// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Hush developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php /****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "chain.h" #include "key_io.h" #include "rpc/server.h" #include "init.h" #include "main.h" #include "script/script.h" #include "script/standard.h" #include "sync.h" #include "util.h" #include "utiltime.h" #include "wallet.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; void EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); bool EnsureWalletIsAvailable(bool avoidException); UniValue dumpwallet_impl(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, bool fDumpZKeys); UniValue importwallet_impl(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, bool fImportZKeys); std::string static EncodeDumpTime(int64_t nTime) { return DateTimeStrFormat("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", nTime); } int64_t static DecodeDumpTime(const std::string &str) { static const boost::posix_time::ptime epoch = boost::posix_time::from_time_t(0); static const std::locale loc(std::locale::classic(), new boost::posix_time::time_input_facet("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")); std::istringstream iss(str); iss.imbue(loc); boost::posix_time::ptime ptime(boost::date_time::not_a_date_time); iss >> ptime; if (ptime.is_not_a_date_time()) return 0; return (ptime - epoch).total_seconds(); } std::string static EncodeDumpString(const std::string &str) { std::stringstream ret; BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned char c, str) { if (c <= 32 || c >= 128 || c == '%') { ret << '%' << HexStr(&c, &c + 1); } else { ret << c; } } return ret.str(); } std::string DecodeDumpString(const std::string &str) { std::stringstream ret; for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < str.length(); pos++) { unsigned char c = str[pos]; if (c == '%' && pos+2 < str.length()) { c = (((str[pos+1]>>6)*9+((str[pos+1]-'0')&15)) << 4) | ((str[pos+2]>>6)*9+((str[pos+2]-'0')&15)); pos += 2; } ret << c; } return ret.str(); } UniValue convertpassphrase(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "convertpassphrase \"agamapassphrase\"\n" "\nConverts Agama passphrase to a private key and WIF (for import with importprivkey).\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"agamapassphrase\" (string, required) Agama passphrase\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"agamapassphrase\": \"agamapassphrase\", (string) Agama passphrase you entered\n" "\"address\": \"hushaddress\", (string) Address corresponding to your passphrase\n" "\"pubkey\": \"publickeyhex\", (string) The hex value of the raw public key\n" "\"privkey\": \"privatekeyhex\", (string) The hex value of the raw private key\n" "\"wif\": \"wif\" (string) The private key in WIF format to use with 'importprivkey'\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("convertpassphrase", "\"agamapassphrase\"") + HelpExampleRpc("convertpassphrase", "\"agamapassphrase\"") ); bool fCompressed = true; string strAgamaPassphrase = params[0].get_str(); UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.push_back(Pair("agamapassphrase", strAgamaPassphrase)); CKey tempkey = DecodeSecret(strAgamaPassphrase); /* first we should check if user pass wif to method, instead of passphrase */ if (!tempkey.IsValid()) { /* it's a passphrase, not wif */ uint256 sha256; CSHA256().Write((const unsigned char *)strAgamaPassphrase.c_str(), strAgamaPassphrase.length()).Finalize(sha256.begin()); std::vector privkey(sha256.begin(), sha256.begin() + sha256.size()); privkey.front() &= 0xf8; privkey.back() &= 0x7f; privkey.back() |= 0x40; CKey key; key.Set(privkey.begin(),privkey.end(), fCompressed); CPubKey pubkey = key.GetPubKey(); assert(key.VerifyPubKey(pubkey)); CKeyID vchAddress = pubkey.GetID(); ret.push_back(Pair("address", EncodeDestination(vchAddress))); ret.push_back(Pair("pubkey", HexStr(pubkey))); ret.push_back(Pair("privkey", HexStr(privkey))); ret.push_back(Pair("wif", EncodeSecret(key))); } else { /* seems it's a wif */ CPubKey pubkey = tempkey.GetPubKey(); assert(tempkey.VerifyPubKey(pubkey)); CKeyID vchAddress = pubkey.GetID(); ret.push_back(Pair("address", EncodeDestination(vchAddress))); ret.push_back(Pair("pubkey", HexStr(pubkey))); ret.push_back(Pair("privkey", HexStr(tempkey))); ret.push_back(Pair("wif", strAgamaPassphrase)); } return ret; } UniValue rescan(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { //LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() > 1) throw runtime_error( "rescan \"height\"\n" "\nRescan all transactions from genesis or given block height.