Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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Official Hush Release Notes

Hush release notes were done on Github until 3.5.2, and now are officially part of our Git repo.

Downloading Releases

Hush releases are on our own Gitea at and no longer on Github, since they banned Duke Leto and also because they censor many people around the world and work with evil organizations.

Hush 3.9.1 "Luciferous Locust"

This is an OPTIONAL release. It is most important for users with large wallets, as it fixes an important bug that causes the Hush full node to stop responding to requests. It is recommended for exchanges and mining pools to update to this release.

 34 files changed, 6530 insertions(+), 6344 deletions(-)
  • Fix RPC deadlocks, which caused the RPC interface to hang.
    • A special thanks to ex-Hush developer miodrag who reported this in an upstream issue comment.
    • This turned out to be an upstream bug in Zcash that was inherited by Hush.
    • More details can be found at #77
  • The listbanned RPC now returns a new key time_remaining which tells how many seconds are remaining in the ban
  • The rescan RPC now works correctly when given a height. This can be used to do a partial rescan from a custom height, without restarting the node.
  • Minimum disk space required for a running full node has been increased to 1GB from 50MB
    • This will print "Disk space is low!!!" and shut down the full node.
    • To fix, free up disk space and restart the node.
    • This change was implemented because in rare circumstances, large amounts of disk space can be used up quickly, faster than the node checks for free disk space, which can lead to a corrupt wallet.dat . Requiring more free disk space makes this much less likely.
  • Dockerfile has been updated

Hush 3.9.0 "Unusual Ursid"

 136 files changed, 3881 insertions(+), 3156 deletions(-)

This is a MANDATORY release, please update as soon as you can! At some point, full nodes older than 3.9.0 will no longer be able to sync the current HUSH network correctly. More details will be given in a future update.

  • ๐ŸŒˆ hushd/hush-cli/hush-tx are now true binaries instead of shell scripts
    • This means hushd.bat, hush-cli.bat and hush-tx.bat are no longer needed on Windows and simplifies the maintenance of internals
  • ๐ŸŽ‰ New official location for full node data is ~/.hush !
    • New full nodes will install and use ~/.hush
    • Existing full nodes will continue to use the legacy ~/.komodo directory
    • If both ~/.hush/HUSH3 and ~/.komodo/HUSH3 exist, the ~/.hush directory will be used
  • ๐Ÿ’‹ Hush full nodes will now attempt to talk to two more nodes by default:
  • ๐Ÿด New RPCs:
    • listaddresses - Show all taddrs in this wallet.dat
    • rpcinfo - Shows stats about RPC internals
  • ๐Ÿฆ„ These RPCs can now be run during RPC warmup:
    • listaddresses
    • z_exportwallet
    • signmessage
    • decoderawtransaction
    • getnetworkinfo
  • ๐Ÿ’ฆ New doc/hushd.service to use hushd with systemd
    • Learn more at doc/
  • ๐Ÿš€ Many updates to Hush Smart Chains and Hush internals
    • Optimize zaddrs by only building witness caches for blocks that involve our wallet
    • When RPC connection fails hush-cli now tells you which port it was trying to connect to
    • Calculation of HSC "network magic" has changed as of 3.9.0
      • If using or developing an HSC, all nodes must use either 3.8.0 or earlier, or preferably, all use 3.9.0 code or later. HSC networks using both 3.8.0 and 3.9.0 will not work.
      • This was required by internals changes and we do not plan to do this again.
  • ๐Ÿ”จ New Stratum API so you can Solo mine with your full node!
    • This is an optional feature that defaults to disabled. Enable it with -stratum=1
    • Example usage: `hushd -stratum=1 -stratumport=31337 -stratumallowip='
      • This allows mining connections from your local network where computers have IPs like 192.168.0.x .
      • Your ASICs must be able to connect to the IP and port of your full node. Firewall rules may be needed.
    • It offers the highest privacy for miners, since mining pools know your IP and address metadata and can be hacked or coerced into giving that data. Solo mining with your own full node gives the absolute least metadata to third parties.
    • This is also the cheapest possible way to mine HUSH, since there are NO POOL FEES and NO PAYOUT TRANSACTION FEES! ๐Ÿ˜„
    • Miners can mine entire HUSH blocks from the privacy of their own server
    • As many ASICs as you like can be used with a single Hush full node, just use an address inside a wallet you control, and set your pool to the IP and port of your Hush full node with Stratum enabled.
  • ๐Ÿค“ The hush-smart-chain script is now installed in Debian packages

