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Regression tests of RPC interface


Base class for RPC regression tests.


Generally useful functions.


You can run a single test by calling qa/pull-tester/ <testname>.

Run all possible tests with qa/pull-tester/ -extended.

Also it's possible to run CryptoConditions tests only by qa/pull-tester/ --noshutdown --tracerpc

Possible options:

-h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --nocleanup      Leave binaries and test.* datadir on exit or error
  --noshutdown     Don't stop full node after the test execution
  --srcdir=SRCDIR  Source directory containing hushd/hush-cli (default: ../../src)
  --tmpdir=TMPDIR  Root directory for datadirs
  --tracerpc       Print out all RPC calls as they are made

If you set the environment variable PYTHON_DEBUG=1 you will get some debug output (example: PYTHON_DEBUG=1 qa/pull-tester/ wallet).

A 200-block -regtest blockchain and wallets for four nodes is created the first time a regression test is run and is stored in the cache/ directory. Each node has the miner subsidy from 25 mature blocks (25*10=250 HUSH) in its wallet.

After the first run, the cache/ blockchain and wallets are copied into a temporary directory and used as the initial test state.

If you get into a bad state, you should be able to recover with:

rm -rf cache
killall komodod

but beware that could kill various other processes you might not want to kill!