight); if ( rwflag != 0 ) { memcpy(&opretbuf[len],pax->rmd160,20), len += 20; for (i=0; i<4; i++) opretbuf[len++] = pax->source[i]; } else { memcpy(pax->rmd160,&opretbuf[len],20), len += 20; for (i=0; i<4; i++) pax->source[i] = opretbuf[len++]; } return(len); } int32_t komodo_issued_opreturn(char *base,uint256 *txids,uint16_t *vouts,int64_t *values,int64_t *srcvalues,int32_t *kmdheights,int32_t *otherheights,int8_t *baseids,uint8_t *rmd160s,uint8_t *opretbuf,int32_t opretlen,int32_t iskomodo) { struct pax_transaction p,*pax; int32_t i,n=0,j,len=0,incr,height,otherheight; uint8_t type,rmd160[20]; uint64_t fiatoshis; char symbol[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN]; //if ( KOMODO_PAX == 0 ) // return(0); incr = 34 + (iskomodo * (2*sizeof(fiatoshis) + 2*sizeof(height) + 20 + 4)); //41e77b91cb68dc2aa02fa88550eae6b6d44db676a7e935337b6d1392d9718f03cb0200305c90660400000000fbcbeb1f000000bde801006201000058e7945ad08ddba1eac9c9b6c8e1e97e8016a2d152 // 41e94d736ec69d88c08b5d238abeeca609c02357a8317e0d56c328bcb1c259be5d0200485bc80200000000404b4c000000000059470200b80b000061f22ba7d19fe29ac3baebd839af8b7127d1f9075553440046bb4cc7a3b5cd39dffe7206507a3482a00780e617f68b273cce9817ed69298d02001069ca1b0000000080f0fa02000000005b470200b90b000061f22ba7d19fe29ac3baebd839af8b7127d1f90755 //for (i=0; i>>>>>> %s: (%s) fiat %.8f kmdheight.%d other.%d -> %s %.8f\n",type=='A'?"approvedA":"issuedX",baseids[n]>=0?CURRENCIES[baseids[n]]:"???",dstr(p.fiatoshis),kmdheights[n],otherheights[n],coinaddr,dstr(values[n])); } } } else { for (i=0; i<4; i++) base[i] = opretbuf[opretlen-4+i]; for (j=0; j<32; j++) { ((uint8_t *)&txids[n])[j] = opretbuf[len++]; //printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&txids[n])[j]); } vouts[n] = opretbuf[len++]; vouts[n] = (opretbuf[len++] << 8) | vouts[n]; baseids[n] = komodo_baseid(base); if ( (pax= komodo_paxfinds(txids[n],vouts[n])) != 0 ) { values[n] = (strcmp("KMD",base) == 0) ? pax->komodoshis : pax->fiatoshis; srcvalues[n] = (strcmp("KMD",base) == 0) ? pax->fiatoshis : pax->komodoshis; kmdheights[n] = pax->height; otherheights[n] = pax->otherheight; memcpy(&rmd160s[n * 20],pax->rmd160,20); } } //printf(" komodo_issued_opreturn issuedtxid v%d i.%d opretlen.%d\n",vouts[n],n,opretlen); } } return(n); } int32_t komodo_paxcmp(char *symbol,int32_t kmdheight,uint64_t value,uint64_t checkvalue,uint64_t seed) { int32_t ratio; if ( seed == 0 && checkvalue != 0 ) { ratio = ((value << 6) / checkvalue); if ( ratio >= 60 && ratio <= 67 ) return(0); else { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) printf("ht.%d ignore mismatched %s value %lld vs checkvalue %lld -> ratio.%d\n",kmdheight,symbol,(long long)value,(long long)checkvalue,ratio); return(-1); } } else if ( checkvalue != 0 ) { ratio = ((value << 10) / checkvalue); if ( ratio >= 1023 && ratio <= 1025 ) return(0); } return(value != checkvalue); } uint64_t komodo_paxtotal() { struct pax_transaction *pax,*pax2,*tmp,*tmp2; char symbol[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],*str; int32_t i,ht; int64_t checktoshis; uint64_t seed,total = 0; struct hush_state *basesp; if ( HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE == 0 ) //KOMODO_PAX == 0 || return(0); if ( komodo_isrealtime(&ht) == 0 ) return(0); else { HASH_ITER(hh,PAX,pax,tmp) { if ( pax->marked != 0 ) continue; if ( pax->type == 'A' || pax->type == 'D' || pax->type == 'X' ) str = pax->symbol; else str = pax->source; basesp = hush_stateptrget(str); if ( basesp != 0 && pax->didstats == 0 ) { if ( pax->type == 'I' && (pax2= komodo_paxfind(pax->txid,pax->vout,'D')) != 0 ) { if ( pax2->fiatoshis != 0 ) { pax->komodoshis = pax2->komodoshis; pax->fiatoshis = pax2->fiatoshis; basesp->issued += pax->fiatoshis; pax->didstats = 1; if ( strcmp(str,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("########### %p issued %s += %.8f kmdheight.%d %.8f other.%d\n",basesp,str,dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->height,dstr(pax->komodoshis),pax->otherheight); pax2->marked = pax->height; pax->marked = pax->height; } } else if ( pax->type == 'W' ) { //bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,rmd160,20); if ( (checktoshis= komodo_paxprice(&seed,pax->height,pax->source,(char *)"KMD",(uint64_t)pax->fiatoshis)) != 0 ) { if ( komodo_paxcmp(pax->source,pax->height,pax->komodoshis,checktoshis,seed) != 0 ) { pax->marked = pax->height; //printf("WITHDRAW.%s mark <- %d %.8f != %.8f\n",pax->source,pax->height,dstr(checktoshis),dstr(pax->komodoshis)); } else if ( pax->validated == 0 ) { pax->validated = pax->komodoshis = checktoshis; //int32_t j; for (j=0; j<32; j++) // printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[j]); //if ( strcmp(str,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) // printf(" v%d %p got WITHDRAW.%s kmd.%d ht.%d %.8f -> %.8f/%.8f\n",pax->vout,pax,pax->source,pax->height,pax->otherheight,dstr(pax->fiatoshis),dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(checktoshis)); } } } } } } hush_stateptr(symbol,dest); HASH_ITER(hh,PAX,pax,tmp) { pax->ready = 0; if ( 0 && pax->type == 'A' ) printf("%p pax.%s <- %s marked.%d %.8f -> %.8f validated.%d approved.%d\n",pax,pax->symbol,pax->source,pax->marked,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->validated != 0,pax->approved != 0); if ( pax->marked != 0 ) continue; if ( strcmp(symbol,pax->symbol) == 0 || pax->type == 'A' ) { if ( pax->marked == 0 ) { if ( komodo_is_issuer() != 0 ) { if ( pax->validated != 0 && pax->type == 'D' ) { total += pax->fiatoshis; pax->ready = 1; } } else if ( pax->approved != 0 && pax->type == 'A' ) { if ( pax->validated != 0 ) { total += pax->komodoshis; pax->ready = 1; } else { seed = 0; checktoshis = komodo_paxprice(&seed,pax->height,pax->source,(char *)"KMD",(uint64_t)pax->fiatoshis); //printf("paxtotal PAX_fiatdest ht.%d price %s %.8f -> KMD %.8f vs %.8f\n",pax->height,pax->symbol,(double)pax->fiatoshis/COIN,(double)pax->komodoshis/COIN,(double)checktoshis/COIN); //printf(" v%d %.8f k.%d ht.%d\n",pax->vout,dstr(pax->komodoshis),pax->height,pax->otherheight); if ( seed != 0 && checktoshis != 0 ) { if ( checktoshis == pax->komodoshis ) { total += pax->komodoshis; pax->validated = pax->komodoshis; pax->ready = 1; } else pax->marked = pax->height; } } } if ( 0 && pax->ready != 0 ) printf("%p (%c) pax.%s marked.%d %.8f -> %.8f validated.%d approved.%d ready.%d ht.%d\n",pax,pax->type,pax->symbol,pax->marked,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->validated != 0,pax->approved != 0,pax->ready,pax->height); } } } //printf("paxtotal %.8f\n",dstr(total)); return(total); } static int _paxorder(const void *a,const void *b) { #define pax_a (*(struct pax_transaction **)a) #define pax_b (*(struct pax_transaction **)b) uint64_t aval,bval; aval = pax_a->fiatoshis + pax_a->komodoshis + pax_a->height; bval = pax_b->fiatoshis + pax_b->komodoshis + pax_b->height; if ( bval > aval ) return(-1); else if ( bval < aval ) return(1); return(0); #undef pax_a #undef pax_b } int32_t komodo_pending_withdraws(char *opretstr) // todo: enforce deterministic order { struct pax_transaction *pax,*pax2,*tmp,*paxes[64]; uint8_t opretbuf[16384*4]; int32_t i,n,ht,len=0; uint64_t total = 0; if ( KOMODO_PAX == 0 || HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE == 0 ) return(0); if ( komodo_isrealtime(&ht) == 0 || SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) return(0); n = 0; HASH_ITER(hh,PAX,pax,tmp) { if ( pax->type == 'W' ) { if ( (pax2= komodo_paxfind(pax->txid,pax->vout,'A')) != 0 ) { if ( pax2->approved != 0 ) pax->approved = pax2->approved; } else if ( (pax2= komodo_paxfind(pax->txid,pax->vout,'X')) != 0 ) pax->approved = pax->height; //printf("pending_withdraw: pax %s marked.%u approved.%u validated.%llu\n",pax->symbol,pax->marked,pax->approved,(long long)pax->validated); if ( pax->marked == 0 && pax->approved == 0 && pax->validated != 0 ) //strcmp((char *)"KMD",pax->symbol) == 0 && { if ( n < sizeof(paxes)/sizeof(*paxes) ) { paxes[n++] = pax; //int32_t j; for (j=0; j<32; j++) // printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[j]); //printf(" %s.(kmdht.%d ht.%d marked.%u approved.%d validated %.8f) %.8f\n",pax->source,pax->height,pax->otherheight,pax->marked,pax->approved,dstr(pax->validated),dstr(pax->komodoshis)); } } } } opretstr[0] = 0; if ( n > 0 ) { opretbuf[len++] = 'A'; qsort(paxes,n,sizeof(*paxes),_paxorder); for (i=0; i>3)*7 ) len += komodo_rwapproval(1,&opretbuf[len],paxes[i]); } if ( len > 0 ) init_hexbytes_noT(opretstr,opretbuf,len); } //fprintf(stderr,"komodo_pending_withdraws len.