// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Hush developers // Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html #include #include "chain.h" #include "chainparams.h" #include "pow.h" #include "random.h" TEST(PoW, DifficultyAveraging) { SelectParams(CBaseChainParams::MAIN); const Consensus::Params& params = Params().GetConsensus(); size_t lastBlk = 2*params.nPowAveragingWindow; size_t firstBlk = lastBlk - params.nPowAveragingWindow; // Start with blocks evenly-spaced and equal difficulty std::vector blocks(lastBlk+1); for (int i = 0; i <= lastBlk; i++) { blocks[i].pprev = i ? &blocks[i - 1] : nullptr; blocks[i].SetHeight(i); blocks[i].nTime = 1269211443 + i * params.nPowTargetSpacing; blocks[i].nBits = 0x1e7fffff; /* target 0x007fffff000... */ blocks[i].chainPower = i ? (CChainPower(&blocks[i]) + blocks[i - 1].chainPower) + GetBlockProof(blocks[i - 1]) : CChainPower(&blocks[i]); } // Result should be the same as if last difficulty was used arith_uint256 bnAvg; bnAvg.SetCompact(blocks[lastBlk].nBits); EXPECT_EQ(CalculateNextWorkRequired(bnAvg, blocks[lastBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), blocks[firstBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), params), GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); // Result should be unchanged, modulo integer division precision loss arith_uint256 bnRes; bnRes.SetCompact(0x1e7fffff); bnRes /= params.AveragingWindowTimespan(); bnRes *= params.AveragingWindowTimespan(); EXPECT_EQ(bnRes.GetCompact(), GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); // Randomise the final block time (plus 1 to ensure it is always different) blocks[lastBlk].nTime += GetRand(params.nPowTargetSpacing/2) + 1; // Result should be the same as if last difficulty was used bnAvg.SetCompact(blocks[lastBlk].nBits); EXPECT_EQ(CalculateNextWorkRequired(bnAvg, blocks[lastBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), blocks[firstBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), params), GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); // Result should not be unchanged EXPECT_NE(0x1e7fffff, GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); // Change the final block difficulty blocks[lastBlk].nBits = 0x1e0fffff; // Result should not be the same as if last difficulty was used bnAvg.SetCompact(blocks[lastBlk].nBits); EXPECT_NE(CalculateNextWorkRequired(bnAvg, blocks[lastBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), blocks[firstBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), params), GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); // Result should be the same as if the average difficulty was used arith_uint256 average = UintToArith256(uint256S("0000796968696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969")); EXPECT_EQ(CalculateNextWorkRequired(average, blocks[lastBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), blocks[firstBlk].GetMedianTimePast(), params), GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], nullptr, params)); } TEST(PoW, MinDifficultyRules) { SelectParams(CBaseChainParams::TESTNET); const Consensus::Params& params = Params().GetConsensus(); size_t lastBlk = 2*params.nPowAveragingWindow; size_t firstBlk = lastBlk - params.nPowAveragingWindow; // Start with blocks evenly-spaced and equal difficulty std::vector blocks(lastBlk+1); for (int i = 0; i <= lastBlk; i++) { blocks[i].pprev = i ? &blocks[i - 1] : nullptr; blocks[i].nHeight = params.nPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocksAfterHeight.get() + i; blocks[i].nTime = 1269211443 + i * params.nPowTargetSpacing; blocks[i].nBits = 0x1e7fffff; /* target 0x007fffff000... */ blocks[i].nChainWork = i ? blocks[i - 1].nChainWork + GetBlockProof(blocks[i - 1]) : arith_uint256(0); } // Create a new block at the target spacing CBlockHeader next; next.nTime = blocks[lastBlk].nTime + params.nPowTargetSpacing; // Result should be unchanged, modulo integer division precision loss arith_uint256 bnRes; bnRes.SetCompact(0x1e7fffff); bnRes /= params.AveragingWindowTimespan(); bnRes *= params.AveragingWindowTimespan(); EXPECT_EQ(GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], &next, params), bnRes.GetCompact()); // Delay last block up to the edge of the min-difficulty limit next.nTime += params.nPowTargetSpacing * 5; // Result should be unchanged, modulo integer division precision loss EXPECT_EQ(GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], &next, params), bnRes.GetCompact()); // Delay last block over the min-difficulty limit next.nTime += 1; // Result should be the minimum difficulty EXPECT_EQ(GetNextWorkRequired(&blocks[lastBlk], &next, params), UintToArith256(params.powLimit).GetCompact()); }