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// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 The Hush developers
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
* *
#include "key.h"
#include "pubkey.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/standard.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "zcash/Address.hpp"
#include "zcash/NoteEncryption.hpp"
#include "zcash/zip32.h"
#include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
/** A virtual base class for key stores */
class CKeyStore
mutable CCriticalSection cs_KeyStore;
mutable CCriticalSection cs_SpendingKeyStore;
virtual ~CKeyStore() {}
//! Set the HD seed for this keystore
virtual bool SetHDSeed(const HDSeed& seed) =0;
virtual bool HaveHDSeed() const =0;
//! Get the HD seed for this keystore
virtual bool GetHDSeed(HDSeed& seedOut) const =0;
//! Add a key to the store.
virtual bool AddKeyPubKey(const CKey &key, const CPubKey &pubkey) =0;
virtual bool AddKey(const CKey &key);
//! Check whether a key corresponding to a given address is present in the store.
virtual bool HaveKey(const CKeyID &address) const =0;
virtual bool GetKey(const CKeyID &address, CKey& keyOut) const =0;
virtual void GetKeys(std::set<CKeyID> &setAddress) const =0;
virtual bool GetPubKey(const CKeyID &address, CPubKey& vchPubKeyOut) const;
//! Support for BIP 0013 : see
virtual bool AddCScript(const CScript& redeemScript) =0;
virtual bool HaveCScript(const CScriptID &hash) const =0;
virtual bool GetCScript(const CScriptID &hash, CScript& redeemScriptOut) const =0;
//! Support for Watch-only addresses
virtual bool AddWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) =0;
virtual bool RemoveWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) =0;
virtual bool HaveWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) const =0;
virtual bool HaveWatchOnly() const =0;
//! Add a Sapling spending key to the store.
virtual bool AddSaplingSpendingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey &sk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &defaultAddr) =0;
//! Check whether a Sapling spending key corresponding to a given Sapling viewing key is present in the store.
virtual bool HaveSaplingSpendingKey(const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk) const =0;
virtual bool GetSaplingSpendingKey(const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk, libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey& skOut) const =0;
//! Support for Sapling full viewing keys
virtual bool AddSaplingFullViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &defaultAddr) =0;
virtual bool HaveSaplingFullViewingKey(const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk) const =0;
virtual bool GetSaplingFullViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk,
libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey& fvkOut) const =0;
//! Sapling incoming viewing keys
virtual bool AddSaplingIncomingViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr) =0;
virtual bool HaveSaplingIncomingViewingKey(const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr) const =0;
virtual bool GetSaplingIncomingViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr,
libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey& ivkOut) const =0;
virtual void GetSaplingPaymentAddresses(std::set<libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress> &setAddress) const =0;
typedef std::map<CKeyID, CKey> KeyMap;
typedef std::map<CScriptID, CScript > ScriptMap;
typedef std::set<CScript> WatchOnlySet;
// Full viewing key has equivalent functionality to a transparent address
// When encrypting wallet, encrypt SaplingSpendingKeyMap, while leaving SaplingFullViewingKeyMap unencrypted
typedef std::map<libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey, libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey> SaplingSpendingKeyMap;
typedef std::map<libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey, libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey> SaplingFullViewingKeyMap;
// Only maps from default addresses to ivk, may need to be reworked when adding diversified addresses.
typedef std::map<libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress, libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey> SaplingIncomingViewingKeyMap;
/** Basic key store, that keeps keys in an address->secret map */
class CBasicKeyStore : public CKeyStore
HDSeed hdSeed;
KeyMap mapKeys;
ScriptMap mapScripts;
WatchOnlySet setWatchOnly;
SaplingSpendingKeyMap mapSaplingSpendingKeys;
SaplingFullViewingKeyMap mapSaplingFullViewingKeys;
SaplingIncomingViewingKeyMap mapSaplingIncomingViewingKeys;
bool SetHDSeed(const HDSeed& seed);
bool HaveHDSeed() const;
bool GetHDSeed(HDSeed& seedOut) const;
bool AddKeyPubKey(const CKey& key, const CPubKey &pubkey);
bool HaveKey(const CKeyID &address) const
bool result;
result = (mapKeys.count(address) > 0);
return result;
void GetKeys(std::set<CKeyID> &setAddress) const
KeyMap::const_iterator mi = mapKeys.begin();
while (mi != mapKeys.end())
bool GetKey(const CKeyID &address, CKey &keyOut) const
KeyMap::const_iterator mi = mapKeys.find(address);
if (mi != mapKeys.end())
keyOut = mi->second;
return true;
return false;
virtual bool AddCScript(const CScript& redeemScript);
virtual bool HaveCScript(const CScriptID &hash) const;
virtual bool GetCScript(const CScriptID &hash, CScript& redeemScriptOut) const;
virtual bool AddWatchOnly(const CScript &dest);
virtual bool RemoveWatchOnly(const CScript &dest);
virtual bool HaveWatchOnly(const CScript &dest) const;
virtual bool HaveWatchOnly() const;
//! Sapling
bool AddSaplingSpendingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey &sk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &defaultAddr);
bool HaveSaplingSpendingKey(const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk) const
bool result;
result = (mapSaplingSpendingKeys.count(fvk) > 0);
return result;
bool GetSaplingSpendingKey(const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk, libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey &skOut) const
SaplingSpendingKeyMap::const_iterator mi = mapSaplingSpendingKeys.find(fvk);
if (mi != mapSaplingSpendingKeys.end())
skOut = mi->second;
return true;
return false;
virtual bool AddSaplingFullViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey &fvk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &defaultAddr);
virtual bool HaveSaplingFullViewingKey(const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk) const;
virtual bool GetSaplingFullViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk,
libzcash::SaplingFullViewingKey& fvkOut) const;
virtual bool AddSaplingIncomingViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey &ivk,
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr);
virtual bool HaveSaplingIncomingViewingKey(const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr) const;
virtual bool GetSaplingIncomingViewingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr,
libzcash::SaplingIncomingViewingKey& ivkOut) const;
bool GetSaplingExtendedSpendingKey(
const libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress &addr,
libzcash::SaplingExtendedSpendingKey &extskOut) const;
void GetSaplingPaymentAddresses(std::set<libzcash::SaplingPaymentAddress> &setAddress) const
auto mi = mapSaplingIncomingViewingKeys.begin();
while (mi != mapSaplingIncomingViewingKeys.end())
typedef std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char> > CKeyingMaterial;
typedef std::map<CKeyID, std::pair<CPubKey, std::vector<unsigned char> > > CryptedKeyMap;
//! Sapling
typedef std::map<libzcash::SaplingExtendedFullViewingKey, std::vector<unsigned char> > CryptedSaplingSpendingKeyMap;