.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.3. .TH HUSHD "1" "February 2024" "hushd v3.10.2" "User Commands" .SH NAME hushd \- manual page for hushd v3.10.2 .SH DESCRIPTION Hush Daemon version v3.10.2\-138cd7ab6 .PP In order to ensure you are adequately protecting your privacy when using Hush, please see . .SS "Usage:" .TP hushd [options] Start a Hush Daemon .SH OPTIONS .HP \-? .IP This help message .HP \fB\-blocknotify=\fR .IP Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash) .HP \fB\-checkblocks=\fR .IP How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all) .HP \fB\-checklevel=\fR .IP How thorough the block verification of \fB\-checkblocks\fR is (0\-4, default: 3) .HP \fB\-clientname=\fR .IP Full node client name, default 'GoldenSandtrout' .HP \fB\-conf=\fR .IP Specify configuration file (default: HUSH3.conf) .HP \fB\-daemon\fR .IP Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands .HP \fB\-datadir=\fR .IP Specify data directory (this path cannot use '~') .HP \fB\-exportdir=\fR .IP Specify directory to be used when exporting data .HP \fB\-dbcache=\fR .IP Set database cache size in megabytes (4 to 16384, default: 512) .HP \fB\-loadblock=\fR .IP Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file on startup .HP \fB\-maxdebugfilesize=\fR .IP Set the max size of the debug.log file (default: 15) .HP \fB\-maxorphantx=\fR .IP Keep at most unconnectable transactions in memory (default: 100) .HP \fB\-maxreorg=\fR .IP Specify the maximum length of a blockchain re\-organization .HP \fB\-mempooltxinputlimit=\fR .IP [DEPRECATED/IGNORED] Set the maximum number of transparent inputs in a transaction that the mempool will accept (default: 0 = no limit applied) .HP \fB\-par=\fR .IP Set the number of script verification threads (\fB\-12\fR to 16, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: 0) .HP \fB\-pid=\fR .IP Specify pid file (default: hushd.pid) .HP \fB\-txexpirynotify=\fR .IP Execute command when transaction expires (%s in cmd is replaced by transaction id) .HP \fB\-prune=\fR .IP Reduce storage requirements by pruning (deleting) old blocks. This mode disables wallet support and is incompatible with \fB\-txindex\fR. Warning: Reverting this setting requires re\-downloading the entire blockchain. (default: 0 = disable pruning blocks, >550 = target size in MiB to use for block files) .HP \fB\-reindex\fR .IP Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat files on startup .HP \fB\-sysperms\fR .IP Create new files with system default permissions, instead of umask 077 (only effective with disabled wallet functionality) .HP \fB\-txindex\fR .IP Maintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc call (default: 0) .HP \fB\-txsend=\fR .IP Execute command to send a transaction instead of broadcasting (%s in cmd is replaced by transaction hex) .HP \fB\-addressindex\fR .IP Maintain a full address index, used to query for the balance, txids and unspent outputs for addresses (default: 0) .HP \fB\-timestampindex\fR .IP Maintain a timestamp index for block hashes, used to query blocks hashes by a range of timestamps (default: 0) .HP \fB\-spentindex\fR .IP Maintain a full spent index, used to query the spending txid and input index for an outpoint (default: 0) .HP \fB\-zindex\fR .IP Maintain extra statistics about shielded transactions and payments (default: 0) .PP Connection options: .HP \fB\-addnode=\fR .IP Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open .HP \fB\-asmap=\fR .IP Specify ASN mapping used for bucketing of the peers (default: asmap.dat). Relative paths will be prefixed by the net\-specific datadir location. .HP \fB\-banscore=\fR .IP Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100) .HP \fB\-bantime=\fR .IP Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: 86400) .HP \fB\-bind=\fR .IP Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6 .HP \fB\-connect=\fR .IP Connect only to the specified node(s) .HP \fB\-discover\fR .IP Discover own IP addresses (default: 1 when listening and no \fB\-externalip\fR or \fB\-proxy\fR) .HP \fB\-dns\fR .IP Allow DNS lookups for \fB\-addnode\fR, \fB\-seednode\fR and \fB\-connect\fR (default: 1) .HP \fB\-dnsseed\fR .IP Query for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: 1 unless \fB\-connect\fR) .HP \fB\-externalip=\fR .IP Specify your own public address .HP \fB\-forcednsseed\fR .IP Always query for peer addresses via DNS lookup (default: 0) .HP \fB\-listen\fR .IP Accept connections from outside (default: 1 if no \fB\-proxy\fR or \fB\-connect\fR) .HP \fB\-listenonion\fR .IP Automatically create Tor hidden service (default: 1) .HP \fB\-maxconnections=\fR .IP Maintain at most connections to peers (default: 384) .HP \fB\-maxreceivebuffer=\fR .IP Maximum per\-connection receive buffer, *1000 bytes (default: 5000) .HP \fB\-maxsendbuffer=\fR .IP Maximum per\-connection send buffer, *1000 bytes (default: 1000) .HP \fB\-onion=\fR .IP Use separate SOCKS5 proxy to reach peers via Tor hidden services (default: \fB\-proxy\fR) .HP \fB\-nspv_msg\fR .IP Enable NSPV messages processing (default: true when \fB\-ac_private\fR=\fI\,1\/\fR, otherwise false) .HP \fB\-i2psam=\fR .IP I2P SAM proxy to reach I2P peers and accept I2P connections (default: none) .HP \fB\-i2pacceptincoming\fR .IP If set and \fB\-i2psam\fR is also set then incoming I2P connections are accepted via the SAM proxy. If this is not set but \fB\-i2psam\fR is set then only outgoing connections will be made to the I2P network. Ignored if \fB\-i2psam\fR is not set. Listening for incoming I2P connections is done through the SAM proxy, not by binding to a local address and port (default: 1) .HP \fB\-onlynet=\fR .IP Only connect to nodes in network (ipv4, ipv6, onion or i2p) .HP \fB\-disableipv4\fR .IP Disable Ipv4 network connections (default: 0) .HP \fB\-disableipv6\fR .IP Disable Ipv6 network connections (default: 0) .HP \fB\-permitbaremultisig\fR .IP Relay non\-P2SH multisig (default: 1) .HP \fB\-peerbloomfilters\fR .IP Support filtering of blocks and transaction with Bloom filters (default: 1) .HP \fB\-port=\fR .IP Listen for connections on (default: 55555 or testnet: 55420) .HP \fB\-proxy=\fR .IP Connect through SOCKS5 proxy .HP \fB\-proxyrandomize\fR .IP Randomize credentials for every proxy connection. This enables Tor stream isolation (default: 1) .HP \fB\-seednode=\fR .IP Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect .HP \fB\-timeout=\fR .IP Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (minimum: 1, default: 60000) .HP \fB\-torcontrol=\fR: .IP Tor control port to use if onion listening enabled (default: .HP \fB\-torpassword=\fR .IP Tor control port password (default: empty) .HP \fB\-tls=\fR