%d PAXTOTAL %.8f\n",len,dstr(komodo_paxtotal())); return(len); } int32_t komodo_gateway_deposits(CMutableTransaction *txNew,char *base,int32_t tokomodo) { struct pax_transaction *pax,*tmp; char symbol[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint8_t *script,opcode,opret[16384*4],data[16384*4]; int32_t i,baseid,ht,len=0,opretlen=0,numvouts=1; struct hush_state *sp; uint64_t available,deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,mask,sum = 0; if ( HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE == 0 )//KOMODO_PAX == 0 || return(0); struct hush_state *kmdsp = hush_stateptrget((char *)"KMD"); sp = hush_stateptr(symbol,dest); strcpy(symbol,base); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && komodo_baseid(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) < 0 ) return(0); PENDING_KOMODO_TX = 0; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { if ( komodo_isrealtime(&ht) != 0 ) break; sleep(1); } if ( i == 3 ) { if ( tokomodo == 0 ) printf("%s not realtime ht.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,ht); return(0); } if ( tokomodo == 0 ) { opcode = 'I'; } else { opcode = 'X'; if ( 1 || komodo_paxtotal() == 0 ) return(0); } HASH_ITER(hh,PAX,pax,tmp) { if ( pax->type != 'D' && pax->type != 'A' ) continue; { #ifdef HUSH_SMART_CHAINS_WAITNOTARIZE if ( pax->height > 236000 ) { if ( kmdsp != 0 && kmdsp->NOTARIZED_HEIGHT >= pax->height ) pax->validated = pax->komodoshis; else if ( kmdsp->CURRENT_HEIGHT > pax->height+30 ) pax->validated = pax->ready = 0; } else { if ( kmdsp != 0 && (kmdsp->NOTARIZED_HEIGHT >= pax->height || kmdsp->CURRENT_HEIGHT > pax->height+30) ) // assumes same chain as notarize pax->validated = pax->komodoshis; else pax->validated = pax->ready = 0; } #else pax->validated = pax->komodoshis; #endif } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && (pax_fiatstatus(&available,&deposited,&issued,&withdrawn,&approved,&redeemed,symbol) != 0 || available < pax->fiatoshis) ) { //if ( pax->height > 214700 || strcmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,symbol) == 0 ) // printf("miner.[%s]: skip %s %.8f when avail %.8f deposited %.8f, issued %.8f withdrawn %.8f approved %.8f redeemed %.8f\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,symbol,dstr(pax->fiatoshis),dstr(available),dstr(deposited),dstr(issued),dstr(withdrawn),dstr(approved),dstr(redeemed)); continue; } /*printf("pax.%s marked.%d %.8f -> %.8f ready.%d validated.%d\n",pax->symbol,pax->marked,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->ready!=0,pax->validated!=0); if ( pax->marked != 0 || (pax->type != 'D' && pax->type != 'A') || pax->ready == 0 ) { printf("reject 2\n"); continue; }*/ if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && (strcmp(pax->symbol,symbol) != 0 || pax->validated == 0 || pax->ready == 0) ) { if ( strcmp(pax->symbol,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("pax->symbol.%s != %s or null pax->validated %.8f ready.%d ht.(%d %d)\n",pax->symbol,symbol,dstr(pax->validated),pax->ready,kmdsp->CURRENT_HEIGHT,pax->height); pax->marked = pax->height; continue; } if ( pax->ready == 0 ) continue; if ( pax->type == 'A' && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { if ( kmdsp != 0 ) { if ( (baseid= komodo_baseid(pax->symbol)) < 0 || ((1LL << baseid) & sp->RTmask) == 0 ) { printf("not RT for (%s) %llx baseid.%d %llx\n",pax->symbol,(long long)sp->RTmask,baseid,(long long)(1LL< %.8f ready.%d validated.%d approved.%d\n",tokomodo,pax->type,pax,pax->symbol,pax->marked,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->ready!=0,pax->validated!=0,pax->approved!=0); if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) printf("pax.%s marked.%d %.8f -> %.8f\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,pax->marked,dstr(pax->komodoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis)); if ( opcode == 'I' ) { sum += pax->fiatoshis; if ( sum > available ) break; } txNew->vout.resize(numvouts+1); txNew->vout[numvouts].nValue = (opcode == 'I') ? pax->fiatoshis : pax->komodoshis; txNew->vout[numvouts].scriptPubKey.resize(25); script = (uint8_t *)&txNew->vout[numvouts].scriptPubKey[0]; *script++ = 0x76; *script++ = 0xa9; *script++ = 20; memcpy(script,pax->rmd160,20), script += 20; *script++ = 0x88; *script++ = 0xac; if ( tokomodo == 0 ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) data[len++] = ((uint8_t *)&pax->txid)[i]; data[len++] = pax->vout & 0xff; data[len++] = (pax->vout >> 8) & 0xff; PENDING_KOMODO_TX += pax->fiatoshis; } else { len += komodo_rwapproval(1,&data[len],pax); PENDING_KOMODO_TX += pax->komodoshis; printf(" len.%d vout.%u DEPOSIT %.8f <- pax.%s pending ht %d %d %.8f | ",len,pax->vout,(double)txNew->vout[numvouts].nValue/COIN,symbol,pax->height,pax->otherheight,dstr(PENDING_KOMODO_TX)); } if ( numvouts++ >= 64 || sum > COIN ) break; } if ( numvouts > 1 ) { if ( tokomodo != 0 ) strcpy(symbol,(char *)"KMD"); for (i=0; symbol[i]!=0; i++) data[len++] = symbol[i]; data[len++] = 0; for (i=0; ivout.resize(numvouts+1); txNew->vout[numvouts].nValue = 0; txNew->vout[numvouts].scriptPubKey.resize(opretlen); script = (uint8_t *)&txNew->vout[numvouts].scriptPubKey[0]; memcpy(script,opret,opretlen); for (i=0; i<8; i++) printf("%02x",opret[i]); printf(" <- opret, MINER deposits.%d (%s) vouts.%d %.8f opretlen.%d\n",tokomodo,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,numvouts,dstr(PENDING_KOMODO_TX),opretlen); return(1); } return(0); } const char *banned_txids[] = { "78cb4e21245c26b015b888b14c4f5096e18137d2741a6de9734d62b07014dfca", // vout1 only 233559 "00697be658e05561febdee1aafe368b821ca33fbb89b7027365e3d77b5dfede5", //234172 "e909465788b32047c472d73e882d79a92b0d550f90be008f76e1edaee6d742ea", //234187 "f56c6873748a327d0b92b8108f8ec8505a2843a541b1926022883678fb24f9dc", //234188 "abf08be07d8f5b3a433ddcca7ef539e79a3571632efd6d0294ec0492442a0204", //234213 "3b854b996cc982fba8c06e76cf507ae7eed52ab92663f4c0d7d10b3ed879c3b0", //234367 "fa9e474c2cda3cb4127881a40eb3f682feaba3f3328307d518589024a6032cc4", //234635 "ca746fa13e0113c4c0969937ea2c66de036d20274efad4ce114f6b699f1bc0f3", //234662 "43ce88438de4973f21b1388ffe66e68fda592da38c6ef939be10bb1b86387041", //234697 "0aeb748de82f209cd5ff7d3a06f65543904c4c17387c9d87c65fd44b14ad8f8c", //234899 "bbd3a3d9b14730991e1066bd7c626ca270acac4127131afe25f877a5a886eb25", //235252 "fa9943525f2e6c32cbc243294b08187e314d83a2870830180380c3c12a9fd33c", //235253 "a01671c8775328a41304e31a6693bbd35e9acbab28ab117f729eaba9cb769461", //235265 "2ef49d2d27946ad7c5d5e4ab5c089696762ff04e855f8ab48e83bdf0cc68726d", //235295 "c85dcffb16d5a45bd239021ad33443414d60224760f11d535ae2063e5709efee", //235296 // all vouts banned "c4ea1462c207547cd6fb6a4155ca6d042b22170d29801a465db5c09fec55b19d", //246748 "305dc96d8bc23a69d3db955e03a6a87c1832673470c32fe25473a46cc473c7d1", //247204 //"43416a0c4da6b1a5c1d375bdbe8f7dc8d44d8f60df593d3376aa8221ec66357e", // vout0 only //"1eb295ed54c47f35cbccd7e7e40d03041f1853581da6d41102a9d8813782b6cb", //"db121e4012222adfc841824984a2a90b7e5b018dd71307822537d58160195e43", //"28f95b8148ac4ae6e09c7380e34422fab41d568a411e53dc94823e36a3d6f386", //"01d8c839463bda2f2f6400ede4611357913684927a767422a8560ead1b22557c", //"6e4980a9e1bd669f4df04732dc6f11b7773b6de88d1abcf89a6b9007d72ef9ac", //"6cc1d0495170bc0e11fd3925297623562e529ea1336b66ea61f8a1159041aed2", //"250875424cece9bcd98cb226b09da7671625633d6958589e3a462bad89ad87cc", // missed //"ea8659011de52f4dac42cda12326064b7b5013b8492f88e33159884ca299aa05", // missed //"ce567928b5490a17244167af161b1d8dd6ff753fef222fe6855d95b2278a35b3", // missed }; int32_t komodo_checkvout(int32_t vout,int32_t k,int32_t indallvouts) { if ( k < indallvouts ) return(vout == 1); else if ( k == indallvouts || k == indallvouts+1 ) return(1); else return(vout == 0); } int32_t komodo_bannedset(int32_t *indallvoutsp,uint256 *array,int32_t max) { int32_t i; if ( sizeof(banned_txids)/sizeof(*banned_txids) > max ) { fprintf(stderr,"komodo_bannedset: buffer too small %d vs %d\n",(int32_t)(sizeof(banned_txids)/sizeof(*banned_txids)),max); StartShutdown(); } for (i=0; i 1 && block.vtx[txn_count-1].vout.size() > 0 && block.vtx[txn_count-1].vout[0].nValue == 5000 ) { /* if ( block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin.size() == 1 && GetTransaction(block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin[0].prevout.hash,tx,hash,false) && block.vtx[0].vout[0].scriptPubKey == tx.vout[block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin[0].prevout.n].scriptPubKey ) notmatched = 1; */ if ( block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin.size() == 1 ) { uint256 hashNotaryProofVin = block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin[0].prevout.hash; int fNotaryProofVinTxFound = GetTransaction(hashNotaryProofVin,tx,hash,false); if (!fNotaryProofVinTxFound) { // try to search in the same block BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &txInThisBlock, block.vtx) { if (txInThisBlock.GetHash() == hashNotaryProofVin) { fNotaryProofVinTxFound = 1; tx = txInThisBlock; hash = block.GetHash(); break; } } } if ( fNotaryProofVinTxFound && block.vtx[0].vout[0].scriptPubKey == tx.vout[block.vtx[txn_count-1].vin[0].prevout.n].scriptPubKey ) { notmatched = 1; } } } n = block.vtx[i].vin.size(); for (j=0; j= indallvouts) ) { printf("banned tx.%d being used at ht.%d txi.%d vini.