#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Hush developers # Copyright (c) 2018 SuperNET developers # Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html from test_framework.test_framework import CryptoconditionsTestFramework from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_greater_than, \ initialize_chain_clean, initialize_chain, start_nodes, start_node, connect_nodes_bi, \ stop_nodes, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, wait_bitcoinds, rpc_port, assert_raises from cryptoconditions import assert_success, assert_error, generate_random_string class CryptoconditionsRewardsTest(CryptoconditionsTestFramework): def run_rewards_tests(self): rpc = self.nodes[0] result = rpc.rewardsaddress() for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') result = rpc.rewardsaddress(self.pubkey) for x in result.keys(): if x.find('ddress') > 0: assert_equal(result[x][0], 'R') # no rewards yet result = rpc.rewardslist() assert_equal(result, []) # looking up non-existent reward should return error result = rpc.rewardsinfo("none") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with name > 8 chars, should return error result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFFSTUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with 0 funding result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "0", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with 0 maxdays result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "0") assert_error(result) # creating rewards plan with > 25% APR result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "30", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # creating valid rewards plan result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert result['hex'], 'got raw xtn' fundingtxid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(result['hex']) assert fundingtxid, 'got txid' # confirm the above xtn rpc.generate(1) result = rpc.rewardsinfo(fundingtxid) assert_success(result) assert_equal(result['name'], 'STUFF') assert_equal(result['APR'], "25.00000000") assert_equal(result['minseconds'], 0) assert_equal(result['maxseconds'], 864000) assert_equal(result['funding'], "7777.00000000") assert_equal(result['mindeposit'], "10.00000000") assert_equal(result['fundingtxid'], fundingtxid) # checking if new plan in rewardslist result = rpc.rewardslist() assert_equal(result[0], fundingtxid) # creating reward plan with already existing name, should return error result = rpc.rewardscreatefunding("STUFF", "7777", "25", "0", "10", "10") assert_error(result) # add funding amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "-1") assert_error(result) # add funding amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "0") assert_error(result) # adding valid funding result = rpc.rewardsaddfunding("STUFF", fundingtxid, "555") addfundingtxid = self.send_and_mine(result['hex'], rpc) assert addfundingtxid, 'got funding txid' # checking if funding added to rewardsplan result = rpc.rewardsinfo(fundingtxid) assert_equal(result['funding'], "8332.00000000") # trying to lock funds, locking funds amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "-5") assert_error(result) # trying to lock funds, locking funds amount must be positive result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "0") assert_error(result) # trying to lock less than the min amount is an error result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "7") assert_error(result) # locking funds in rewards plan result = rpc.rewardslock("STUFF", fundingtxid, "10") assert_success(result) locktxid = result['hex'] assert locktxid, "got lock txid" # locktxid has not been broadcast yet result = rpc.rewardsunlock("STUFF", fundingtxid, locktxid) assert_error(result) # broadcast xtn txid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(locktxid) assert txid, 'got txid from sendrawtransaction' # confirm the xtn above rpc.generate(1) # will not unlock since reward amount is less than tx fee result = rpc.rewardsunlock("STUFF", fundingtxid, locktxid) assert_error(result) def run_test(self): print("Mining blocks...") rpc = self.nodes[0] rpc1 = self.nodes[1] # utxos from block 1 become mature in block 101 if not self.options.noshutdown: rpc.generate(101) self.sync_all() rpc.getinfo() rpc1.getinfo() # this corresponds to -pubkey above print("Importing privkeys") rpc.importprivkey(self.privkey) rpc1.importprivkey(self.privkey1) self.run_rewards_tests() if __name__ == '__main__': CryptoconditionsRewardsTest().main()