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"height\" (integer, optional) The block height to rescan from\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nRescan from block height 555\n" + HelpExampleCli("rescan", "\"555\"") + "\nRescan from genesis block\n" + HelpExampleCli("rescan","") ); // Height to rescan from int nRescanHeight = 0; if (params.size() > 0) nRescanHeight = params[0].get_int(); if (nRescanHeight < 0 || nRescanHeight > chainActive.Height()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range"); } LogPrintf("Rescanning from height=%d\n", nRescanHeight); //pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive[nRescanHeight],true); bool update = false; pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive.Genesis(),update); //TODO: can we return something more useful? return NullUniValue; } UniValue importprivkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 5) throw runtime_error( "importprivkey \"hushprivkey\" ( \"label\" rescan height secret_key)\n" "\nAdds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"hushprivkey\" (string, required) The private key (see dumpprivkey)\n" "2. \"label\" (string, optional, default=\"\") An optional label\n" "3. rescan (boolean, optional, default=true) Rescan the wallet for transactions\n" "4. height (integer, optional, default=0) start at block height?\n" "5. secret_key (integer, optional, default=188) decimal value used to import WIFs of other coins\n" "\nNote: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nDump a private key\n" + HelpExampleCli("dumpprivkey", "\"myaddress\"") + "\nImport the private key with rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"mykey\"") + "\nImport using a label and without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"mykey\" \"testing\" false") + "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("importprivkey", "\"mykey\", \"testing\", false") + "\nImport with rescan from a block height\n" + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"mykey\" \"testing\" true 1000") + "\nImport a BTC WIF with rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"BTCWIF\" \"testing\" true 0 128") + "\nImport a BTC WIF without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"BTCWIF\" \"testing\" false 0 128") + "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("importprivkey", "\"mykey\", \"testing\", true, 1000") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strSecret = params[0].get_str(); string strLabel = ""; int32_t height = 0; uint8_t secret_key = 0; CKey key; if (params.size() > 1) strLabel = params[1].get_str(); // Whether to perform rescan after import bool fRescan = true; if (params.size() > 2) fRescan = params[2].get_bool(); if ( fRescan && params.size() == 4 ) height = params[3].get_int(); if (params.size() > 4) { auto secret_key = AmountFromValue(params[4])/100000000; key = DecodeCustomSecret(strSecret, secret_key); } else { key = DecodeSecret(strSecret); } if ( height < 0 || height > chainActive.Height() ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Rescan height is out of range."); if (!key.IsValid()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid private key encoding"); CPubKey pubkey = key.GetPubKey(); assert(key.VerifyPubKey(pubkey)); CKeyID vchAddress = pubkey.GetID(); { pwalletMain->MarkDirty(); pwalletMain->SetAddressBook(vchAddress, strLabel, "receive"); // Don't throw error in case a key is already there if (pwalletMain->HaveKey(vchAddress)) { return EncodeDestination(vchAddress); } pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata[vchAddress].nCreateTime = 1; if (!pwalletMain->AddKeyPubKey(key, pubkey)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error adding key to wallet"); // whenever a key is imported, we need to scan the whole chain pwalletMain->nTimeFirstKey = 1; // 0 would be considered 'no value' if (fRescan) { pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive[height], true); } } return EncodeDestination(vchAddress); } UniValue importaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 3) throw runtime_error( "importaddress \"address\" ( \"label\" rescan )\n" "\nAdds an address or script (in hex) that can be watched as if it were in your wallet but cannot be used to spend.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"address\" (string, required) The address\n" "2. \"label\" (string, optional, default=\"\") An optional label\n" "3. rescan (boolean, optional, default=true) Rescan the wallet for transactions\n" "\nNote: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nImport an address with rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myaddress\"") + "\nImport using a label without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importaddress", "\"myaddress\" \"testing\" false") + "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("importaddress", "\"myaddress\", \"testing\", false") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); CScript script; CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(params[0].get_str()); if (IsValidDestination(dest)) { script = GetScriptForDestination(dest); } else if (IsHex(params[0].get_str())) { std::vector data(ParseHex(params[0].get_str())); script = CScript(data.begin(), data.end()); } else { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Hush address or script"); } string strLabel = ""; if (params.size() > 1) strLabel = params[1].get_str(); // Whether to perform rescan after import bool fRescan = true; if (params.size() > 2) fRescan = params[2].get_bool(); { if (::IsMine(*pwalletMain, script) == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "The wallet already contains the private key for this address or script"); // add to address book or update label if (IsValidDestination(dest)) pwalletMain->SetAddressBook(dest, strLabel, "receive"); // Don't throw error in case an address is already there if (pwalletMain->HaveWatchOnly(script)) return NullUniValue; pwalletMain->MarkDirty(); if (!pwalletMain->AddWatchOnly(script)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error adding address to wallet"); if (fRescan) { pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive.Genesis(), true); pwalletMain->ReacceptWalletTransactions(); } } return NullUniValue; } UniValue z_importwallet(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2) throw runtime_error( "z_importwallet \"filename\"\n" "\nImports taddr and zaddr keys from a wallet export file (see z_exportwallet).\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"filename\" (string, required) The wallet file\n" "2. rescan (boolean, optional, default=yes) Rescan the wallet for transactions\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nDump the wallet\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_exportwallet", "\"nameofbackup\"") + "\nImport the wallet\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\"") + "\nImport using the json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("z_importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\"")+ "\nImport the wallet without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\" no ")+ "\nImport without Rescan using the json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("z_importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\" no") ); return importwallet_impl(params, fHelp, true); } UniValue importwallet(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2) throw runtime_error( "importwallet \"filename\"\n" "\nImports taddr keys from a wallet dump file (see dumpwallet).\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"filename\" (string, required) The wallet file\n" "2. rescan (boolean, optional, default=true) Rescan the wallet for transactions\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nDump the wallet\n" + HelpExampleCli("dumpwallet", "\"nameofbackup\"") + "\nImport the wallet\n" + HelpExampleCli("importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\"") + "\nImport using the json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\"")+ "\nImport the wallet without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\" no ")+ "\nImport without Rescan using the json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("importwallet", "\"path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup\" no ") ); return importwallet_impl(params, fHelp, false); } UniValue importwallet_impl(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, bool fImportZKeys) { LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); ifstream file; file.open(params[0].get_str().c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::ate); if (!file.is_open()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot open wallet dump file"); int64_t nTimeBegin = chainActive.LastTip()->GetBlockTime(); bool fGood = true; int64_t nFilesize = std::max((int64_t)1, (int64_t)file.tellg()); file.seekg(0, file.beg); pwalletMain->ShowProgress(_("Importing..."), 0); // show progress dialog in GUI while (file.good()) { pwalletMain->ShowProgress("", std::max(1, std::min(99, (int)(((double)file.tellg() / (double)nFilesize) * 100)))); std::string line; std::getline(file, line); if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue; std::vector vstr; boost::split(vstr, line, boost::is_any_of(" ")); if (vstr.size() < 2) continue; // Let's see if the address is a valid Hush spending key if (fImportZKeys) { auto spendingkey = DecodeSpendingKey(vstr[0]); int64_t nTime = DecodeDumpTime(vstr[1]); // Only include hdKeypath and seedFpStr if we have both boost::optional hdKeypath = (vstr.size() > 3) ? boost::optional(vstr[2]) : boost::none; boost::optional seedFpStr = (vstr.size() > 3) ? boost::optional(vstr[3]) : boost::none; if (IsValidSpendingKey(spendingkey)) { auto addResult = boost::apply_visitor( AddSpendingKeyToWallet(pwalletMain, Params().GetConsensus(), nTime, hdKeypath, seedFpStr, true), spendingkey); if (addResult == KeyAlreadyExists){ LogPrint("zrpc", "Skipping import of zaddr (key already present)\n"); } else if (addResult == KeyNotAdded) { // Something went wrong fGood = false; } continue; } else { LogPrint("zrpc", "Importing detected an error: invalid spending key. Trying as a transparent key...\n"); // Not a valid spending key, so carry on and see if it's a Hush transparent address } } CKey key = DecodeSecret(vstr[0]); if (!key.IsValid()) continue; CPubKey pubkey = key.GetPubKey(); assert(key.VerifyPubKey(pubkey)); CKeyID keyid = pubkey.GetID(); if (pwalletMain->HaveKey(keyid)) { LogPrintf("Skipping import of %s (key already present)\n", EncodeDestination(keyid)); continue; } int64_t nTime = DecodeDumpTime(vstr[1]); std::string strLabel; bool fLabel = true; for (unsigned int nStr = 2; nStr < vstr.size(); nStr++) { if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(vstr[nStr], "#")) break; if (vstr[nStr] == "change=1") fLabel = false; if (vstr[nStr] == "reserve=1") fLabel = false; if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(vstr[nStr], "label=")) { strLabel = DecodeDumpString(vstr[nStr].substr(6)); fLabel = true; } } LogPrintf("Importing %s...