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zcash_packages := libgmp libsodium utfcpp
rust_crates := \
crate_aes \
crate_aesni \
crate_aes_soft \
crate_arrayvec \
crate_bitflags \
crate_bit_vec \
crate_blake2_rfc \
crate_block_cipher_trait \
crate_byte_tools \
crate_byteorder \
crate_constant_time_eq \
crate_crossbeam \
crate_digest \
crate_fpe \
crate_fuchsia_zircon \
crate_fuchsia_zircon_sys \
crate_futures_cpupool \
crate_futures \
crate_generic_array \
crate_lazy_static \
crate_libc \
crate_nodrop \
crate_num_bigint \
crate_num_cpus \
crate_num_integer \
crate_num_traits \
crate_opaque_debug \
crate_rand \
crate_stream_cipher \
crate_typenum \
crate_winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu \
crate_winapi \
rust_packages := rust $(rust_crates) librustzcash
native_packages := native_ccache
ifeq ($(host_os),linux)
packages := boost wolfssl libevent $(zcash_packages) googletest libcurl #googlemock
packages := boost wolfssl libevent $(zcash_packages) libcurl googletest #googlemock