%d\n",k,height,i,j); return(-1); } } } } } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || ((ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 || ASSETCHAINS_FOUNDERS_REWARD) && height > 1) || NetworkUpgradeActive(height, Params().GetConsensus(), Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING) ) { n = block.vtx[0].vout.size(); int64_t val,prevtotal = 0; int32_t strangeout=0,overflow = 0; total = 0; for (i=1; i= MAX_MONEY ) { overflow = 1; break; } if ( i > 1 && script[0] != 0x6a && val < 5000 ) strangeout++; total += val; if ( total < prevtotal || (val != 0 && total == prevtotal) ) { overflow = 1; break; } prevtotal = total; } if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { if ( overflow != 0 || total > COIN/10 ) { if ( height >= activation ) { if ( height > 800000 ) fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<< ht.%d illegal nonz output %.8f n.%d\n",height,dstr(block.vtx[0].vout[1].nValue),n); return(-1); } } else if ( block.nBits == HUSH_MINDIFF_NBITS && total > 0 ) // to deal with fee stealing { fprintf(stderr,"notary mined ht.%d with extra %.8f\n",height,dstr(total)); if ( height > KOMODO_NOTARIES_HEIGHT1 ) return(-1); } if ( strangeout != 0 || notmatched != 0 ) { if ( 0 && strcmp(NOTARY_PUBKEY.c_str(),"03b7621b44118017a16043f19b30cc8a4cfe068ac4e42417bae16ba460c80f3828") == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>>>>>>> DUST ht.%d strangout.%d notmatched.%d <<<<<<<<<\n",height,strangeout,notmatched); if ( height > 1000000 && strangeout != 0 ) return(-1); } else if ( height > 814000 ) { script = (uint8_t *)&block.vtx[0].vout[0].scriptPubKey[0]; //int32_t notary = komodo_electednotary(&num,script+1,height,0); //if ( (-1 * (komodo_electednotary(&num,script+1,height,0) >= 0) * (height > 1000000)) < 0 ) // fprintf(stderr, ">>>>>>> FAILED BLOCK.%d notary.%d insync.%d\n",height,notary,HUSH_INSYNC); //else // fprintf(stderr, "<<<<<<< VALID BLOCK.%d notary.%d insync.%d\n",height,notary,HUSH_INSYNC); return(-1 * (komodo_electednotary(&num,script+1,height,0) >= 0) * (height > 1000000)); } } else { checktoshis = 0; if ( (ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 || ASSETCHAINS_FOUNDERS_REWARD) && height > 1 ) { if ( (checktoshis= komodo_checkcommission((CBlock *)&block,height)) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"ht.%d checktoshis %.8f overflow.%d total %.8f strangeout.%d\n",height,dstr(checktoshis),overflow,dstr(total),strangeout); return(-1); } } if ( height > 1 && checktoshis == 0 ) { checktoshis = ((uint64_t)GetBlockSubsidy(height, Params().GetConsensus()) - block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue); // some pools will need to change their pool fee to be (poolfee % - txfees) //checktoshis += txn_count * 0.001; // rely on higher level validations to prevent emitting more coins than actual txfees } if ( height >= 2 && (overflow != 0 || total > checktoshis || strangeout != 0) ) { fprintf(stderr,"checkdeposit: ht.%d checktoshis %.8f overflow.%d total %.8f strangeout.%d\n",height,dstr(checktoshis),overflow,dstr(total),strangeout); if ( strangeout != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>>>>>>> %s DUST ht.%d strangeout.%d notmatched.%d <<<<<<<<<\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,height,strangeout,notmatched); return(-1); } } } return(0); } const char *komodo_opreturn(int32_t height,uint64_t value,uint8_t *opretbuf,int32_t opretlen,uint256 txid,uint16_t vout,char *source) { uint8_t rmd160[20],rmd160s[64*20],addrtype,shortflag,pubkey33[33]; int32_t didstats,i,j,n,kvheight,len,tokomodo,kmdheight,otherheights[64],kmdheights[64]; int8_t baseids[64]; char base[4],coinaddr[64],destaddr[64]; uint256 txids[64]; uint16_t vouts[64]; uint64_t convtoshis,seed; int64_t fee,fiatoshis,komodoshis,checktoshis,values[64],srcvalues[64]; struct pax_transaction *pax,*pax2; struct hush_state *basesp; double diff; const char *typestr = "unknown"; if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 && komodo_baseid(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) < 0 && opretbuf[0] != 'K' ) { //printf("komodo_opreturn skip %s\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL); return("assetchain"); } memset(baseids,0xff,sizeof(baseids)); memset(values,0,sizeof(values)); memset(srcvalues,0,sizeof(srcvalues)); memset(rmd160s,0,sizeof(rmd160s)); memset(kmdheights,0,sizeof(kmdheights)); memset(otherheights,0,sizeof(otherheights)); tokomodo = (komodo_is_issuer() == 0); if ( opretbuf[0] == 'K' && opretlen != 40 ) { komodo_kvupdate(opretbuf,opretlen,value); return("kv"); } else if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 && KOMODO_PAX == 0 ) return("nopax"); if ( opretbuf[0] == 'D' ) { tokomodo = 0; if ( opretlen == 38 ) // any KMD tx { dragon_rwnum(0,&opretbuf[34],sizeof(kmdheight),&kmdheight); memset(base,0,sizeof(base)); PAX_pubkey(0,&opretbuf[1],&addrtype,rmd160,base,&shortflag,&fiatoshis); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,addrtype,rmd160,20); checktoshis = PAX_fiatdest(&seed,tokomodo,destaddr,pubkey33,coinaddr,kmdheight,base,fiatoshis); if ( komodo_paxcmp(base,kmdheight,value,checktoshis,kmdheight < 225000 ? seed : 0) != 0 ) checktoshis = PAX_fiatdest(&seed,tokomodo,destaddr,pubkey33,coinaddr,height,base,fiatoshis); typestr = "deposit"; if ( 0 && strcmp("NOK",base) == 0 ) { printf("[%s] %s paxdeposit height.%d vs kmdheight.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,height,kmdheight); printf("(%s) (%s) kmdheight.%d vs height.%d check %.8f vs %.8f tokomodo.%d %d seed.%llx\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,kmdheight,height,dstr(checktoshis),dstr(value),komodo_is_issuer(),strncmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,strlen(base)) == 0,(long long)seed); for (i=0; i<32; i++) printf("%02x",((uint8_t *)&txid)[i]); printf(" <- txid.v%u ",vout); for (i=0; i<33; i++) printf("%02x",pubkey33[i]); printf(" checkpubkey check %.8f v %.8f dest.(%s) kmdheight.%d height.%d\n",dstr(checktoshis),dstr(value),destaddr,kmdheight,height); } if ( strcmp(base,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 && (kmdheight > 195000 || kmdheight <= height) ) { didstats = 0; if ( komodo_paxcmp(base,kmdheight,value,checktoshis,kmdheight < 225000 ? seed : 0) == 0 ) { if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'D')) == 0 ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(base)) != 0 ) { basesp->deposited += fiatoshis; didstats = 1; if ( 0 && strcmp(base,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("########### %p deposited %s += %.8f kmdheight.%d %.8f\n",basesp,base,dstr(fiatoshis),kmdheight,dstr(value)); } else printf("cant get stateptr.(%s)\n",base); komodo_gateway_deposit(coinaddr,value,base,fiatoshis,rmd160,txid,vout,'D',kmdheight,height,(char *)"KMD",0); } if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'D')) != 0 ) { pax->height = kmdheight; pax->validated = value; pax->komodoshis = value; pax->fiatoshis = fiatoshis; if ( didstats == 0 && pax->didstats == 0 ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(base)) != 0 ) { basesp->deposited += fiatoshis; didstats = 1; if ( 0 && strcmp(base,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("########### %p depositedB %s += %.8f/%.8f kmdheight.%d/%d %.8f/%.8f\n",basesp,base,dstr(fiatoshis),dstr(pax->fiatoshis),kmdheight,pax->height,dstr(value),dstr(pax->komodoshis)); } } // if ( didstats != 0 ) pax->didstats = 1; if ( (pax2= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'I')) != 0 ) { pax2->fiatoshis = pax->fiatoshis; pax2->komodoshis = pax->komodoshis; pax->marked = pax2->marked = pax->height; pax2->height = pax->height = height; if ( pax2->didstats == 0 ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(base)) != 0 ) { basesp->issued += pax2->fiatoshis; pax2->didstats = 1; if ( 0 && strcmp(base,"USD") == 0 ) printf("########### %p issueda %s += %.8f kmdheight.%d %.8f other.%d [%d]\n",basesp,base,dstr(pax2->fiatoshis),pax2->height,dstr(pax2->komodoshis),pax2->otherheight,height); } } } } } else { if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'D')) != 0 ) pax->marked = checktoshis; if ( kmdheight > 238000 && (kmdheight > 214700 || strcmp(base,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0) ) //seed != 0 && printf("pax %s deposit %.8f rejected kmdheight.%d %.8f KMD check %.8f seed.%llu\n",base,dstr(fiatoshis),kmdheight,dstr(value),dstr(checktoshis),(long long)seed); } } //else printf("[%s] %s paxdeposit height.%d vs kmdheight.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,height,kmdheight); } //else printf("unsupported size.%d for opreturn D\n",opretlen); } else if ( opretbuf[0] == 'I' ) { tokomodo = 0; if ( strncmp((char *)"KMD",(char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4],3) != 0 && strncmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4],3) == 0 ) { if ( (n= komodo_issued_opreturn(base,txids,vouts,values,srcvalues,kmdheights,otherheights,baseids,rmd160s,opretbuf,opretlen,0)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; itype = opretbuf[0]; strcpy(pax->source,(char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4]); if ( (pax2= komodo_paxfind(txids[i],vouts[i],'D')) != 0 && pax2->fiatoshis != 0 && pax2->komodoshis != 0 ) { // realtime path? pax->fiatoshis = pax2->fiatoshis; pax->komodoshis = pax2->komodoshis; pax->marked = pax2->marked = pax2->height; if ( pax->didstats == 0 ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]])) != 0 ) { basesp->issued += pax->fiatoshis; pax->didstats = 1; pax->height = pax2->height; pax->otherheight = height; if ( 1 && strcmp(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],"USD") == 0 ) printf("########### %p issuedb %s += %.8f kmdheight.