Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
4.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3 libgnutls28-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install setuptools
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install base58 slick-bitcoinrpc
import platform
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import pprint
from slickrpc import Proxy
# fucntion to define rpc_connection
def def_credentials(chain):
rpcport = '';
operating_system = platform.system()
if operating_system == 'Darwin':
ac_dir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Library/Application Support/Komodo'
elif operating_system == 'Linux':
ac_dir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.komodo'
elif operating_system == 'Windows':
ac_dir = '%s/komodo/' % os.environ['APPDATA']
if chain == 'KMD':
coin_config_file = str(ac_dir + '/komodo.conf')
coin_config_file = str(ac_dir + '/' + chain + '/' + chain + '.conf')
with open(coin_config_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
l = line.rstrip()
if'rpcuser', l):
rpcuser = l.replace('rpcuser=', '')
elif'rpcpassword', l):
rpcpassword = l.replace('rpcpassword=', '')
elif'rpcport', l):
rpcport = l.replace('rpcport=', '')
if len(rpcport) == 0:
if chain == 'KMD':
rpcport = 7771
print("rpcport not in conf file, exiting")
print("check " + coin_config_file)
return (Proxy("http://%s:%s@" % (rpcuser, rpcpassword, int(rpcport))))
rpc = def_credentials('KMD')
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
notarynames = [ "0dev1_jl777", "0dev2_kolo", "0dev3_kolo", "0dev4_decker_AR", "a-team_SH", "artik_AR", "artik_EU", "artik_NA", "artik_SH", "badass_EU", "badass_NA", "batman_AR", "batman_SH", "ca333", "chainmakers_EU", "chainmakers_NA", "chainstrike_SH", "cipi_AR", "cipi_NA", "crackers_EU", "crackers_NA", "dwy_EU", "emmanux_SH", "etszombi_EU", "fullmoon_AR", "fullmoon_NA", "fullmoon_SH", "goldenman_EU", "indenodes_AR", "indenodes_EU", "indenodes_NA", "indenodes_SH", "jackson_AR", "jeezy_EU", "karasugoi_NA", "komodoninja_EU", "komodoninja_SH", "komodopioneers_SH", "libscott_SH", "lukechilds_AR", "madmax_AR", "meshbits_AR", "meshbits_SH", "metaphilibert_AR", "metaphilibert_SH", "patchkez_SH", "pbca26_NA", "peer2cloud_AR", "peer2cloud_SH", "polycryptoblog_NA", "hyper_AR", "hyper_EU", "hyper_SH", "hyper_NA", "popcornbag_AR", "popcornbag_NA", "alien_AR", "alien_EU", "thegaltmines_NA", "titomane_AR", "titomane_EU", "titomane_SH", "webworker01_NA", "xrobesx_NA" ]
notaries = 64 * [0]
startheight = 821657 #Second time filter for assetchains (block 821657) for KMD its 814000
stopheight = 1307200
for i in range(startheight,stopheight):
ret = rpc.getNotarisationsForBlock(i)
KMD = ret['KMD']
if len(KMD) > 0:
for obj in KMD:
#for now skip KMD for this. As official stats are from BTC chain
# this can be reversed to !== to count KMD numbers :)
if obj['chain'] == 'KMD':
for notary in obj['notaries']:
notaries[notary] = notaries[notary] + 1
i = 0
SH = []
AR = []
EU = []
NA = []
for notary in notaries:
tmpnotary = {}
tmpnotary['node'] = notarynames[i]
tmpnotary['ac_count'] = notary
if notarynames[i].endswith('SH'):
elif notarynames[i].endswith('AR'):
elif notarynames[i].endswith('EU'):
elif notarynames[i].endswith('NA'):
i = i + 1
regions = {}
regions['SH'] = sorted(SH, key=lambda k: k['ac_count'], reverse=True)
regions['AR'] = sorted(AR, key=lambda k: k['ac_count'], reverse=True)
regions['EU'] = sorted(EU, key=lambda k: k['ac_count'], reverse=True)
regions["NA"] = sorted(NA, key=lambda k: k['ac_count'], reverse=True)