Hush 3.8.0 "Chuckling Chupacabra"

32 files changed, 712 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

This is an OPTIONAL release, but since it contains many privacy improvements, it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all users to upgrade. It's VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for mining pools to upgrade, since some improvements affect them.

* New Sietch feature: Randomized change output location
  * Zcash and Pirate always put the change as the last shielded output, which leaks metadata. Hush no longer has this metadata leakage.
  * This feature improves the `z_sendmany`, `z_mergetoaddress` and `z_shieldtocoinbase` since it's done in the Hush TransactionBuilder.
* New Sietch feature: Sitech-ified `z_shieldcoinbase`
  * This RPC now leaks less metadata by making it hard for blockchain analysts to know which of the three outputs has value.
  * This also increases Hush's "anonset velocity", which is how fast we increase our anonymity set, or "anonset".
* Thanks to [LuckPool]( for a patch that fixes how the longest chain is calculated.
  * This bug can prevent mining pools from making payout transactions, which is why this release is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for mining pools.
* Previously you could only run `stop` while Hush was in RPC warmup, but now additional RPCs are allowed:
  * `stop` - Oops, you started hushd on accident a few seconds ago? Now you can stop it without waiting.
  * `help` - Get help during long rescans, finally!
  * `z_listaddresses` - See a list of all zaddrs in this wallet, even during a long rescan!
  * `z_exportkey` - Export a key from this node, even during rescan!
  * `listaddresses` - See a list of taddrs as soon as we load the wallet.
  * `dumpprivkey` - Dump the private key of a taddr, even when node isn't fully synced!
  * `getpeerinfo` - See current peers even before we get enough peers to start syncing or a long rescan!
* If the RPC interface is not functioning (such as filled by deadlocks or something else) it can become impossible to shut down hushd correctly!
  * Doing a `kill` of the process could corrupt wallet.dat and cause a very long rescan.
  * Now you can create a file called `plz_stop` in the same directory as wallet.dat
  * `hushd` checks for this file every 120 seconds and will shutdown if it sees it.
* `-keepnotewitnesscache` prevents the Sapling Note Witness cache from being deleted from wallet.dat on shutdown.
  * If your hushd crashed or needed to be `kill -9`, do `hushd -keepnotewitnesscache -rescan -rescanheight=XXX` with a height of just before it crashed
  * This will only rescan the latest part of the blockchain looking for new funds, instead of all of history. Much faster!
* `-rescanheight` can be used with `-keepnotewitnesscache` and `-rescan` to do a partial rescan of history and avoid completely rebuilding the Witness Cache.
* `-zindex` data is now stored on disk in the new `zindex.dat` file
  * All nodes that use `-zindex` will now have reliable anonset statistics even after a restart
* `getpeerinfo` now returns a `relaytxes` key which says if a remote node is relaying transactions to us
* Improvements to the RPC help documentation
* `hushd.bat` for Windows now uses the ASN map via `-asmap` and has the latest seed nodes
* `hushd-tx.bat` for Windows now exists for making raw transactions on Windows

Hush 3.7.1 "Neologistic Nautilus"

638 files changed, 1484 insertions(+), 962 deletions(-)

This is an OPTIONAL release for average Hush users, but is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for service providers, such as lite wallet server ops, mining pools, exchanges, bots, etc.