%d %.8f other.%d [%d]\n",basesp,CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],dstr(pax->fiatoshis),pax->height,dstr(pax->komodoshis),pax->otherheight,height); } } } } if ( (pax= komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'I',height)) != 0 ) komodo_paxdelete(pax); if ( (pax= komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'D',height)) != 0 ) komodo_paxdelete(pax); } } //else printf("opreturn none issued?\n"); } } else if ( height < 236000 && opretbuf[0] == 'W' && strncmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4],3) == 0 )//&& opretlen >= 38 ) { if ( komodo_baseid((char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4]) >= 0 && strcmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(char *)&opretbuf[opretlen-4]) == 0 ) { for (i=0; i (%s) len.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,kmdheight,height,dstr(checktoshis),dstr(komodoshis),dstr(value),komodo_is_issuer(),strncmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,strlen(base)) == 0,(long long)seed,coinaddr,opretlen); didstats = 0; //if ( komodo_paxcmp(base,kmdheight,komodoshis,checktoshis,seed) == 0 ) { if ( value != 0 && ((pax= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'W')) == 0 || pax->didstats == 0) ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(base)) != 0 ) { basesp->withdrawn += value; didstats = 1; if ( 0 && strcmp(base,SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("########### %p withdrawn %s += %.8f check %.8f\n",basesp,base,dstr(value),dstr(checktoshis)); } if ( 0 && strcmp(base,"RUB") == 0 && (pax == 0 || pax->approved == 0) ) printf("notarize %s %.8f -> %.8f kmd.%d other.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,dstr(value),dstr(komodoshis),kmdheight,height); } komodo_gateway_deposit(coinaddr,0,(char *)"KMD",value,rmd160,txid,vout,'W',kmdheight,height,source,0); if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txid,vout,'W')) != 0 ) { pax->type = opretbuf[0]; strcpy(pax->source,base); strcpy(pax->symbol,"KMD"); pax->height = kmdheight; pax->otherheight = height; pax->komodoshis = komodoshis; } } // else printf("withdraw %s paxcmp ht.%d %d error value %.8f -> %.8f vs %.8f\n",base,kmdheight,height,dstr(value),dstr(komodoshis),dstr(checktoshis)); // need to allocate pax } else if ( height < 236000 && tokomodo != 0 && opretbuf[0] == 'A' && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { tokomodo = 1; if ( 0 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 ) { for (i=0; isymbol); printf("override neg1 with (%s)\n",pax->symbol); } if ( baseids[i] < 0 ) continue; } didstats = 0; seed = 0; checktoshis = komodo_paxprice(&seed,kmdheights[i],CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],(char *)"KMD",(uint64_t)values[i]); //printf("PAX_fiatdest ht.%d price %s %.8f -> KMD %.8f vs %.8f\n",kmdheights[i],CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],(double)values[i]/COIN,(double)srcvalues[i]/COIN,(double)checktoshis/COIN); if ( srcvalues[i] == checktoshis ) { if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txids[i],vouts[i],'A')) == 0 ) { bitcoin_address(coinaddr,60,&rmd160s[i*20],20); komodo_gateway_deposit(coinaddr,srcvalues[i],CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],values[i],&rmd160s[i*20],txids[i],vouts[i],'A',kmdheights[i],otherheights[i],CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],kmdheights[i]); if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txids[i],vouts[i],'A')) == 0 ) printf("unexpected null pax for approve\n"); else pax->validated = checktoshis; if ( (pax2= komodo_paxfind(txids[i],vouts[i],'W')) != 0 ) pax2->approved = kmdheights[i]; komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'W',height); //komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'A',height); if ( values[i] != 0 && (basesp= hush_stateptrget(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]])) != 0 ) { basesp->approved += values[i]; didstats = 1; //printf("pax.%p ########### %p approved %s += %.8f -> %.8f/%.8f kht.%d %d\n",pax,basesp,CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],dstr(values[i]),dstr(srcvalues[i]),dstr(checktoshis),kmdheights[i],otherheights[i]); } //printf(" i.%d (%s) <- %.8f ADDFLAG APPROVED\n",i,coinaddr,dstr(values[i])); } else if ( pax->didstats == 0 && srcvalues[i] != 0 ) { if ( (basesp= hush_stateptrget(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]])) != 0 ) { basesp->approved += values[i]; didstats = 1; //printf("pax.%p ########### %p approved %s += %.8f -> %.8f/%.8f kht.%d %d\n",pax,basesp,CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],dstr(values[i]),dstr(srcvalues[i]),dstr(checktoshis),kmdheights[i],otherheights[i]); } } //else printf(" i.%d of n.%d pax.%p baseids[] %d\n",i,n,pax,baseids[i]); if ( (pax= komodo_paxfind(txids[i],vouts[i],'A')) != 0 ) { pax->type = opretbuf[0]; pax->approved = kmdheights[i]; pax->validated = checktoshis; if ( didstats != 0 ) pax->didstats = 1; //if ( strcmp(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) //printf(" i.%d approved.%d <<<<<<<<<<<<< APPROVED %p\n",i,kmdheights[i],pax); } } } } //else printf("n.%d from opreturns\n",n); //printf("extra.[%d] after %.8f\n",n,dstr(komodo_paxtotal())); } else if ( height < 236000 && opretbuf[0] == 'X' && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) { tokomodo = 1; if ( (n= komodo_issued_opreturn(base,txids,vouts,values,srcvalues,kmdheights,otherheights,baseids,rmd160s,opretbuf,opretlen,1)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; itype = opretbuf[0]; if ( height < 121842 ) // fields got switched around due to legacy issues and approves value = srcvalues[i]; else value = values[i]; if ( baseids[i] >= 0 && value != 0 && (basesp= hush_stateptrget(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]])) != 0 ) { basesp->redeemed += value; pax->didstats = 1; if ( strcmp(CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) == 0 ) printf("ht.%d %.8f ########### %p redeemed %s += %.8f %.8f kht.%d ht.%d\n",height,dstr(value),basesp,CURRENCIES[baseids[i]],dstr(value),dstr(srcvalues[i]),kmdheights[i],otherheights[i]); } } if ( (pax= komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'W',height)) != 0 ) komodo_paxdelete(pax); if ( (pax= komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'A',height)) != 0 ) komodo_paxdelete(pax); if ( (pax= komodo_paxmark(height,txids[i],vouts[i],'X',height)) != 0 ) komodo_paxdelete(pax); } } //else printf("komodo_issued_opreturn returned %d\n",n); } return(typestr); } int32_t komodo_parsestatefiledata(struct hush_state *sp,uint8_t *filedata,long *fposp,long datalen,char *symbol,char *dest); void hush_stateind_set(struct hush_state *sp,uint32_t *inds,int32_t n,uint8_t *filedata,long datalen,char *symbol,char *dest) { uint8_t func; long lastK,lastT,lastN,lastV,fpos,lastfpos; int32_t i,count,doissue,iter,numn,numv,numN,numV,numR; uint32_t tmp,prevpos100,offset; count = numR = numN = numV = numn = numv = 0; lastK = lastT = lastN = lastV = -1; for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { for (lastfpos=fpos=prevpos100=i=0; i> 8); fpos = prevpos100 + offset; if ( lastfpos >= datalen || (filedata[lastfpos] != func && func != 0) ) printf("i.%d/n.%d lastfpos.%ld >= datalen.%ld or [%d] != func.%d\n",i,n,lastfpos,datalen,filedata[lastfpos],func); else if ( iter == 0 ) { switch ( func ) { default: case 'P': case 'U': case 'D': inds[i] &= 0xffffff00; break; case 'K': lastK = lastfpos; inds[i] &= 0xffffff00; break; case 'T': lastT = lastfpos; inds[i] &= 0xffffff00; break; case 'N': lastN = lastfpos; numN++; break; case 'V': lastV = lastfpos; numV++; break; case 'R': numR++; break; } } else { doissue = 0; if ( func == 'K' ) { if ( lastK == lastfpos ) doissue = 1; } else if ( func == 'T' ) { if ( lastT == lastfpos ) doissue = 1; } else if ( func == 'N' ) { if ( numn > numN-128 ) doissue = 1; numn++; } else if ( func == 'V' ) { if ( KOMODO_PAX != 0 && numv > numV-1440 ) doissue = 1; numv++; } else if ( func == 'R' ) doissue = 1; if ( doissue != 0 ) { //printf("issue %c total.%d lastfpos.%ld\n",func,count,lastfpos); komodo_parsestatefiledata(sp,filedata,&lastfpos,datalen,symbol,dest); count++; } } } lastfpos = fpos; } } printf("numR.%d numV.%d numN.%d count.%d\n",numR,numV,numN,count); /*else if ( func == 'K' ) // KMD height: stop after 1st else if ( func == 'T' ) // KMD height+timestamp: stop after 1st else if ( func == 'N' ) // notarization, scan backwards 1440+ blocks; else if ( func == 'V' ) // price feed: can stop after 1440+ else if ( func == 'R' ) // opreturn:*/ } void *OS_loadfile(char *fname,uint8_t **bufp,long *lenp,long *allocsizep) { FILE *fp; long filesize,buflen = *allocsizep; uint8_t *buf = *bufp; *lenp = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(fp); if ( filesize == 0 ) { fclose(fp); *lenp = 0; printf("OS_loadfile null size.