\n", EncodeDestination(keyid)); if (!pwalletMain->AddKeyPubKey(key, pubkey)) { fGood = false; continue; } pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata[keyid].nCreateTime = nTime; if (fLabel) pwalletMain->SetAddressBook(keyid, strLabel, "receive"); nTimeBegin = std::min(nTimeBegin, nTime); } file.close(); pwalletMain->ShowProgress("", 100); // hide progress dialog in GUI bool fRescan = true; if (params.size() > 1){ auto rescan = params[1].get_str(); if (rescan.compare("yes") == 0) { fRescan = true; } else if (rescan.compare("no") == 0) { fRescan = false; } else { // Handle older API UniValue jVal; if (!jVal.read(std::string("[")+rescan+std::string("]")) || !jVal.isArray() || jVal.size()!=1 || !jVal[0].isBool()) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "rescan must be \"yes\", \"no\""); } fRescan = jVal[0].getBool(); } } if (fRescan) { CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.LastTip(); while (pindex && pindex->pprev && pindex->GetBlockTime() > nTimeBegin - 7200) pindex = pindex->pprev; LogPrintf("Rescanning last %i blocks\n", chainActive.Height() - pindex->GetHeight() + 1); if (!pwalletMain->nTimeFirstKey || nTimeBegin < pwalletMain->nTimeFirstKey) pwalletMain->nTimeFirstKey = nTimeBegin; pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(pindex); pwalletMain->MarkDirty(); if (!fGood) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error adding some keys to wallet"); return NullUniValue; } else{ LogPrintf("Importwallet without Rescan successfull\n"); return NullUniValue;} } UniValue dumpprivkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "dumpprivkey \"t-addr\"\n" "\nReveals the private key corresponding to 't-addr'.\n" "Then the importprivkey can be used with this output\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"t-addr\" (string, required) The transparent address for the private key\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"key\" (string) The private key\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("dumpprivkey", "\"myaddress\"") + HelpExampleCli("importprivkey", "\"mykey\"") + HelpExampleRpc("dumpprivkey", "\"myaddress\"") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); std::string strAddress = params[0].get_str(); CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(strAddress); if (!IsValidDestination(dest)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid transparent address"); } const CKeyID *keyID = boost::get(&dest); if (!keyID) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Address does not refer to a key"); } CKey vchSecret; if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(*keyID, vchSecret)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Private key for address " + strAddress + " is not known"); } return EncodeSecret(vchSecret); } UniValue z_exportwallet(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "z_exportwallet \"filename\"\n" "\nExports all wallet keys, for taddr and zaddr, in a human-readable format. Overwriting an existing file is not permitted.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"filename\" (string, required) The filename, saved in folder set by hushd -exportdir option\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"path\" (string) The full path of the destination file\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_exportwallet", "\"test\"") + HelpExampleRpc("z_exportwallet", "\"test\"") ); return dumpwallet_impl(params, fHelp, true); } UniValue dumpwallet(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "dumpwallet \"filename\"\n" "\nDumps taddr wallet keys in a human-readable format. Overwriting an existing file is not permitted.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"filename\" (string, required) The filename, saved in folder set by hushd -exportdir option\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"path\" (string) The full path of the destination file\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("dumpwallet", "\"test\"") + HelpExampleRpc("dumpwallet", "\"test\"") ); return dumpwallet_impl(params, fHelp, false); } UniValue dumpwallet_impl(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, bool fDumpZKeys) { LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); boost::filesystem::path exportdir; try { exportdir = GetExportDir(); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, e.what()); } if (exportdir.empty()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Cannot export wallet until the hushd -exportdir option has been set"); } std::string unclean = params[0].get_str(); std::string clean = SanitizeFilename(unclean); if (clean.compare(unclean) != 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strprintf("Filename