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// (C) 2018 The Verus Developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
This provides the PoW hash function for Verus, a CPU-optimized hash
function with a Haraka V2 core. Unlike Haraka, which is made for short
inputs only, Verus Hash takes any length of input and produces a 256
bit output.
#include <string.h>
#include "crypto/common.h"
#include "crypto/verus_hash.h"
void CVerusHash::Hash(void *result, const void *data, size_t len)
unsigned char buf[128];
unsigned char *bufPtr = buf;
int pos = 0, nextOffset = 64;
unsigned char *bufPtr2 = bufPtr + nextOffset;
unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)data;
// put our last result or zero at beginning of buffer each time
memset(bufPtr, 0, 32);
// digest up to 32 bytes at a time
for ( ; pos < len; pos += 32)
if (len - pos >= 32)
memcpy(bufPtr + 32, ptr + pos, 32);
int i = (int)(len - pos);
memcpy(bufPtr + 32, ptr + pos, i);
memset(bufPtr + 32 + i, 0, 32 - i);
haraka512(bufPtr2, bufPtr);
bufPtr2 = bufPtr;
bufPtr += nextOffset;
nextOffset *= -1;
memcpy(result, bufPtr, 32);
CVerusHash &CVerusHash::Write(const unsigned char *data, size_t len)
unsigned char *tmp;
// digest up to 32 bytes at a time
for ( int pos = 0; pos < len; pos += 32)
int room = 32 - curPos;
if (len - pos >= room)
memcpy(curBuf + 32 + curPos, data + pos, room);
haraka512(result, curBuf);
tmp = curBuf;
curBuf = result;
result = tmp;
pos += room;
curPos = 0;
memcpy(curBuf + 32 + curPos, data + pos, len - pos);
curPos = 32 - (len - pos);
pos = len;
return *this;