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// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Hush developers
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "dbwrapper.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <leveldb/cache.h>
#include <leveldb/env.h>
#include <leveldb/filter_policy.h>
#include <memenv.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static leveldb::Options GetOptions(size_t nCacheSize, bool compression, int maxOpenFiles)
leveldb::Options options;
options.block_cache = leveldb::NewLRUCache(nCacheSize / 2);
options.write_buffer_size = nCacheSize / 4; // up to two write buffers may be held in memory simultaneously
options.filter_policy = leveldb::NewBloomFilterPolicy(10);
options.compression = compression ? leveldb::kSnappyCompression : leveldb::kNoCompression;
options.max_open_files = maxOpenFiles;
if (leveldb::kMajorVersion > 1 || (leveldb::kMajorVersion == 1 && leveldb::kMinorVersion >= 16)) {
// LevelDB versions before 1.16 consider short writes to be corruption. Only trigger error
// on corruption in later versions.
options.paranoid_checks = true;
return options;
CDBWrapper::CDBWrapper(const boost::filesystem::path& path, size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe, bool compression, int maxOpenFiles)
penv = NULL;
readoptions.verify_checksums = true;
iteroptions.verify_checksums = true;
iteroptions.fill_cache = false;
syncoptions.sync = true;
options = GetOptions(nCacheSize, compression, maxOpenFiles);
options.create_if_missing = true;
if (fMemory) {
penv = leveldb::NewMemEnv(leveldb::Env::Default());
options.env = penv;
} else {
if (fWipe) {
LogPrintf("Wiping LevelDB in %s\n", path.string());
leveldb::Status result = leveldb::DestroyDB(path.string(), options);
LogPrintf("Opening LevelDB in %s\n", path.string());
leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, path.string(), &pdb);
LogPrintf("Opened LevelDB successfully\n");
delete pdb;
pdb = NULL;
delete options.filter_policy;
options.filter_policy = NULL;
delete options.block_cache;
options.block_cache = NULL;
delete penv;
options.env = NULL;
bool CDBWrapper::WriteBatch(CDBBatch& batch, bool fSync)
leveldb::Status status = pdb->Write(fSync ? syncoptions : writeoptions, &batch.batch);
return true;
bool CDBWrapper::IsEmpty()
boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> it(NewIterator());
return !(it->Valid());
CDBIterator::~CDBIterator() { delete piter; }
bool CDBIterator::Valid() { return piter->Valid(); }
void CDBIterator::SeekToFirst() { piter->SeekToFirst(); }
void CDBIterator::SeekToLast() { piter->SeekToLast(); }
void CDBIterator::Next() { piter->Next(); }
void CDBIterator::Prev() { piter->Prev(); }
namespace dbwrapper_private {
void HandleError(const leveldb::Status& status)
if (status.ok())
LogPrintf("%s\n", status.ToString());
if (status.IsCorruption())
throw dbwrapper_error("Database corrupted");
if (status.IsIOError())
throw dbwrapper_error("Database I/O error");
if (status.IsNotFound())
throw dbwrapper_error("Database entry missing");
throw dbwrapper_error("Unknown database error");