is invalid as only alphanumeric characters are allowed. Try '%s' instead.", clean)); } boost::filesystem::path exportfilepath = exportdir / clean; if (boost::filesystem::exists(exportfilepath)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot overwrite existing file " + exportfilepath.string()); } ofstream file; file.open(exportfilepath.string().c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Cannot open wallet dump file"); std::map mapKeyBirth; std::set setKeyPool; pwalletMain->GetKeyBirthTimes(mapKeyBirth); pwalletMain->GetAllReserveKeys(setKeyPool); // sort time/key pairs std::vector > vKeyBirth; for (std::map::const_iterator it = mapKeyBirth.begin(); it != mapKeyBirth.end(); it++) { vKeyBirth.push_back(std::make_pair(it->second, it->first)); } mapKeyBirth.clear(); std::sort(vKeyBirth.begin(), vKeyBirth.end()); // produce output file << strprintf("# Wallet dump created by Hush %s (%s)\n", CLIENT_BUILD, CLIENT_DATE); file << strprintf("# * Created on %s\n", EncodeDumpTime(GetTime())); file << strprintf("# * Best block at time of backup was %i (%s),\n", chainActive.Height(), chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().ToString()); file << strprintf("# mined on %s\n", EncodeDumpTime(chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime())); { HDSeed hdSeed; pwalletMain->GetHDSeed(hdSeed); auto rawSeed = hdSeed.RawSeed(); file << strprintf("# HDSeed=%s fingerprint=%s", HexStr(rawSeed.begin(), rawSeed.end()), hdSeed.Fingerprint().GetHex()); file << "\n"; } file << "\n"; for (std::vector >::const_iterator it = vKeyBirth.begin(); it != vKeyBirth.end(); it++) { const CKeyID &keyid = it->second; std::string strTime = EncodeDumpTime(it->first); std::string strAddr = EncodeDestination(keyid); CKey key; if (pwalletMain->GetKey(keyid, key)) { if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(keyid)) { file << strprintf("%s %s label=%s # addr=%s\n", EncodeSecret(key), strTime, EncodeDumpString(pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[keyid].name), strAddr); } else if (setKeyPool.count(keyid)) { file << strprintf("%s %s reserve=1 # addr=%s\n", EncodeSecret(key), strTime, strAddr); } else { file << strprintf("%s %s change=1 # addr=%s\n", EncodeSecret(key), strTime, strAddr); } } } file << "\n"; if (fDumpZKeys) { file << "\n"; file << "# Zkeys\n"; file << "\n"; std::set saplingAddresses; pwalletMain->GetSaplingPaymentAddresses(saplingAddresses); file << "\n"; file << "# Sapling keys\n"; file << "\n"; for (auto addr : saplingAddresses) { libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey extsk; if (pwalletMain->GetSaplingExtendedSpendingKey(addr, extsk)) { auto ivk = extsk.expsk.full_viewing_key().in_viewing_key(); CKeyMetadata keyMeta = pwalletMain->mapSaplingZKeyMetadata[ivk]; std::string strTime = EncodeDumpTime(keyMeta.nCreateTime); // Keys imported with z_importkey do not have zip32 metadata if (keyMeta.hdKeypath.empty() || keyMeta.seedFp.IsNull()) { file << strprintf("%s %s # zaddr=%s\n", EncodeSpendingKey(extsk), strTime, EncodePaymentAddress(addr)); } else { file << strprintf("%s %s %s %s # zaddr=%s\n", EncodeSpendingKey(extsk), strTime, keyMeta.hdKeypath, keyMeta.seedFp.GetHex(), EncodePaymentAddress(addr)); } } } file << "\n"; } file << "# End of dump\n"; file.close(); return exportfilepath.string(); } UniValue z_importkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 3) throw runtime_error( "z_importkey \"zkey\" ( rescan startHeight )\n" "\nAdds a zkey (as returned by z_exportkey) to your wallet.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"zkey\" (string, required) The zkey (see z_exportkey)\n" "2. rescan (string, optional, default=\"whenkeyisnew\") Rescan the wallet for transactions - can be \"yes\", \"no\" or \"whenkeyisnew\"\n" "3. startHeight (numeric, optional, default=0) Block height to start rescan from\n" "\nNote: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nExport a zkey\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_exportkey", "\"myaddress\"") + "\nImport the zkey with rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importkey", "\"mykey\"") + "\nImport the zkey with partial rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importkey", "\"mykey\" whenkeyisnew 30000") + "\nRe-import the zkey with longer partial rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importkey", "\"mykey\" yes 20000") + "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("z_importkey", "\"mykey\", \"no\"") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); // Whether to perform rescan after import bool fRescan = true; bool fIgnoreExistingKey = true; if (params.size() > 1) { auto rescan = params[1].get_str(); if (rescan.compare("whenkeyisnew") != 0) { fIgnoreExistingKey = false; if (rescan.compare("yes") == 0) { fRescan = true; } else if (rescan.compare("no") == 0) { fRescan = false; } else { // Handle older API UniValue jVal; if (!jVal.read(std::string("[")+rescan+std::string("]")) || !jVal.isArray() || jVal.size()!