(%s)\n",fname); return(0); } if ( filesize > buflen ) { *allocsizep = filesize; *bufp = buf = (uint8_t *)realloc(buf,(long)*allocsizep+64); } rewind(fp); if ( buf == 0 ) printf("Null buf ???\n"); else { if ( fread(buf,1,(long)filesize,fp) != (unsigned long)filesize ) printf("error reading filesize.%ld\n",(long)filesize); buf[filesize] = 0; } fclose(fp); *lenp = filesize; //printf("loaded.(%s)\n",buf); } //else printf("OS_loadfile couldnt load.(%s)\n",fname); return(buf); } uint8_t *OS_fileptr(long *allocsizep,char *fname) { long filesize = 0; uint8_t *buf = 0; void *retptr; *allocsizep = 0; retptr = OS_loadfile(fname,&buf,&filesize,allocsizep); return((uint8_t *)retptr); } long hush_stateind_validate(struct hush_state *sp,char *indfname,uint8_t *filedata,long datalen,uint32_t *prevpos100p,uint32_t *indcounterp,char *symbol,char *dest) { FILE *fp; long fsize,lastfpos=0,fpos=0; uint8_t *inds,func; int32_t i,n; uint32_t offset,tmp,prevpos100 = 0; *indcounterp = *prevpos100p = 0; if ( (inds= OS_fileptr(&fsize,indfname)) != 0 ) { lastfpos = 0; fprintf(stderr,"inds.%p validate %s fsize.%ld datalen.%ld n.%d lastfpos.%ld\n",inds,indfname,fsize,datalen,(int32_t)(fsize / sizeof(uint32_t)),lastfpos); if ( (fsize % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0 ) { n = (int32_t)(fsize / sizeof(uint32_t)); for (i=0; i n-10 ) printf("%d: tmp.%08x [%c] prevpos100.%u\n",i,tmp,tmp&0xff,prevpos100); if ( (i % 100) == 0 ) prevpos100 = tmp; else { func = (tmp & 0xff); offset = (tmp >> 8); fpos = prevpos100 + offset; if ( lastfpos >= datalen || filedata[lastfpos] != func ) { printf("validate.%d error (%u %d) prev100 %u -> fpos.%ld datalen.%ld [%d] (%c) vs (%c) lastfpos.%ld\n",i,offset,func,prevpos100,fpos,datalen,lastfpos < datalen ? filedata[lastfpos] : -1,func,filedata[lastfpos],lastfpos); return(-1); } } lastfpos = fpos; } *indcounterp = n; *prevpos100p = prevpos100; if ( sp != 0 ) hush_stateind_set(sp,(uint32_t *)inds,n,filedata,fpos,symbol,dest); //printf("free inds.%p %s validated[%d] fpos.%ld datalen.%ld, offset %ld vs fsize.%ld\n",inds,indfname,i,fpos,datalen,i * sizeof(uint32_t),fsize); free(inds); return(fpos); } else printf("wrong filesize %s %ld\n",indfname,fsize); } free(inds); fprintf(stderr,"indvalidate return -1\n"); return(-1); } long komodo_indfile_update(FILE *indfp,uint32_t *prevpos100p,long lastfpos,long newfpos,uint8_t func,uint32_t *indcounterp) { uint32_t tmp; if ( indfp != 0 ) { tmp = ((uint32_t)(newfpos - *prevpos100p) << 8) | (func & 0xff); if ( ftell(indfp)/sizeof(uint32_t) != *indcounterp ) printf("indfp fpos %ld -> ind.%ld vs counter.%u\n",ftell(indfp),ftell(indfp)/sizeof(uint32_t),*indcounterp); //fprintf(stderr,"ftell.%ld indcounter.%u lastfpos.%ld newfpos.%ld func.%02x\n",ftell(indfp),*indcounterp,lastfpos,newfpos,func); fwrite(&tmp,1,sizeof(tmp),indfp), (*indcounterp)++; if ( (*indcounterp % 100) == 0 ) { *prevpos100p = (uint32_t)newfpos; fwrite(prevpos100p,1,sizeof(*prevpos100p),indfp), (*indcounterp)++; } } return(newfpos); } int32_t hush_faststateinit(struct hush_state *sp,char *fname,char *symbol,char *dest) { FILE *indfp; char indfname[1024]; uint8_t *filedata; long validated=-1,datalen,fpos,lastfpos; uint32_t tmp,prevpos100,indcounter,starttime; int32_t func,finished = 0; starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); safecopy(indfname,fname,sizeof(indfname)-4); strcat(indfname,".ind"); if ( (filedata= OS_fileptr(&datalen,fname)) != 0 ) { if ( 1 )//datalen >= (1LL << 32) || GetArg("-genind",0) != 0 || (validated= hush_stateind_validate(0,indfname,filedata,datalen,&prevpos100,&indcounter,symbol,dest)) < 0 ) { lastfpos = fpos = 0; indcounter = prevpos100 = 0; if ( (indfp= fopen(indfname,"wb")) != 0 ) fwrite(&prevpos100,1,sizeof(prevpos100),indfp), indcounter++; fprintf(stderr,"processing %s %ldKB, validated.%ld\n",fname,datalen/1024,validated); while ( (func= komodo_parsestatefiledata(sp,filedata,&fpos,datalen,symbol,dest)) >= 0 ) { lastfpos = komodo_indfile_update(indfp,&prevpos100,lastfpos,fpos,func,&indcounter); } if ( indfp != 0 ) { fclose(indfp); if ( (fpos= hush_stateind_validate(0,indfname,filedata,datalen,&prevpos100,&indcounter,symbol,dest)) < 0 ) printf("unexpected hushstate.ind validate failure %s datalen.%ld\n",indfname,datalen); else printf("%s validated fpos.%ld\n",indfname,fpos); } finished = 1; fprintf(stderr,"took %d seconds to process %s %ldKB\n",(int32_t)(time(NULL)-starttime),fname,datalen/1024); } else if ( validated > 0 ) { if ( (indfp= fopen(indfname,"rb+")) != 0 ) { lastfpos = fpos = validated; fprintf(stderr,"datalen.%ld validated %ld -> indcounter %u, prevpos100 %u offset.%d\n",datalen,validated,indcounter,prevpos100,(int32_t)(indcounter * sizeof(uint32_t))); if ( fpos < datalen ) { fseek(indfp,indcounter * sizeof(uint32_t),SEEK_SET); if ( ftell(indfp) == indcounter * sizeof(uint32_t) ) { while ( (func= komodo_parsestatefiledata(sp,filedata,&fpos,datalen,symbol,dest)) >= 0 ) { lastfpos = komodo_indfile_update(indfp,&prevpos100,lastfpos,fpos,func,&indcounter); if ( lastfpos != fpos ) fprintf(stderr,"unexpected lastfpos.%ld != %ld\n",lastfpos,fpos); } } fclose(indfp); } if ( hush_stateind_validate(sp,indfname,filedata,datalen,&prevpos100,&indcounter,symbol,dest) < 0 ) printf("unexpected hushstate.ind validate failure %s datalen.%ld\n",indfname,datalen); else { printf("%s validated updated from validated.%ld to %ld new.[%ld] -> indcounter %u, prevpos100 %u offset.%ld | elapsed %d seconds\n",indfname,validated,fpos,fpos-validated,indcounter,prevpos100,indcounter * sizeof(uint32_t),(int32_t)(time(NULL) - starttime)); finished = 1; } } } else printf("hush_faststateinit unexpected case\n"); free(filedata); return(finished == 1); } return(-1); } uint64_t komodo_interestsum(); void hush_passport_iteration() { static long lastpos[34]; static char userpass[33][1024]; static uint32_t lasttime,callcounter,lastinterest; int32_t maxseconds = 10; FILE *fp; uint8_t *filedata; long fpos,datalen,lastfpos; int32_t baseid,limit,n,ht,isrealtime,expired,refid,blocks,longest; struct hush_state *sp,*refsp; char *retstr,fname[512],*base,symbol[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[HUSH_SMART_CHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint32_t buf[3],starttime; uint64_t RTmask = 0; //CBlockIndex *pindex; expired = 0; while ( 0 && HUSH_INITDONE == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"[%s] PASSPORT iteration waiting for HUSH_INITDONE\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL); sleep(3); } if ( komodo_chainactive_timestamp() > lastinterest ) { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) komodo_interestsum(); //hush_longestchain(); lastinterest = komodo_chainactive_timestamp(); } refsp = hush_stateptr(symbol,dest); if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] == 0 || strcmp(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,"JUSTLIES") == 0 ) { refid = 33; limit = 10000000; } else { limit = 10000000; refid = komodo_baseid(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL)+1; // illegal base -> baseid.-1 -> 0 if ( refid == 0 ) { HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE = 1; return; } } starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( callcounter++ < 1 ) limit = 10000; lasttime = starttime; for (baseid=32; baseid>=0; baseid--) { if ( time(NULL) >= starttime+maxseconds ) break; sp = 0; isrealtime = 0; base = (char *)CURRENCIES[baseid]; //printf("PASSPORT %s baseid+1 %d refid.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,baseid+1,refid); if ( baseid+1 != refid ) // only need to import state from a different coin { if ( baseid == 32 ) // only care about KMD's state { refsp->RTmask &= ~(1LL << baseid); hush_statefname(fname,baseid<32?base:(char *)"",(char *)"hushstate"); hush_nameset(symbol,dest,base); sp = hush_stateptrget(symbol); n = 0; if ( lastpos[baseid] == 0 && (filedata= OS_fileptr(&datalen,fname)) != 0 ) { fpos = 0; fprintf(stderr,"%s processing %s %ldKB\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,fname,datalen/1024); while ( komodo_parsestatefiledata(sp,filedata,&fpos,datalen,symbol,dest) >= 0 ) lastfpos = fpos; fprintf(stderr,"%s took %d seconds to process %s %ldKB\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(int32_t)(time(NULL)-starttime),fname,datalen/1024); lastpos[baseid] = lastfpos; free(filedata), filedata = 0; datalen = 0; } else if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 && sp != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); //fprintf(stderr,"couldnt OS_fileptr(%s), freading %ldKB\n",fname,ftell(fp)/1024); if ( ftell(fp) > lastpos[baseid] ) { if ( SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) printf("%s passport refid.%d %s fname.(%s) base.