Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Hush developers
#ifndef ZC_ADDRESS_H_
#define ZC_ADDRESS_H_
#include "uint256.h"
#include "uint252.h"
#include "serialize.h"
#include "Zcash.h"
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
namespace libzcash {
class InvalidEncoding {
friend bool operator==(const InvalidEncoding &a, const InvalidEncoding &b) { return true; }
friend bool operator<(const InvalidEncoding &a, const InvalidEncoding &b) { return true; }
const size_t SerializedSproutPaymentAddressSize = 64;
const size_t SerializedSproutViewingKeySize = 64;
const size_t SerializedSproutSpendingKeySize = 32;
const size_t SerializedSaplingPaymentAddressSize = 43;
const size_t SerializedSaplingFullViewingKeySize = 96;
const size_t SerializedSaplingExpandedSpendingKeySize = 96;
const size_t SerializedSaplingSpendingKeySize = 32;
typedef std::array<unsigned char, ZC_DIVERSIFIER_SIZE> diversifier_t;
class ReceivingKey : public uint256 {
ReceivingKey() { }
ReceivingKey(uint256 sk_enc) : uint256(sk_enc) { }
uint256 pk_enc() const;
//! Sapling functions.
class SaplingPaymentAddress {
diversifier_t d;
uint256 pk_d;
SaplingPaymentAddress() : d(), pk_d() { }
SaplingPaymentAddress(diversifier_t d, uint256 pk_d) : d(d), pk_d(pk_d) { }
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
//! Get the 256-bit SHA256d hash of this payment address.
uint256 GetHash() const;
friend inline bool operator==(const SaplingPaymentAddress& a, const SaplingPaymentAddress& b) {
return a.d == b.d && a.pk_d == b.pk_d;
friend inline bool operator<(const SaplingPaymentAddress& a, const SaplingPaymentAddress& b) {
return (a.d < b.d ||
(a.d == b.d && a.pk_d < b.pk_d));
class SaplingIncomingViewingKey : public uint256 {
SaplingIncomingViewingKey() : uint256() { }
SaplingIncomingViewingKey(uint256 ivk) : uint256(ivk) { }
// Can pass in diversifier for Sapling addr
boost::optional<SaplingPaymentAddress> address(diversifier_t d) const;
class SaplingFullViewingKey {
uint256 ak;
uint256 nk;
uint256 ovk;
SaplingFullViewingKey() : ak(), nk(), ovk() { }
SaplingFullViewingKey(uint256 ak, uint256 nk, uint256 ovk) : ak(ak), nk(nk), ovk(ovk) { }
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
//! Get the fingerprint of this full viewing key (as defined in ZIP 32).
uint256 GetFingerprint() const;
SaplingIncomingViewingKey in_viewing_key() const;
bool is_valid() const;
friend inline bool operator==(const SaplingFullViewingKey& a, const SaplingFullViewingKey& b) {
return a.ak == b.ak && a.nk == b.nk && a.ovk == b.ovk;
friend inline bool operator<(const SaplingFullViewingKey& a, const SaplingFullViewingKey& b) {
return (a.ak < b.ak ||
(a.ak == b.ak && a.nk < b.nk) ||
(a.ak == b.ak && a.nk == b.nk && a.ovk < b.ovk));
class SaplingExpandedSpendingKey {
uint256 ask;
uint256 nsk;
uint256 ovk;
SaplingExpandedSpendingKey() : ask(), nsk(), ovk() { }
SaplingExpandedSpendingKey(uint256 ask, uint256 nsk, uint256 ovk) : ask(ask), nsk(nsk), ovk(ovk) { }
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
SaplingFullViewingKey full_viewing_key() const;
friend inline bool operator==(const SaplingExpandedSpendingKey& a, const SaplingExpandedSpendingKey& b) {
return a.ask == b.ask && a.nsk == b.nsk && a.ovk == b.ovk;
friend inline bool operator<(const SaplingExpandedSpendingKey& a, const SaplingExpandedSpendingKey& b) {
return (a.ask < b.ask ||
(a.ask == b.ask && a.nsk < b.nsk) ||
(a.ask == b.ask && a.nsk == b.nsk && a.ovk < b.ovk));
class SaplingSpendingKey : public uint256 {
SaplingSpendingKey() : uint256() { }
SaplingSpendingKey(uint256 sk) : uint256(sk) { }
static SaplingSpendingKey random();
SaplingExpandedSpendingKey expanded_spending_key() const;
SaplingFullViewingKey full_viewing_key() const;
// Can derive Sapling addr from default diversifier
SaplingPaymentAddress default_address() const;
typedef boost::variant<InvalidEncoding, SaplingPaymentAddress> PaymentAddress;
typedef boost::variant<InvalidEncoding, SaplingIncomingViewingKey> ViewingKey;
/** Check whether a PaymentAddress is not an InvalidEncoding. */
extern const uint32_t SAPLING_BRANCH_ID;
bool IsValidPaymentAddress(const libzcash::PaymentAddress& zaddr, uint32_t consensusBranchId = SAPLING_BRANCH_ID);
/** Check whether a ViewingKey is not an InvalidEncoding. */
bool IsValidViewingKey(const libzcash::ViewingKey& vk);
#endif // ZC_ADDRESS_H_