=1 || !jVal[0].isBool()) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "rescan must be \"yes\", \"no\" or \"whenkeyisnew\""); } fRescan = jVal[0].getBool(); } } } // Height to rescan from int nRescanHeight = 0; if (params.size() > 2) nRescanHeight = params[2].get_int(); if (nRescanHeight < 0 || nRescanHeight > chainActive.Height()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range"); } string strSecret = params[0].get_str(); auto spendingkey = DecodeSpendingKey(strSecret); if (!IsValidSpendingKey(spendingkey)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid spending key"); } // Sapling support auto addResult = boost::apply_visitor(AddSpendingKeyToWallet(pwalletMain, Params().GetConsensus()), spendingkey); if (addResult == KeyAlreadyExists && fIgnoreExistingKey) { return NullUniValue; } pwalletMain->MarkDirty(); if (addResult == KeyNotAdded) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error adding spending key to wallet"); } // whenever a key is imported, we need to scan the whole chain pwalletMain->nTimeFirstKey = 1; // 0 would be considered 'no value' // We want to scan for transactions and notes if (fRescan) { pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive[nRescanHeight], true); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue z_importviewingkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 4) throw runtime_error( "z_importviewingkey \"vkey\" ( rescan startHeight )\n" "\nAdds a viewing key (as returned by z_exportviewingkey) to your wallet.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"vkey\" (string, required) The viewing key (see z_exportviewingkey)\n" "2. rescan (string, optional, default=\"whenkeyisnew\") Rescan the wallet for transactions - can be \"yes\", \"no\" or \"whenkeyisnew\"\n" "3. startHeight (numeric, optional, default=0) Block height to start rescan from\n" "4. zaddr (string, optional, default=\"\") zaddr in case of importing viewing key for Sapling\n" "\nNote: This call can take minutes to complete if rescan is true.\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nImport a viewing key\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\"") + "\nImport the viewing key without rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\", no") + "\nImport the viewing key with partial rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\" whenkeyisnew 30000") + "\nRe-import the viewing key with longer partial rescan\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\" yes 20000") + "\nImport the viewing key for Sapling address\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\" no 0 \"zaddr\"") + "\nAs a JSON-RPC call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("z_importviewingkey", "\"vkey\", \"no\"") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); // Whether to perform rescan after import bool fRescan = true; bool fIgnoreExistingKey = true; if (params.size() > 1) { auto rescan = params[1].get_str(); if (rescan.compare("whenkeyisnew") != 0) { fIgnoreExistingKey = false; if (rescan.compare("no") == 0) { fRescan = false; } else if (rescan.compare("yes") != 0) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "rescan must be \"yes\", \"no\" or \"whenkeyisnew\""); } } } // Height to rescan from int nRescanHeight = 0; if (params.size() > 2) { nRescanHeight = params[2].get_int(); } if (nRescanHeight < 0 || nRescanHeight > chainActive.Height()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range"); } string strVKey = params[0].get_str(); auto viewingkey = DecodeViewingKey(strVKey); if (!IsValidViewingKey(viewingkey)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid viewing key"); } if (params.size() < 4) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Missing zaddr for Sapling viewing key."); } string strAddress = params[3].get_str(); auto address = DecodePaymentAddress(strAddress); if (!IsValidPaymentAddress(address)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid zaddr"); } auto addr = boost::get(address); auto ivk = boost::get(viewingkey); if (pwalletMain->HaveSaplingIncomingViewingKey(addr)) { if (fIgnoreExistingKey) { return NullUniValue; } } else { pwalletMain->MarkDirty(); if (!pwalletMain->AddSaplingIncomingViewingKey(ivk, addr)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error adding viewing key to wallet"); } } // We want to scan for transactions and notes if (fRescan) { pwalletMain->ScanForWalletTransactions(chainActive[nRescanHeight], true); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue z_exportkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "z_exportkey \"zaddr\"\n" "\nReveals the zkey corresponding to 'zaddr'.\n" "Then the z_importkey can be used with this output\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"zaddr\" (string, required) The zaddr for the private key\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"key\" (string) The private key\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_exportkey", "\"myaddress\"") + HelpExampleCli("z_importkey", "\"mykey\"") + HelpExampleRpc("z_exportkey", "\"myaddress\"") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strAddress = params[0].get_str(); auto address = DecodePaymentAddress(strAddress); if (!IsValidPaymentAddress(address)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid zaddr"); } // Sapling support auto sk = boost::apply_visitor(GetSpendingKeyForPaymentAddress(pwalletMain), address); if (!sk) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Wallet does not hold private zkey for this zaddr"); } return EncodeSpendingKey(sk.get()); } UniValue z_exportviewingkey(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "z_exportviewingkey \"zaddr\"\n" "\nReveals the viewing key corresponding to 'zaddr'.