%s %ld %ld\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,refid,symbol,fname,base,ftell(fp),lastpos[baseid]); fseek(fp,lastpos[baseid],SEEK_SET); while ( komodo_parsestatefile(sp,fp,symbol,dest) >= 0 && n < limit ) { if ( n == limit-1 ) { if ( time(NULL) < starttime+maxseconds ) n = 0; else { //printf("expire passport loop %s -> %s at %ld\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,lastpos[baseid]); expired++; } } n++; } lastpos[baseid] = ftell(fp); if ( 0 && lastpos[baseid] == 0 && strcmp(symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) printf("from.(%s) lastpos[%s] %ld isrt.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,CURRENCIES[baseid],lastpos[baseid],komodo_isrealtime(&ht)); } //else fprintf(stderr,"%s.%ld ",CURRENCIES[baseid],ftell(fp)); fclose(fp); } else fprintf(stderr,"load error.(%s) %p\n",fname,sp); hush_statefname(fname,baseid<32?base:(char *)"",(char *)"realtime"); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { if ( fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),fp) == sizeof(buf) ) { sp->CURRENT_HEIGHT = buf[0]; if ( buf[0] != 0 && buf[0] >= buf[1] && buf[2] > time(NULL)-60 ) { isrealtime = 1; RTmask |= (1LL << baseid); memcpy(refsp->RTbufs[baseid+1],buf,sizeof(refsp->RTbufs[baseid+1])); } else if ( KOMODO_PAX != 0 && (time(NULL)-buf[2]) > 60 && SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"[%s]: %s not RT %u %u %d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base,buf[0],buf[1],(int32_t)(time(NULL)-buf[2])); } //else fprintf(stderr,"%s size error RT\n",base); fclose(fp); } //else fprintf(stderr,"%s open error RT\n",base); } } else { refsp->RTmask &= ~(1LL << baseid); hush_statefname(fname,baseid<32?base:(char *)"",(char *)"realtime"); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { buf[0] = (uint32_t)chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight(); buf[1] = (uint32_t)hush_longestchain(); if ( buf[0] != 0 && buf[0] == buf[1] ) { buf[2] = (uint32_t)time(NULL); RTmask |= (1LL << baseid); memcpy(refsp->RTbufs[baseid+1],buf,sizeof(refsp->RTbufs[baseid+1])); if ( refid != 0 ) memcpy(refsp->RTbufs[0],buf,sizeof(refsp->RTbufs[0])); } if ( fwrite(buf,1,sizeof(buf),fp) != sizeof(buf) ) fprintf(stderr,"[%s] %s error writing realtime\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,base); fclose(fp); } else fprintf(stderr,"%s create error RT\n",base); } if ( sp != 0 && isrealtime == 0 ) refsp->RTbufs[0][2] = 0; } //komodo_paxtotal(); // calls komodo_isrealtime(), which calls hush_longestchain() refsp->RTmask |= RTmask; if ( expired == 0 && HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE == 0 ) { HUSH_PASSPORT_INITDONE = 1; printf("READY for %s RPC calls at %u! done PASSPORT %s refid.%d\n",SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,(uint32_t)time(NULL),SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL,refid); } } extern std::vector Mineropret; // opreturn data set by the data gathering code #define PRICES_ERRORRATE (COIN / 100) // maximum acceptable change, set at 1% #define PRICES_SIZEBIT0 (sizeof(uint32_t) * 4) // 4 uint32_t unixtimestamp, BTCUSD, BTCGBP and BTCEUR #define KOMODO_LOCALPRICE_CACHESIZE 13 #define KOMODO_MAXPRICES 2048 #define PRICES_SMOOTHWIDTH 1 #define issue_curl(cmdstr) bitcoind_RPC(0,(char *)"CBCOINBASE",cmdstr,0,0,0) const char *Cryptos[] = { "KMD", "ETH" }; // must be on binance (for now) // "LTC", "BCHABC", "XMR", "IOTA", "ZEC", "WAVES", "LSK", "DCR", "RVN", "DASH", "XEM", "BTS", "ICX", "HOT", "STEEM", "ENJ", "STRAT" const char *Forex[] = { "BGN","NZD","ILS","RUB","CAD","PHP","CHF","AUD","JPY","TRY","HKD","MYR","HRK","CZK","IDR","DKK","NOK","HUF","GBP","MXN","THB","ISK","ZAR","BRL","SGD","PLN","INR","KRW","RON","CNY","SEK","EUR" }; // must be in ECB list struct komodo_extremeprice { uint256 blockhash; uint32_t pricebits,timestamp; int32_t height; int16_t dir,ind; } ExtremePrice; struct komodo_priceinfo { FILE *fp; char symbol[64]; } PRICES[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; uint32_t PriceCache[KOMODO_LOCALPRICE_CACHESIZE][KOMODO_MAXPRICES];//4+sizeof(Cryptos)/sizeof(*Cryptos)+sizeof(Forex)/sizeof(*Forex)]; int64_t PriceMult[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; int32_t komodo_cbopretsize(uint64_t flags); void komodo_PriceCache_shift() { int32_t i; for (i=KOMODO_LOCALPRICE_CACHESIZE-1; i>0; i--) memcpy(PriceCache[i],PriceCache[i-1],sizeof(PriceCache[i])); memcpy(PriceCache[0],Mineropret.data(),Mineropret.size()); } int32_t _komodo_heightpricebits(uint64_t *seedp,uint32_t *heightbits,CBlock *block) { CTransaction tx; int32_t numvouts; std::vector vopret; tx = block->vtx[0]; numvouts = (int32_t)tx.vout.size(); GetOpReturnData(tx.vout[numvouts-1].scriptPubKey,vopret); if ( vopret.size() >= PRICES_SIZEBIT0 ) { if ( seedp != 0 ) memcpy(seedp,&block->hashMerkleRoot,sizeof(*seedp)); memcpy(heightbits,vopret.data(),vopret.size()); return((int32_t)(vopret.size()/sizeof(uint32_t))); } return(-1); } // komodo_heightpricebits() extracts the price data in the coinbase for nHeight int32_t komodo_heightpricebits(uint64_t *seedp,uint32_t *heightbits,int32_t nHeight) { CBlockIndex *pindex; CBlock block; if ( seedp != 0 ) *seedp = 0; if ( (pindex= komodo_chainactive(nHeight)) != 0 ) { if ( komodo_blockload(block,pindex) == 0 ) { return(_komodo_heightpricebits(seedp,heightbits,&block)); } } fprintf(stderr,"couldnt get pricebits for %d\n",nHeight); return(-1); } /* komodo_pricenew() is passed in a reference price, the change tolerance and the proposed price. it needs to return a clipped price if it is too big and also set a flag if it is at or above the limit */ uint32_t komodo_pricenew(char *maxflagp,uint32_t price,uint32_t refprice,int64_t tolerance) { uint64_t highprice,lowprice; if ( refprice < 2 ) return(0); highprice = ((uint64_t)refprice * (COIN + tolerance)) / COIN; // calc highest acceptable price lowprice = ((uint64_t)refprice * (COIN - tolerance)) / COIN; // and lowest if ( highprice == refprice ) highprice++; if ( lowprice == refprice ) lowprice--; if ( price >= highprice ) { //fprintf(stderr,"high %u vs h%llu l%llu tolerance.%llu\n",price,(long long)highprice,(long long)lowprice,(long long)tolerance); if ( price > highprice ) // return non-zero only if we violate the tolerance { *maxflagp = 2; return(highprice); } *maxflagp = 1; } else if ( price <= lowprice ) { //fprintf(stderr,"low %u vs h%llu l%llu tolerance.%llu\n",price,(long long)highprice,(long long)lowprice,(long long)tolerance); if ( price < lowprice ) { *maxflagp = -2; return(lowprice); } *maxflagp = -1; } return(0); } // komodo_pricecmp() returns -1 if any of the prices are beyond the tolerance int32_t komodo_pricecmp(int32_t nHeight,int32_t n,char *maxflags,uint32_t *pricebitsA,uint32_t *pricebitsB,int64_t tolerance) { int32_t i; uint32_t newprice; for (i=1; i newprice.%u out of tolerance maxflag.%d\n",nHeight,i,n,pricebitsB[i],pricebitsA[i],newprice,maxflags[i]); return(-1); } } return(0); } // komodo_priceclamp() clamps any price that is beyond tolerance int32_t komodo_priceclamp(int32_t n,uint32_t *pricebits,uint32_t *refprices,int64_t tolerance) { int32_t i; uint32_t newprice; char maxflags[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; memset(maxflags,0,sizeof(maxflags)); for (i=1; i %u\n",i,n,refprices[i],pricebits[i],newprice); pricebits[i] = newprice; } } return(0); } // komodo_mineropret() returns a valid pricedata to add to the coinbase opreturn for nHeight CScript komodo_mineropret(int32_t nHeight) { CScript opret; char maxflags[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; uint32_t pricebits[KOMODO_MAXPRICES],prevbits[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; int32_t maxflag,i,n,numzero=0; if ( Mineropret.size() >= PRICES_SIZEBIT0 ) { n = (int32_t)(Mineropret.size() / sizeof(uint32_t)); numzero = 1; while ( numzero > 0 ) { memcpy(pricebits,Mineropret.data(),Mineropret.size()); for (i=numzero=0; i 0 ) { memcpy(pricebits,Mineropret.data(),Mineropret.size()); memset(maxflags,0,sizeof(maxflags)); if ( komodo_pricecmp(0,n,maxflags,pricebits,prevbits,PRICES_ERRORRATE) < 0 ) { // if the new prices are outside tolerance, update Mineropret with clamped prices komodo_priceclamp(n,pricebits,prevbits,PRICES_ERRORRATE); //fprintf(stderr,"update Mineropret to clamped prices\n"); memcpy(Mineropret.data(),pricebits,Mineropret.size()); } } int32_t i; for (i=0; i vopret; char maxflags[KOMODO_MAXPRICES]; uint256 bhash; double btcusd,btcgbp,btceur; uint32_t localbits[KOMODO_MAXPRICES],pricebits[KOMODO_MAXPRICES],prevbits[KOMODO_MAXPRICES],newprice; int32_t i,j,prevtime,maxflag,lag,lag2,lag3,n,errflag,iter; uint32_t now; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET != 0 && nHeight > 0 ) { bhash = block->GetHash(); GetOpReturnData(scriptPubKey,vopret); if ( vopret.size() >= PRICES_SIZEBIT0 ) { n = (int32_t)(vopret.size() / sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(pricebits,vopret.data(),Mineropret.size()); memset(maxflags,0,sizeof(maxflags)); if ( nHeight > 2 ) { prevtime = previndex->nTime; lag = (int32_t)(now - pricebits[0]); lag2 = (int32_t)(pricebits[0] - prevtime); lag3 = (int32_t)(block->nTime - pricebits[0]); if ( lag < -60 ) // avoid data from future { fprintf(stderr,"A ht.