Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
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#include "dbwrapper.h"
#include "notarisationdb.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "cc/eval.h"
#include "crosschain.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "notaries_staked.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
NotarisationDB *pnotarisations;
NotarisationDB::NotarisationDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : CDBWrapper(GetDataDir() / "notarisations", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, false, 64) { }
NotarisationsInBlock ScanBlockNotarisations(const CBlock &block, int nHeight)
EvalRef eval;
NotarisationsInBlock vNotarisations;
CrosschainAuthority auth_STAKED;
int timestamp = block.nTime;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++) {
CTransaction tx = block.vtx[i];
NotarisationData data;
bool parsed = ParseNotarisationOpReturn(tx, data);
if (!parsed) data = NotarisationData();
if (strlen(data.symbol) == 0)
//printf("Checked notarisation data for %s \n",data.symbol);
int authority = GetSymbolAuthority(data.symbol);
if (authority == CROSSCHAIN_KOMODO) {
if (!eval->CheckNotaryInputs(tx, nHeight, block.nTime))
//printf("Authorised notarisation data for %s \n",data.symbol);
} else if (authority == CROSSCHAIN_STAKED) {
// We need to create auth_STAKED dynamically here based on timestamp
int32_t staked_era = STAKED_era(timestamp);
if (staked_era == 0) {
// this is an ERA GAP, so we will ignore this notarization
if ( is_STAKED(data.symbol) == 255 )
// this chain is banned... we will discard its notarisation.
} else {
// pass era slection off to notaries_staked.cpp file
auth_STAKED = Choose_auth_STAKED(staked_era);
if (!CheckTxAuthority(tx, auth_STAKED))
if (parsed) {
vNotarisations.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetHash(), data));
//printf("Parsed a notarisation for: %s, txid:%s, ccid:%i, momdepth:%i\n",
// data.symbol, tx.GetHash().GetHex().data(), data.ccId, data.MoMDepth);
//if (!data.MoMoM.IsNull()) printf("MoMoM:%s\n", data.MoMoM.GetHex().data());
} else
LogPrintf("WARNING: Couldn't parse notarisation for tx: %s at height %i\n",
tx.GetHash().GetHex().data(), nHeight);
return vNotarisations;
bool IsTXSCL(const char* symbol)
return strlen(symbol) >= 5 && strncmp(symbol, "TXSCL", 5) == 0;
bool GetBlockNotarisations(uint256 blockHash, NotarisationsInBlock &nibs)
return pnotarisations->Read(blockHash, nibs);
bool GetBackNotarisation(uint256 notarisationHash, Notarisation &n)
return pnotarisations->Read(notarisationHash, n);
* Write an index of KMD notarisation id -> backnotarisation
void WriteBackNotarisations(const NotarisationsInBlock notarisations, CDBBatch &batch)
int wrote = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Notarisation &n, notarisations)
if (!n.second.txHash.IsNull()) {
batch.Write(n.second.txHash, n);
void EraseBackNotarisations(const NotarisationsInBlock notarisations, CDBBatch &batch)
BOOST_FOREACH(const Notarisation &n, notarisations)
if (!n.second.txHash.IsNull())
* Scan notarisationsdb backwards for blocks containing a notarisation
* for given symbol. Return height of matched notarisation or 0.
int ScanNotarisationsDB(int height, std::string symbol, int scanLimitBlocks, Notarisation& out)
if (height < 0 || height > chainActive.Height())
return false;
for (int i=0; i<scanLimitBlocks; i++) {
if (i > height) break;
NotarisationsInBlock notarisations;
uint256 blockHash = *chainActive[height-i]->phashBlock;
if (!GetBlockNotarisations(blockHash, notarisations))
BOOST_FOREACH(Notarisation& nota, notarisations) {
if (strcmp(nota.second.symbol, == 0) {
out = nota;
return height-i;
return 0;
int ScanNotarisationsDB2(int height, std::string symbol, int scanLimitBlocks, Notarisation& out)
int32_t i,maxheight,ht;
maxheight = chainActive.Height();
if ( height < 0 || height > maxheight )
return false;
for (i=0; i<scanLimitBlocks; i++)
ht = height+i;
if ( ht > maxheight )
NotarisationsInBlock notarisations;
uint256 blockHash = *chainActive[ht]->phashBlock;
if ( !GetBlockNotarisations(blockHash,notarisations) )
BOOST_FOREACH(Notarisation& nota,notarisations)
if ( strcmp(nota.second.symbol, == 0 )
out = nota;
return 0;