Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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cd ~
mkdir TestU01
cd TestU01-1.2.3
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../TestU01
make -j8
make install
cd ~/RandomX
g++ -O3 src/tests/rng-tests.cpp -lm -I ~/TestU01/include -L ~/TestU01/lib -L bin/ -l:libtestu01.a -l:libmylib.a -l:libprobdist.a -lrandomx -o bin/rng-tests -DRANDOMX_GEN=4R -DRANDOMX_TESTU01=Crush
bin/rng-tests 0
extern "C" {
#include "unif01.h"
#include "bbattery.h"
#include "../aes_hash.hpp"
#include "../blake2/blake2.h"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#error Please define RANDOMX_GEN with a value of 1R or 4R
#error Please define RANDOMX_TESTU01 with a value of SmallCrush, Crush or BigCrush
#define STR(x) #x
#define CONCAT(a,b,c) a ## b ## c
#define GEN_NAME(x) "AesGenerator" STR(x)
#define GEN_FUNC(x) CONCAT(fillAes, x, x4)
#define TEST_SUITE(x) CONCAT(bbattery_, x,)
constexpr int GeneratorStateSize = 64;
constexpr int GeneratorCapacity = GeneratorStateSize / sizeof(uint32_t);
static unsigned long aesGenBits(void *param, void *state) {
uint32_t* statePtr = (uint32_t*)state;
int* indexPtr = (int*)param;
int stateIndex = *indexPtr;
if(stateIndex >= GeneratorCapacity) {
GEN_FUNC(RANDOMX_GEN)<false>(statePtr, GeneratorStateSize, statePtr);
stateIndex = 0;
uint32_t next = statePtr[stateIndex];
*indexPtr = stateIndex + 1;
return next;
static double aesGenDouble(void *param, void *state) {
return aesGenBits (param, state) / unif01_NORM32;
static void aesWriteState(void* state) {
char* statePtr = (char*)state;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
std::cout << "state" << i << " = ";
outputHex(std::cout, statePtr + (i * 16), 16);
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << argv[0] << " <seed>" << std::endl;
return 1;
uint32_t state[GeneratorCapacity] = { 0 };
int stateIndex = GeneratorCapacity;
char name[] = GEN_NAME(RANDOMX_GEN);
uint64_t seed = strtoull(argv[1], nullptr, 0);
if(seed) {
blake2b(&state, sizeof(state), &seed, sizeof(seed), nullptr, 0);
unif01_Gen gen;
gen.state = &state;
gen.param = &stateIndex;
gen.Write = &aesWriteState;
gen.GetU01 = &aesGenDouble;
gen.GetBits = &aesGenBits; = (char*)name;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;