Notable Changes

  • ๐ŸŽ‰ More internals code related to unused Sprout transactions was removed, making Hush run and compile faster and use less memory.
  • ๐Ÿ˜„ We now give a more useful error message when a user attempts to make a tx before the node is synced.
  • ๐Ÿค“ z_sendmany RPC docs now show an example of a z2z transaction
  • ๐Ÿ” Various security + privacy improvements to the network Peer To Peer (p2p) layer, including:
    • The deprecated alert p2p message is no longer processed and nodes using it will be banned.
    • try-before-evict ported from BTC core, which helps protect again Eclipse and Sybil Attacks
    • "Feeler connections" ported from BTC, another technique which makes Eclipse and Sybil Attacks harder and more expensive
    • From the paper "Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoinโ€™s Peer-to-Peer Network" Ethan Heilman, Alison Kendler, Aviv Zohar, Sharon Goldberg.
    • Related to
  • ๐Ÿฆ„ New RPC: z_getbalances returns a list of all zaddrs with non-zero balance.
    • An optional paramater can filter addresses to those with a specified minimum balance, such as z_getbalances 0.1 will only show HUSH zaddrs with at least 0.1 HUSH.
  • ๐ŸŒˆ "Automagic z_sendmany" makes the RPC easier to use and also improves privacy
    • The z_sendmany RPC now understands a symbolic from address of z which means:
      • Randomly choose any zaddr with enough balance as from address
    • This means CLI users no longer need to run multiple RPC's to find a zaddr with enough balance and specify it themselves
    • It also means that CLI shell history and cronjobs or source code does not contain the source zaddr, improving privacy.

Hush 3.7.0 "Diffy The DAA Kungfoo Cuckoo"

13 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

This is an OPTIONAL release for most Hush users. It is MANDATORY for miners, specifically solo miners and mining pools. It is not required for POOL miners.

Hush 3.6.3 "Autonomous Aconite's Aunt"


This release is mostly the same as 3.6.2 but it fixes some issues in Debian+Arch packages and binaries not being able to find asmap.dat, which did not occur when building from Git source. This release protects all users, by default, from network attacks like the Erebus Attack:

Hush 3.6.2 "Autonomous Aconite"

๐Ÿ‘€ This is an OPTIONAL but RECOMMENDED Hush Full Node release ๐Ÿ‘€

Notable changes

  • ๐Ÿค– Autonomous System Map (asmap) bucketing by default
    • ๐ŸŽ‰ HUSH is the first cryptocoin to take this work from BTC Core and turn it on by default for all nodes
    • ๐Ÿ’ฏ SD 1.1.1 did this itself, and now we push that change into the full node itself.
    • ๐Ÿค˜ The new CLI flag -asmap is on by default, and can be turned off with -asmap=0
    • ๐Ÿ‘ This setting helps users by having 7.4 million "buckets" for peers instead of only 65000 which the traditional /16 scheme uses. This means all Hush full nodes are more protected against network-layer attacks such as the Erebus Attack:
  • ๐Ÿ˜‰ debug.log is now shrunk to 15MB instead of 100MB
  • ๐Ÿค“ The max size of debug.log can now be controlled via -maxdebugfilesize
  • ๐ŸŒˆ A new document that gives an Overview of Hush:
30db6e6f0cab9f4ac0a4c4b5968a9db8e04ee6a2eb23fe4ae51e8e6bf76b8044  hush-3.6.2-ubuntu-16.04-amd64.tar.gz
2393910c224b98213725bd4671dd245c36c19dbe6abb4015b8df181064eb9b64  hush-3.6.2-ubuntu-16.04.deb

Hush 3.6.1 "Syncopated Sphinx"

๐Ÿ”ฅ This is an OPTIONAL release, but upgrading is ENCOURAGED. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

 101 files changed, 1158 insertions(+), 5793 deletions(-)
  • ๐ŸŽ‰ WolfSSL upgraded to 4.6.0 and side-channel resistance enabled via ECC_TIMING_RESISTANT
  • ๐ŸŒˆ Hush full nodes will now exclusively communivate via P2P messages with TLS1.3, the option -tls=only has become default and cannot be turned off
  • ๐Ÿ’ฏ Improved error-handling and logging of TLS connections
  • ๐Ÿ‘ getpeerinfo now shows 3 new keys for each peer:
    • tls_established - if a TLS connection has been established to this peer
    • tls_cipher - which TLS cipher is being used with this peer
    • tls_verified - if the TLS certificate was validated
  • ๐Ÿ’‹ Important Windows bugfix: SIGTERM is now handled correctly on Windows, which means hushd will be less likely to corrupt data on disk
  • ๐Ÿค“ New developer documentation in
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฝ -whitelist and -whitelistaddress are now called -allowlist and -allowlistaddress
    • Duke Leto felt the old terminology of a "whitelist" was racist and unintuitive for non-native speakers, so it was changed.
  • ๐Ÿ” Minimum protocol version is now 1987420

