/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef KOMODO_NSPV_DEFSH #define KOMODO_NSPV_DEFSH #define NSPV_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x00000004 #define NSPV_POLLITERS 200 #define NSPV_POLLMICROS 50000 #define NSPV_MAXVINS 64 #define NSPV_AUTOLOGOUT 777 #define NSPV_BRANCHID 0x76b809bb // nSPV defines and struct definitions with serialization and purge functions #define NSPV_INFO 0x00 #define NSPV_INFORESP 0x01 #define NSPV_UTXOS 0x02 #define NSPV_UTXOSRESP 0x03 #define NSPV_NTZS 0x04 #define NSPV_NTZSRESP 0x05 #define NSPV_NTZSPROOF 0x06 #define NSPV_NTZSPROOFRESP 0x07 #define NSPV_TXPROOF 0x08 #define NSPV_TXPROOFRESP 0x09 #define NSPV_SPENTINFO 0x0a #define NSPV_SPENTINFORESP 0x0b #define NSPV_BROADCAST 0x0c #define NSPV_BROADCASTRESP 0x0d #define NSPV_TXIDS 0x0e #define NSPV_TXIDSRESP 0x0f #define NSPV_MEMPOOL 0x10 #define NSPV_MEMPOOLRESP 0x11 #define NSPV_MEMPOOL_ALL 0 #define NSPV_MEMPOOL_ADDRESS 1 #define NSPV_MEMPOOL_ISSPENT 2 #define NSPV_MEMPOOL_INMEMPOOL 3 #define NSPV_MEMPOOL_CCEVALCODE 4 #define NSPV_CC_TXIDS 16 int32_t NSPV_gettransaction(int32_t skipvalidation,int32_t vout,uint256 txid,int32_t height,CTransaction &tx,uint256 &hashblock,int32_t &txheight,int32_t ¤theight,int64_t extradata,uint32_t tiptime,int64_t &rewardsum); UniValue NSPV_spend(char *srcaddr,char *destaddr,int64_t satoshis); extern uint256 SIG_TXHASH; uint32_t NSPV_blocktime(int32_t hdrheight); struct NSPV_equihdr { int32_t nVersion; uint256 hashPrevBlock; uint256 hashMerkleRoot; uint256 hashFinalSaplingRoot; uint32_t nTime; uint32_t nBits; uint256 nNonce; uint8_t nSolution[1344]; }; struct NSPV_utxoresp { uint256 txid; int64_t satoshis,extradata; int32_t vout,height; }; struct NSPV_utxosresp { struct NSPV_utxoresp *utxos; char coinaddr[64]; int64_t total,interest; int32_t nodeheight,skipcount,filter; uint16_t numutxos,CCflag; }; struct NSPV_txidresp { uint256 txid; int64_t satoshis; int32_t vout,height; }; struct NSPV_txidsresp { struct NSPV_txidresp *txids; char coinaddr[64]; int32_t nodeheight,skipcount,filter; uint16_t numtxids,CCflag; }; struct NSPV_mempoolresp { uint256 *txids; char coinaddr[64]; uint256 txid; int32_t nodeheight,vout,vindex; uint16_t numtxids; uint8_t CCflag,funcid; }; struct NSPV_ntz { uint256 blockhash,txid,othertxid; int32_t height,txidheight; uint32_t timestamp; }; struct NSPV_ntzsresp { struct NSPV_ntz prevntz,nextntz; int32_t reqheight; }; struct NSPV_inforesp { struct NSPV_ntz notarization; uint256 blockhash; int32_t height,hdrheight; struct NSPV_equihdr H; uint32_t version; }; struct NSPV_txproof { uint256 txid; int64_t unspentvalue; int32_t height,vout,txlen,txprooflen; uint8_t *tx,*txproof; uint256 hashblock; }; struct NSPV_ntzproofshared { struct NSPV_equihdr *hdrs; int32_t prevht,nextht,pad32; uint16_t numhdrs,pad16; }; struct NSPV_ntzsproofresp { struct NSPV_ntzproofshared common; uint256 prevtxid,nexttxid; int32_t prevtxidht,nexttxidht,prevtxlen,nexttxlen; uint8_t *prevntz,*nextntz; }; struct NSPV_MMRproof { struct NSPV_ntzproofshared common; // tbd }; struct NSPV_spentinfo { struct NSPV_txproof spent; uint256 txid; int32_t vout,spentvini; }; struct NSPV_broadcastresp { uint256 txid; int32_t retcode; }; struct NSPV_CCmtxinfo { struct NSPV_utxosresp U; struct NSPV_utxoresp used[NSPV_MAXVINS]; }; #endif // KOMODO_NSPV_DEFSH