#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (c) 2019 The Hush developers # Released under the GPLv3 use strict; use warnings; # Given a file of host data, one per line, # scan them to see if p2p/rpc ports are accessible # RPCs should not be open to the internet and this is # an easy way to check many hosts, as well as seeing # if a full node is down via an inaccessible p2p port. # Scan a different coin via P2PPORT and RPCPORT. print "HOST P2P RPC\n"; while (<>) { chomp; my $host = $_; my $p2pport = $ENV{P2PPORT} || 18030; my $rpcport = $ENV{RPCPORT} || $p2pport + 1; my $cmd1 = qq{nc -z -w2 $host $p2pport}; my $cmd2 = qq{nc -z -w2 $host $rpcport}; qx{$cmd1}; my $errcode1 = $?; qx{$cmd2}; my $errcode2 = $?; my $status1 = $errcode1 ? "DOWN" : "UP"; my $status2 = $errcode2 ? "DOWN" : "UP"; print "$host $status1 $status2\n" }