%d now.%u htstamp.%u %u - pricebits[0] %u -> lags.%d %d %d\n",nHeight,now,prevtime,block->nTime,pricebits[0],lag,lag2,lag3); return(-1); } if ( lag2 < -60 ) //testchain_exemption ) // must be close to last block timestamp { fprintf(stderr,"B ht.%d now.%u htstamp.%u %u - pricebits[0] %u -> lags.%d %d %d vs %d cmp.%d\n",nHeight,now,prevtime,block->nTime,pricebits[0],lag,lag2,lag3,ASSETCHAINS_BLOCKTIME,lag2<-ASSETCHAINS_BLOCKTIME); if ( nHeight > testchain_exemption ) return(-1); } if ( lag3 < -60 || lag3 > ASSETCHAINS_BLOCKTIME ) { fprintf(stderr,"C ht.%d now.%u htstamp.%u %u - pricebits[0] %u -> lags.%d %d %d\n",nHeight,now,prevtime,block->nTime,pricebits[0],lag,lag2,lag3); if ( nHeight > testchain_exemption ) return(-1); } btcusd = (double)pricebits[1]/10000; btcgbp = (double)pricebits[2]/10000; btceur = (double)pricebits[3]/10000; fprintf(stderr,"ht.%d: lag.%d %.4f USD, %.4f GBP, %.4f EUR, GBPUSD %.6f, EURUSD %.6f, EURGBP %.6f [%d]\n",nHeight,lag,btcusd,btcgbp,btceur,btcusd/btcgbp,btcusd/btceur,btcgbp/btceur,lag2); if ( komodo_heightpricebits(0,prevbits,nHeight-1) > 0 ) { if ( nHeight < testchain_exemption ) { for (i=0; i= PRICES_SIZEBIT0 ) { memcpy(localbits,Mineropret.data(),Mineropret.size()); if ( nHeight < testchain_exemption ) { for (i=0; i 0 && localbits[i] < prevbits[i] ) { if ( iter == 0 ) break; // second iteration checks recent prices to see if within local volatility for (j=0; j= prevbits[i] ) { fprintf(stderr,"i.%d within recent localprices[%d] %u >= %u\n",i,j,PriceCache[j][i],prevbits[i]); break; } if ( j == KOMODO_LOCALPRICE_CACHESIZE ) { komodo_queuelocalprice(1,nHeight,block->nTime,bhash,i,prevbits[i]); break; } } else if ( maxflag < 0 && localbits[i] > prevbits[i] ) { if ( iter == 0 ) break; for (j=0; jnTime,bhash,i,prevbits[i]); break; } } } } if ( i != n ) { if ( iter == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"force update prices\n"); komodo_cbopretupdate(1); memcpy(localbits,Mineropret.data(),Mineropret.size()); } else return(-1); } } } } if ( bhash == ExtremePrice.blockhash ) { fprintf(stderr,"approved a previously extreme price based on new data ht.%d vs %u vs %u\n",ExtremePrice.height,ExtremePrice.timestamp,(uint32_t)block->nTime); memset(&ExtremePrice,0,sizeof(ExtremePrice)); } return(0); } else fprintf(stderr,"wrong size %d vs %d, scriptPubKey size %d [%02x]\n",(int32_t)vopret.size(),(int32_t)Mineropret.size(),(int32_t)scriptPubKey.size(),scriptPubKey[0]); return(-1); } return(0); } char *nonportable_path(char *str) { int32_t i; for (i=0; str[i]!=0; i++) if ( str[i] == '/' ) str[i] = '\\'; return(str); } char *portable_path(char *str) { #ifdef _WIN32 return(nonportable_path(str)); #else #ifdef __PNACL /*int32_t i,n; if ( str[0] == '/' ) return(str); else { n = (int32_t)strlen(str); for (i=n; i>0; i--) str[i] = str[i-1]; str[0] = '/'; str[n+1] = 0; }*/ #endif return(str); #endif } void *loadfile(char *fname,uint8_t **bufp,long *lenp,long *allocsizep) { FILE *fp; long filesize,buflen = *allocsizep; uint8_t *buf = *bufp; *lenp = 0; if ( (fp= fopen(portable_path(fname),"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(fp); if ( filesize == 0 ) { fclose(fp); *lenp = 0; //printf("loadfile null size.(%s)\n",fname); return(0); } if ( filesize > buflen ) { *allocsizep = filesize; *bufp = buf = (uint8_t *)realloc(buf,(long)*allocsizep+64); } rewind(fp); if ( buf == 0 ) printf("Null buf ???\n"); else { if ( fread(buf,1,(long)filesize,fp) != (unsigned long)filesize ) printf("error reading filesize.%ld\n",(long)filesize); buf[filesize] = 0; } fclose(fp); *lenp = filesize; //printf("loaded.(%s)\n",buf); } //else printf("OS_loadfile couldnt load.(%s)\n",fname); return(buf); } void *filestr(long *allocsizep,char *_fname) { long filesize = 0; char *fname,*buf = 0; void *retptr; *allocsizep = 0; fname = (char *)malloc(strlen(_fname)+1); strcpy(fname,_fname); retptr = loadfile(fname,(uint8_t **)&buf,&filesize,allocsizep); free(fname); return(retptr); } cJSON *send_curl(char *url,char *fname) { long fsize; char curlstr[1024],*jsonstr; cJSON *json=0; sprintf(curlstr,"wget -q \"%s\" -O %s",url,fname); if ( system(curlstr) == 0 ) { if ( (jsonstr= (char *)filestr((long *)&fsize,fname)) != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } } return(json); } // get_urljson just returns the JSON returned by the URL using issue_curl /* const char *Techstocks[] = { "AAPL","ADBE","ADSK","AKAM","AMD","AMZN","ATVI","BB","CDW","CRM","CSCO","CYBR","DBX","EA","FB","GDDY","GOOG","GRMN","GSAT","HPQ","IBM","INFY","INTC","INTU","JNPR","MSFT","MSI","MU","MXL","NATI","NCR","NFLX","NTAP","NVDA","ORCL","PANW","PYPL","QCOM","RHT","S","SHOP","SNAP","SPOT","SYMC","SYNA","T","TRIP","TWTR","TXN","VMW","VOD","VRSN","VZ","WDC","XRX","YELP","YNDX","ZEN" }; const char *Metals[] = { "XAU", "XAG", "XPT", "XPD", }; const char *Markets[] = { "DJIA", "SPX", "NDX", "VIX" }; */ cJSON *get_urljson(char *url) { char *jsonstr; cJSON *json = 0; if ( (jsonstr= issue_curl(url)) != 0 ) { //fprintf(stderr,"(%s) -> (%s)\n",url,jsonstr); json = cJSON_Parse(jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } return(json); } int32_t get_stockprices(uint32_t now,uint32_t *prices,std::vector symbols) { char url[32768],*symbol,*timestr; cJSON *json,*obj; int32_t i,n=0,retval=-1; uint32_t uprice,timestamp; sprintf(url,"https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/tops/last?symbols=%s",GetArg("-ac_stocks","").c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"url.(%s)\n",url); if ( (json= get_urljson(url)) != 0 ) //if ( (json= send_curl(url,(char *)"iex")) != 0 ) // { fprintf(stderr,"stocks.(%s)\n",jprint(json,0)); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(json)) > 0 ) { retval = n; for (i=0; i now+60 || timestamp < now-ASSETCHAINS_BLOCKTIME ) { fprintf(stderr,"time error.%d (%u vs %u)\n",timestamp-now,timestamp,now); retval = -1; }*/ if ( symbols[i] != symbol ) { retval = -1; fprintf(stderr,"MISMATCH."); } fprintf(stderr,"(%s %u) ",symbol,uprice); } } fprintf(stderr,"numstocks.%d\n",n); } //https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/tops/last?symbols=AAPL -> [{"symbol":"AAPL","price":198.63,"size":100,"time":1555092606076}] free_json(json); } return(retval); } uint32_t get_dailyfx(uint32_t *prices) { //{"base":"USD","rates":{"BGN":1.74344803,"NZD":1.471652701,"ILS":3.6329113924,"RUB":65.1997682296,"CAD":1.3430201462,"USD":1.0,"PHP":52.8641469068,"CHF":0.9970582992,"AUD":1.4129078267,"JPY":110.6792654662,"TRY":5.6523444464,"HKD":7.8499732573,"MYR":4.0824567659,"HRK":6.6232840078,"CZK":22.9862720628,"IDR":14267.4986628633,"DKK":6.6551078624,"NOK":8.6806917454,"HUF":285.131039401,"GBP":0.7626582278,"MXN":19.4183455161,"THB":31.8702085933,"ISK":122.5708682475,"ZAR":14.7033339276,"BRL":3.9750401141,"SGD":1.3573720806,"PLN":3.8286682118,"INR":69.33187734,"KRW":1139.1602781244,"RON":4.2423783206,"CNY":6.7387234801,"SEK":9.3385630237,"EUR":0.8914244963},"date":"2019-03-28"} char url[512],*datestr; cJSON *json,*rates; int32_t i; uint32_t datenum=0,price = 0; sprintf(url,"https://api.openrates.io/latest?base=USD"); if ( (json= get_urljson(url)) != 0 ) //if ( (json= send_curl(url,(char *)"dailyfx")) != 0 ) { if ( (rates= jobj(json,(char *)"rates")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i strvec) { int32_t i,errs=0; uint32_t price; char *symbol; for (i=0; i 333 ) // for debug only! // ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET = 7; size = komodo_cbopretsize(ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET); if ( Mineropret.size() < size ) Mineropret.resize(size); size = PRICES_SIZEBIT0; if ( (forceflag != 0 || now > lastbtc+120) && get_btcusd(pricebits) == 0 ) { if ( flags == 0 ) komodo_PriceCache_shift(); memcpy(PriceCache[0],pricebits,PRICES_SIZEBIT0); flags |= 1; } if ( (ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET & 2) != 0 ) { if ( now > lasttime+3600*5 || forexprices[0] == 0 ) // cant assume timestamp is valid for forex price as it is a daily weekday changing thing anyway. { get_dailyfx(forexprices); if ( flags == 0 ) komodo_PriceCache_shift(); flags |= 2; memcpy(&PriceCache[0][size/sizeof(uint32_t)],forexprices,sizeof(forexprices)); } size += (sizeof(Forex)/sizeof(*Forex)) * sizeof(uint32_t); } if ( (ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET & 4) != 0 ) { if ( forceflag != 0 || flags != 0 ) { get_cryptoprices(pricebuf,Cryptos,(int32_t)(sizeof(Cryptos)/sizeof(*Cryptos)),ASSETCHAINS_PRICES); if ( flags == 0 ) komodo_PriceCache_shift(); memcpy(&PriceCache[0][size/sizeof(uint32_t)],pricebuf,(sizeof(Cryptos)/sizeof(*Cryptos)+ASSETCHAINS_PRICES.size()) * sizeof(uint32_t)); flags |= 4; // very rarely we can see flags == 6 case } size += (sizeof(Cryptos)/sizeof(*Cryptos)+ASSETCHAINS_PRICES.size()) * sizeof(uint32_t); } now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET & 8) != 0 ) { if ( forceflag != 0 || flags != 0 ) { if ( get_stockprices(now,pricebuf,ASSETCHAINS_STOCKS) == ASSETCHAINS_STOCKS.size() ) { if ( flags == 0 ) komodo_PriceCache_shift(); memcpy(&PriceCache[0][size/sizeof(uint32_t)],pricebuf,ASSETCHAINS_STOCKS.size() * sizeof(uint32_t)); flags |= 8; // very rarely we can see flags == 10 case } } size += (ASSETCHAINS_STOCKS.size()) * sizeof(uint32_t); } if ( flags != 0 ) { if ( (flags & 1) != 0 ) lastbtc = now; if ( (flags & 2) != 0 ) lasttime = now; memcpy(Mineropret.data(),PriceCache[0],size); if ( ExtremePrice.dir != 0 && ExtremePrice.ind > 0 && ExtremePrice.ind < size/sizeof(uint32_t) && now < ExtremePrice.timestamp+3600 ) { fprintf(stderr,"cmp dir.