Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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Introduction Install Compile FAQ Documentation
What is Hush? Windows 10 - Video Tutorial Build on Debian or Ubuntu Where can I buy Hush? Cross compiling Windows binaries
Why not GitHub? Mac - Guideline Build on Arch Can I mine with CPU or GPU? Hush DevOps for pools and CEXs
What is HushChat? Download for Android Build on Fedora What is DragonX? Earn bounty
What is SilentDagon? Deb package - Guideline Ubuntu 16.04 Where can I spend Hush? Cross compiling from amd64 to arm64

What is Hush?

Hush implements Extreme Privacy via blockchain tech. We have our own genesis block. We are not a chain fork (copy) of another coin. We are based on Bitcoin code, with sophisticated zero-knowledge mathematics added for privacy. This keeps your transaction metadata private!

This software is the Hush node and command-line client. It downloads and stores the entire history of Hush transactions; depending on the speed of your computer and network connection, it will likely take a few hours at least, but some people report full nodes syncing in less than 1.5 hours.

Banned by GitHub

In working on this release, Duke Leto was suspended from Github, which gave Hush developers the impetus to completely leave that racist and censorship-loving platform. Hush now has it's own Gitea instance, because we will not be silenced by Microsoft. All Hush software will be released from and, downloads from any other domains should be assumed to be backdoored.

Hush is unfinished and highly experimental. Use at your own risk! Just like Bitcoin.

Build on Debian or Ubuntu

# install build dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib \
      autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git zlib1g-dev wget \
      bsdmainutils automake curl unzip nano libsodium-dev cmake
# clone git repo
git clone
cd hush3
# Build
# This uses 3 build processes, you need 2GB of RAM for each. 
./ -j3

Video Tutorial:

Build on Arch

# install build dependencies
sudo pacman -S gcc libsodium lib32-zlib unzip wget git python rust curl autoconf cmake
# clone git repo
git clone
cd hush3
# Build
# This uses 3 build processes, you need 2GB of RAM for each. 
./ -j3

Build on Fedora

# install build dependencies
sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake libtool ncurses-devel patch -y
# clone git repo
git clone
cd hush3
# Build
# This uses 3 build processes, you need 2GB of RAM for each. 
./ -j3

Install on Windows 10

Video Tutorial:

Install on ARM Architecture

  1. Download the latest debian package.
  2. Install the Debian package: sudo dpkg -i hush-3.10.2-aarch64.deb.
  3. Run with: hushd.

Building On Ubuntu 16.04 and older systems

Some older compilers may not be able to compile modern code, such as gcc 5.4 which comes with Ubuntu 16.04 by default. Here is how to install gcc 7 on Ubuntu 16.04. Run these commands as root:

add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test && \
apt update && \
apt-get install -y gcc-7 g++-7 && \
  update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 60 && \
  update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 60

Build on Mac

sudo port update
sudo port upgrade outdated
sudo port install qt5

# clone git repo
git clone
cd hush3
# Build
# This uses 3 build processes, you need 2GB of RAM for each. 
./ -j3

Installing Hush binaries

  1. Download the release with a .deb file extension.
  2. Install the Debian package: sudo dpkg -i hush-3.10.2-amd64.deb.
  3. Run with: hushd.

Official Explorers

The links for the Official Hush explorers:

Support and Socials


For license information see the file COPYING.