# Being a Hush Developer ## Compiling Hush Normal compiling is as simple as: ./zcutil/build.sh To make it use as many CPU threads as you have: ./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc) # assumes linux ./zcutil/build.sh -j8 # use a fixed 8 threads, more portable ## Good Hygiene To avoid weirld build system issues, it's often good to run: make clean *before* you switch Git branches. Otherwise, the new branches Makefiles often are incompatible and `make clean` will be impossible, which can sometimes introduce weird bugs or make compiling really annoying. ## Switching branches Switching branches and doing partial compiles in Komodo/Hush source code can introduce weird bugs, which are fixed by running `build.sh` again. When in doubt, if you run into a compile error, especially if it mentions `OCTET_STRING`, run `build.sh` again. Running `make clean` before switching branches can often prevent those problems. ``` cryptoconditions/src/asn/SimpleSha256Condition.h:14:10: fatal error: OCTET_STRING.h: No such file or directory ``` ## Partial compiles At any point, you can modify hush source code and then use `make` or `build.sh` to do a partial compile. The first is faster but the latter is more likely to work correctly in all circustances. Sometimes partial compiles break weird build system dependencies, and you must do a `make clean` first, or even `git clean -fdx` (look up what it means first!) to clean things. The nuclear option is to re-clone the repo, which sometimes is the least work to fix the problem. ## Generating new unix man pages Make sure that you have updated all version numbers in hushd and compiled, then to generate new unix man pages for that version : ./contrib/devtools/gen-manpages.sh ## Generating new debian packages After successfully compiling Hush, you can generate a debian package of these binaries with: ./zcutil/build-debian-package.sh This command will not work on Mac OS X. Currently you cannot generate a Debian package from operating systems other than Linux.