Hush 3.6.0 "Decentralized Dominatrix"

983 files changed, 7736 insertions(+), 17688 deletions(-)

๐Ÿค˜ ๐Ÿค˜ ๐Ÿค˜ This release consists of 25454 lines of changes, almost 18000 lines of deletions and just short of 1000 files changed! This is why Hush code is so fast, we delete all that KYC/PoS/Sprout stuff from KMD internals we inherited and improve daily. ๐Ÿค˜ ๐Ÿค˜ ๐Ÿค˜

  • ๐Ÿ’ฏ Fixes sync issues near block 340k caused by blocktime halving bug
  • ๐Ÿ’ฆ New official domain reflected everywhere
  • ๐ŸŽ‰ Hush Docker scripts are now officially maintained!
  • ๐Ÿ† New Hush DPoW Notaries replace KMD Notaries (who attacked us, lulz)
  • ๐Ÿš€ Increasd in-memory UTXO cache db by 100MB (25%) to increase performance of initial syncing
  • ๐Ÿ‰ Prevent Delayed-Proof-of-Work attack from Komodo Notaries
    • ๐Ÿ’ฉ KMD notaries provably attacked the HUSH blockchain via their pubkeys
    • ๐Ÿ™Š All trust in their service has now been lost, and all Komodo pubkeys have been removed from Hush source code
    • ๐Ÿ‘ฝ "Malicious Notarized Chainforks" is an attack only Komodo Notaries can perform against chains they are supposed to protect. More details to be released soon.
    • ๐ŸŒˆ Defense-in-depth has been implemented and an overhaul+audit of the entire Hush source code was implemented, which is partially why this release has so many changes.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ผ New -dpow-start-height CLI flag can be used to reject all DPoW transactions (and attacks) up to a certain height, which is a general defense against potential future DPoW attacks. Also: Fuck you, jl777.
    • ๐Ÿ’‹ Hush developers will not be silenced and laugh at KMD NN ops with too much time on their hands
  • ๐Ÿ” More secure+private TLS 1.3 implementation from miodrag, thanks!
    • ๐Ÿ“ข We now use WolfSSL 4.5.0 instead of OpenSSL, a huge improvement and decrease in attack surface as well as allowing use to do TLS on low resource devices (like internet-of-shit light bulbs/etc)
    • ๐Ÿ”’ Nodes randomly choose between GCM-SHA384 and CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 when making connections to other nodes.
  • ๐Ÿ‡ Faster release binaries with -03
  • ๐Ÿด Optimized and hardened memory pool code
  • ๐Ÿ”จ getblocktemplate RPC now provides better error reporting about whether there are no peers or if it's not in sync
  • โ™ป๏ธ Removed more Sprout code which is tightly mixed into deep internals, which increases compile speed and reduces memory overhead
  • ๐Ÿ„ New P2P protocol version. Peers only talk to 3.5.x nodes and newer

3.6.0 Checksums

33cd82c51eac404796e6c296044b1d8fcc653d60b2bf26eecb5df0e374a35825  hush-3.6.0-linux-ubuntu-18.04-amd64.tar.gz
9c2f19c50fdc44af2c89494b06cda2c9e176d7ae2f038ca0fb7c0cd083dd71b9  hush-3.6.0-linux-ubuntu-18.04-noparams-amd64.tar.gz
9799aaea1503770336efc328fcd43c3a46d7bede8c485f77977423f949145d81  hush-3.6.0-amd64.deb
2f0ebbcbb9bb0bcffe95a397e7eba89c29eb4dde6191c339db88570e3f3fb0e4  sapling-output.params
8e48ffd23abb3a5fd9c5589204f32d9c31285a04b78096ba40a79b75677efc13  sapling-spend.params


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