%d PriceCache[0][ExtremePrice.ind] %u >= %u ExtremePrice.pricebits\n",ExtremePrice.dir,PriceCache[0][ExtremePrice.ind],ExtremePrice.pricebits); if ( (ExtremePrice.dir > 0 && PriceCache[0][ExtremePrice.ind] >= ExtremePrice.pricebits) || (ExtremePrice.dir < 0 && PriceCache[0][ExtremePrice.ind] <= ExtremePrice.pricebits) ) { fprintf(stderr,"future price is close enough to allow approving previously rejected block ind.%d %u vs %u\n",ExtremePrice.ind,PriceCache[0][ExtremePrice.ind],ExtremePrice.pricebits); if ( (pindex= komodo_blockindex(ExtremePrice.blockhash)) != 0 ) pindex->nStatus &= ~BLOCK_FAILED_MASK; else fprintf(stderr,"couldnt find block.%s\n",ExtremePrice.blockhash.GetHex().c_str()); } } // high volatility still strands nodes so we need to check new prices to approve a stuck block // scan list of stuck blocks (one?) and auto reconsiderblock if it changed state //int32_t i; for (i=0; i= KOMODO_MAXPRICES ) return(-1); mult = komodo_pricemult(ind); if ( nonzprices != 0 ) memset(nonzprices,0,sizeof(*nonzprices)*PRICES_DAYWINDOW); //for (i=0; i= PRICES_DAYWINDOW ) i = 0; if ( (price= rawprices[i*rawskip]) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"null rawprice.[%d]\n",i); return(-1); } if ( price >= lowprice && price <= highprice ) { //fprintf(stderr,"%.1f ",(double)price/10000); sum += price; correlation++; if ( correlation > (PRICES_DAYWINDOW>>1) ) { if ( nonzprices == 0 ) return(refprice * mult); //fprintf(stderr,"-> %.4f\n",(double)sum*mult/correlation); //return(sum*mult/correlation); n = 0; i = (iter + seed) % PRICES_DAYWINDOW; for (k=0; k= PRICES_DAYWINDOW ) i = 0; if ( n > (PRICES_DAYWINDOW>>1) ) nonzprices[i] = 0; else { price = rawprices[i*rawskip]; if ( price < lowprice || price > highprice ) nonzprices[i] = 0; else { nonzprices[i] = price; //fprintf(stderr,"(%d %u) ",i,rawprices[i*rawskip]); n++; } } } //fprintf(stderr,"ind.%d iter.%d j.%d i.%d n.%d correlation.%d ref %llu -> %llu\n",ind,iter,j,i,n,correlation,(long long)refprice,(long long)sum/correlation); if ( n != correlation ) return(-1); sum = den = n = 0; for (i=0; i %.8f\n",(long long)firstprice,((double)(sum*mult) / den) / COIN); return((sum * mult) / den); } } } if ( correlation > maxcorrelation ) maxcorrelation = correlation; } fprintf(stderr,"ind.%d iter.%d maxcorrelation.%d ref.%llu high.%llu low.%llu\n",ind,iter,maxcorrelation,(long long)refprice,(long long)highprice,(long long)lowprice); return(0); } int64_t _pairave64(int64_t valA,int64_t valB) { if ( valA != 0 && valB != 0 ) return((valA + valB) / 2); else if ( valA != 0 ) return(valA); else return(valB); } int64_t _pairdiff64(register int64_t valA,register int64_t valB) { if ( valA != 0 && valB != 0 ) return(valA - valB); else return(0); } int64_t balanced_ave64(int64_t buf[],int32_t i,int32_t width) { register int32_t nonz,j; register int64_t sum,price; nonz = 0; sum = 0; for (j=-width; j<=width; j++) { price = buf[i + j]; if ( price != 0 ) { sum += price; nonz++; } } if ( nonz != 0 ) sum /= nonz; return(sum); } void buf_trioave64(int64_t dest[],int64_t src[],int32_t n) { register int32_t i,j,width = 3; for (i=0; i<128; i++) src[i] = 0; //for (i=n-width-1; i>width; i--) // dest[i] = balanced_ave(src,i,width); //for (i=width; i>0; i--) // dest[i] = balanced_ave(src,i,i); for (i=1; i *(int64_t *)b) return 1; else if ( (uint64_t)a < (uint64_t)b ) // jl777 prevent nondeterminism return(-1); else return(1); } static void sort64(int64_t *l, int32_t llen) { qsort(l,llen,sizeof(uint64_t),cmp_llu); } static int revcmp_llu(const void *a, const void*b) { if(*(int64_t *)a < *(int64_t *)b) return 1; else if(*(int64_t *)a > *(int64_t *)b) return -1; else if ( (uint64_t)a < (uint64_t)b ) // jl777 prevent nondeterminism return(-1); else return(1); } static void revsort64(int64_t *l, int32_t llen) { qsort(l,llen,sizeof(uint64_t),revcmp_llu); } int64_t komodo_priceave(int64_t *buf,int64_t *correlated,int32_t cskip) { int32_t i,dir=0; int64_t sum=0,nonzprice,price,halfave,thirdave,fourthave,decayprice; if ( PRICES_DAYWINDOW < 2 ) return(0); for (i=0; i price ) // rising prices sort64(buf,PRICES_DAYWINDOW); else revsort64(buf,PRICES_DAYWINDOW); decayprice = buf[0]; for (i=0; i %.8f\n",halfave 0 && PRICES[0].fp != 0 && createflag != 0 ) { fseek(PRICES[0].fp,(2*PRICES_DAYWINDOW+PRICES_SMOOTHWIDTH) * sizeof(uint32_t) * i,SEEK_SET); fputc(0,PRICES[0].fp); fflush(PRICES[0].fp); } fprintf(stderr,"pricesinit done i.%d num.%d numprices.%d\n",i,num,(int32_t)(komodo_cbopretsize(ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET)/sizeof(uint32_t))); if ( i != num || i != komodo_cbopretsize(ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET)/sizeof(uint32_t) ) { fprintf(stderr,"fatal error opening prices files, start shutdown\n"); StartShutdown(); } return(0); } pthread_mutex_t pricemutex; // PRICES file layouts // [0] rawprice32 / timestamp // [1] correlated // [2] 24hr ave // [3] to [7] reserved void komodo_pricesupdate(int32_t height,CBlock *pblock) { static int numprices; static uint32_t *ptr32; static int64_t *ptr64,*tmpbuf; int32_t ind,offset,width; int64_t correlated,smoothed; uint64_t seed,rngval; uint32_t rawprices[KOMODO_MAXPRICES],buf[PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS*2]; width = PRICES_DAYWINDOW;//(2*PRICES_DAYWINDOW + PRICES_SMOOTHWIDTH); if ( numprices == 0 ) { pthread_mutex_init(&pricemutex,0); numprices = (int32_t)(komodo_cbopretsize(ASSETCHAINS_CBOPRET) / sizeof(uint32_t)); ptr32 = (uint32_t *)calloc(sizeof(uint32_t),numprices * width); ptr64 = (int64_t *)calloc(sizeof(int64_t),PRICES_DAYWINDOW*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS); tmpbuf = (int64_t *)calloc(sizeof(int64_t),2*PRICES_DAYWINDOW); fprintf(stderr,"prices update: numprices.%d %p %p\n",numprices,ptr32,ptr64); } if ( _komodo_heightpricebits(&seed,rawprices,pblock) == numprices ) { //for (ind=0; ind PRICES_DAYWINDOW ) { fseek(PRICES[0].fp,(height-width+1) * numprices * sizeof(uint32_t),SEEK_SET); if ( fread(ptr32,sizeof(uint32_t),width*numprices,PRICES[0].fp) == width*numprices ) { rngval = seed; for (ind=1; ind 0 ) { fseek(PRICES[ind].fp,height * sizeof(int64_t) * PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS,SEEK_SET); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); buf[0] = rawprices[ind]; buf[1] = rawprices[0]; // timestamp memcpy(&buf[2],&correlated,sizeof(correlated)); if ( fwrite(buf,1,sizeof(buf),PRICES[ind].fp) != sizeof(buf) ) fprintf(stderr,"error fwrite buf for ht.%d ind.%d\n",height,ind); else if ( height > PRICES_DAYWINDOW*2 ) { fseek(PRICES[ind].fp,(height-PRICES_DAYWINDOW+1) * PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS * sizeof(int64_t),SEEK_SET); if ( fread(ptr64,sizeof(int64_t),PRICES_DAYWINDOW*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS,PRICES[ind].fp) == PRICES_DAYWINDOW*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS ) { if ( (smoothed= komodo_priceave(tmpbuf,&ptr64[(PRICES_DAYWINDOW-1)*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS+1],-PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS)) > 0 ) { fseek(PRICES[ind].fp,(height * PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS + 2) * sizeof(int64_t),SEEK_SET); if ( fwrite(&smoothed,1,sizeof(smoothed),PRICES[ind].fp) != sizeof(smoothed) ) fprintf(stderr,"error fwrite smoothed for ht.%d ind.%d\n",height,ind); else fflush(PRICES[ind].fp); } else fprintf(stderr,"error price_smoothed ht.%d ind.%d\n",height,ind); } else fprintf(stderr,"error fread ptr64 for ht.%d ind.%d\n",height,ind); } } else fprintf(stderr,"error komodo_pricecorrelated for ht.%d ind.%d\n",height,ind); } fprintf(stderr,"height.%d\n",height); } else fprintf(stderr,"error reading rawprices for ht.%d\n",height); } else fprintf(stderr,"height.%d <= width.%d\n",height,width); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pricemutex); } else fprintf(stderr,"null PRICES[0].fp\n"); } else fprintf(stderr,"numprices mismatch, height.%d\n",height); } int32_t komodo_priceget(int64_t *buf64,int32_t ind,int32_t height,int32_t numblocks) { FILE *fp; int32_t retval = PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS; pthread_mutex_lock(&pricemutex); if ( ind < KOMODO_MAXPRICES && (fp= PRICES[ind].fp) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,height * PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS * sizeof(int64_t),SEEK_SET); if ( fread(buf64,sizeof(int64_t),numblocks*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS,fp) != numblocks*PRICES_MAXDATAPOINTS ) retval = -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pricemutex); return(retval); }