\n" "Then the z_importviewingkey can be used with this output\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"zaddr\" (string, required) The zaddr for the viewing key\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"vkey\" (string) The viewing key\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_exportviewingkey", "\"myaddress\"") + HelpExampleRpc("z_exportviewingkey", "\"myaddress\"") ); LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strAddress = params[0].get_str(); auto address = DecodePaymentAddress(strAddress); if (!IsValidPaymentAddress(address)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid zaddr"); } auto addr = boost::get(address); libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey ivk; if(!pwalletMain->GetSaplingIncomingViewingKey(addr, ivk)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Wallet does not hold viewing key for this zaddr"); } return EncodeViewingKey(ivk); } extern int32_t KOMODO_NSPV; #ifndef KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE #define KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE (KOMODO_NSPV <= 0) #endif // !KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE #ifndef KOMODO_NSPV_SUPERLITE #define KOMODO_NSPV_SUPERLITE (KOMODO_NSPV > 0) #endif // !KOMODO_NSPV_SUPERLITE uint256 zeroid; UniValue NSPV_getinfo_req(int32_t reqht); UniValue NSPV_login(char *wifstr); UniValue NSPV_logout(); UniValue NSPV_addresstxids(char *coinaddr,int32_t CCflag,int32_t skipcount,int32_t filter); UniValue NSPV_addressutxos(char *coinaddr,int32_t CCflag,int32_t skipcount,int32_t filter); UniValue NSPV_mempooltxids(char *coinaddr,int32_t CCflag,uint8_t funcid,uint256 txid,int32_t vout); UniValue NSPV_broadcast(char *hex); UniValue NSPV_spend(char *srcaddr,char *destaddr,int64_t satoshis); UniValue NSPV_spentinfo(uint256 txid,int32_t vout); UniValue NSPV_notarizations(int32_t height); UniValue NSPV_hdrsproof(int32_t prevheight,int32_t nextheight); UniValue NSPV_txproof(int32_t vout,uint256 txid,int32_t height); UniValue NSPV_ccmoduleutxos(char *coinaddr, int64_t amount, uint8_t evalcode, std::string funcids, uint256 filtertxid); uint256 Parseuint256(const char *hexstr); extern std::string NSPV_address; UniValue nspv_getinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t reqht = 0; if ( fHelp || params.size() > 1 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_getinfo [hdrheight]\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); if ( params.size() == 1 ) reqht = atoi((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_getinfo_req(reqht)); } UniValue nspv_logout(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if ( fHelp || params.size() != 0 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_logout\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); return(NSPV_logout()); } UniValue nspv_login(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if ( fHelp || params.size() != 1 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_login wif\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); return(NSPV_login((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str())); } UniValue nspv_listunspent(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t skipcount = 0,CCflag = 0; if ( fHelp || params.size() > 3 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_listunspent [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); if ( params.size() == 0 ) { if ( NSPV_address.size() != 0 ) return(NSPV_addressutxos((char *)NSPV_address.c_str(),0,0,0)); else throw runtime_error("nspv_listunspent [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); } if ( params.size() >= 1 ) { if ( params.size() >= 2 ) CCflag = atoi((char *)params[1].get_str().c_str()); if ( params.size() == 3 ) skipcount = atoi((char *)params[2].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_addressutxos((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str(),CCflag,skipcount,0)); } else throw runtime_error("nspv_listunspent [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); } UniValue nspv_mempool(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t vout = 0,CCflag = 0; uint256 txid; uint8_t funcid; char *coinaddr; memset(&txid,0,sizeof(txid)); if ( fHelp || params.size() > 5 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_mempool func(0 all, 1 address recv, 2 txid/vout spent, 3 txid inmempool) address isCC [txid vout]]]\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); funcid = atoi((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); coinaddr = (char *)params[1].get_str().c_str(); CCflag = atoi((char *)params[2].get_str().c_str()); if ( params.size() > 3 ) { if ( params.size() != 5 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_mempool func(0 all, 1 address recv, 2 txid/vout spent, 3 txid inmempool) address isCC [txid vout]]]\n"); txid = Parseuint256((char *)params[3].get_str().c_str()); vout = atoi((char *)params[4].get_str().c_str()); } return(NSPV_mempooltxids(coinaddr,CCflag,funcid,txid,vout)); } UniValue nspv_listtransactions(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t skipcount = 0,CCflag = 0; if ( fHelp || params.size() > 3 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_listtransactions [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); if ( params.size() == 0 ) { if ( NSPV_address.size() != 0 ) return(NSPV_addresstxids((char *)NSPV_address.c_str(),0,0,0)); else throw runtime_error("nspv_listtransactions [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); } if ( params.size() >= 1 ) { if ( params.size() >= 2 ) CCflag = atoi((char *)params[1].get_str().c_str()); if ( params.size() == 3 ) skipcount = atoi((char *)params[2].get_str().c_str()); //fprintf(stderr,"call txids cc.%d skip.%d\n",CCflag,skipcount); return(NSPV_addresstxids((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str(),CCflag,skipcount,0)); } else throw runtime_error("nspv_listtransactions [address [isCC [skipcount]]]\n"); } UniValue nspv_spentinfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { uint256 txid; int32_t vout; if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_spentinfo txid vout\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); txid = Parseuint256((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); vout = atoi((char *)params[1].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_spentinfo(txid,vout)); } UniValue nspv_notarizations(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t height; if ( fHelp || params.size() != 1 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_notarizations height\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); height = atoi((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_notarizations(height)); } UniValue nspv_hdrsproof(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t prevheight,nextheight; if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_hdrsproof prevheight nextheight\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); prevheight = atoi((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); nextheight = atoi((char *)params[1].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_hdrsproof(prevheight,nextheight)); } UniValue nspv_txproof(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { uint256 txid; int32_t height; if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_txproof txid height\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); txid = Parseuint256((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str()); height = atoi((char *)params[1].get_str().c_str()); return(NSPV_txproof(0,txid,height)); } UniValue nspv_spend(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { uint64_t satoshis; if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_spend address amount\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); if ( NSPV_address.size() == 0 ) throw runtime_error("to nspv_send you need an active nspv_login\n"); satoshis = atof(params[1].get_str().c_str())*COIN + 0.0000000049; //fprintf(stderr,"satoshis.%lld from %.8f\n",(long long)satoshis,atof(params[1].get_str().c_str())); if ( satoshis < 1000 ) throw runtime_error("amount too small\n"); return(NSPV_spend((char *)NSPV_address.c_str(),(char *)params[0].get_str().c_str(),satoshis)); } UniValue nspv_broadcast(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { if ( fHelp || params.size() != 1 ) throw runtime_error("nspv_broadcast hex\n"); if ( KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE ) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); return(NSPV_broadcast((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str())); } UniValue nspv_listccmoduleunspent(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp, const CPubKey& mypk) { int32_t skipcount = 0, CCflag = 0; if (fHelp || params.size() != 5) throw runtime_error("nspv_listccmoduleunspent address amount evalcode funcids txid\n\n" "returns utxos from the address, filtered by evalcode funcids and txid in opret.\n" "if amount is 0 just returns no utxos and available total.\n" "funcids is a string of funcid symbols. The first symbol is considered as the creation funcid, so the txid param will be compared to the creation tx id.\n" "For the second+ funcids the txid param will be compared to txid in opreturn\n\n" ); if (KOMODO_NSPV_FULLNODE) throw runtime_error("-nSPV=1 must be set to use nspv\n"); std::string address = params[0].get_str().c_str(); int64_t amount = atof(params[1].get_str().c_str()); uint8_t evalcode = atoi(params[2].get_str().c_str()); std::string funcids = params[3].get_str().c_str(); uint256 txid = Parseuint256( params[4].get_str().c_str() ); return(NSPV_ccmoduleutxos((char*)address.c_str(), amount, evalcode, funcids, txid)); }