HushList Protocol Whitepaper
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

486 lines
16 KiB

package Hush::List;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Hush::RPC;
use Try::Tiny;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Hush::Util qw/barf is_valid_zaddr/;
7 years ago
use File::Slurp;
use Hush::Memo;
use Hush::Logger qw/debug/;
use Hush::Contact;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
7 years ago
# as per z_sendmany rpc docs
my $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR = $ENV{HUSH_CONFIG_DIR} || catdir($ENV{HOME},'.hush');
our $VERSION = 20171031;
my $rpc = Hush::RPC->new;
sub _sanity_checks {
if (!-e $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR ) {
7 years ago
barf "Hush config directory $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR not found! You can set the HUSH_CONFIG_DIR environment variable if it is not ~/.hush";
my $list_conf = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR, 'list.conf');
print "No Hush List config directory found, creating one...\n";
print "Created $HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR\n";
} else {
7 years ago
barf "Could not create $HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR, bailing out";
if (mkdir catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,'contacts')) {
print "Created $HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR/contacts\n";
} else {
7 years ago
barf "Could not create $HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR/contacts, bailing out";
} else {
# directory exists, does the conf file?
if (-e $list_conf) {
# conf file already exists, DO NOTHING
debug("detected existing $list_conf");
} else {
# no config file found, generate one
sub create_default_conf {
my ($rpc,$list_conf) = @_;
# when we create a brand new conf, we create brand new funding+nym addrs
my $funding_zaddr = $rpc->z_getnewaddress;
7 years ago
barf "Unable to create funding zaddr" unless $funding_zaddr;
my $pseudonym_taddr = $rpc->getnewaddress;
7 years ago
barf "Unable to create pseudonym taddr" unless $pseudonym_taddr;
debug("setting funding_zaddr=$funding_zaddr, pseudonym_taddr=$pseudonym_taddr");
my $time = time;
# this will overwrite an existing conf!!! should we back up last version?
7 years ago
open my $fh, ">", $list_conf or barf "Could not write file $list_conf ! : $!";
print $fh "# hushlist config v$Hush::List::VERSION\n";
print $fh "funding_zaddr=$funding_zaddr\n";
print $fh "pseudonym_taddr=$pseudonym_taddr\n";
print $fh "generated=$time\n";
close $fh;
debug("created new config file $list_conf");
sub new {
my ($rpc,$options) = @_;
my $hush_list = {};
# we only need a single RPC connection
$hush_list->{rpc} = $rpc;
$hush_list->{lists} = {};
return bless $hush_list, 'Hush::List';
sub list_members {
7 years ago
# show overview of current hushlists
sub global_status {
my ($self) = @_;
my @hushlists = map { -d $_ && $_ } glob catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,'*');
print "Hushlists:\n";
for my $hushlist (@hushlists) {
my $members_file = catfile($hushlist,'members.txt');
if (-e $members_file) {
my @members = read_file($members_file);
print "\t- $hushlist: " . scalar(@members) . " members \n";
print "Hushlist contacts:\n ";
# other possibilties: KMD, ZEN, others?
my @chains = qw/hush tush zec taz/;
for my $chain (@chains) {
my $contacts_file = catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,"$chain-contacts.txt");
if (-e $contacts_file) {
my @contacts = read_file($contacts_file);
my $uchain = uc($chain);
print "\t- " . scalar(@contacts) . " $uchain contacts\n";
7 years ago
sub _hushlist_exists {
my ($name) = @_;
my $list_dir = catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name);
return (-e $list_dir) ? 1 : 0;
sub exit_unless_hushlist_exists {
my ($name) = @_;
if (!_hushlist_exists($name)) {
print "Hushlist $name does not exist!\n";
# show details about a particular (hushlist,addr) pair
# NOTE: We assume that we only use one addr per hushlist for
# maximim metadata privacy, that is what we do, but other/custom software
# could break that assumption. The user is encouraged to create 2 local
# hushlists, with the same contacts, but different sending address (perhaps one
# taddr and one zaddr) if they want to send from multiple addresses
sub show {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $list_specific_conf = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'list.conf');
my %list_conf = read_file( $list_specific_conf ) =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)$/mg ;
#TODO: write out new keys zfrom/tfrom
my $sending_zaddr = $list_conf{zfrom} || $list_conf{tfrom} || $list_conf{sending_zaddr};
# todo: validate
#barf "Invalid sending_zaddr: '$sending_zaddr' found for Hushlist $name!" unless is_valid_zaddr($sending_zaddr);
print "Hushlist: $name\n";
print "Recents memos:\n";
# show the last 10 memos with env var over-ride
# TODO: detect the last N memos to our zaddr for this list
# 1) look for xtns to zaddr via RPC
# 2) any xtns TO this zaddr are Hushlist memos
# 3) iterate over these and grab memo field (only available locally on the
# full node which has the xtn, unles txindex=1 on hush full node!)
#TODO: sometimes you can send from a taddr
my @memos = find_memos($name, $sending_zaddr);
if (@memos) {
print "Found memos!\n";
} else {
print "No memos found!\n";
sub find_memos {
my ($name,$zaddr) = @_;
#warn "looking up xtns for $zaddr";
my @xtns = $rpc->z_listreceivedbyaddress($zaddr);
if (@xtns) {
# TODO: need local shielded balance to get data => need (t,z) xtn
my @memos = map { Hush::Memo->new($rpc, $_) } @xtns;
# debugging
for my $xtn (map { $_->[0] } @xtns) {
#printf "txid=%s memo=%s\n", $xtn->{txid}, $xtn->{memo};
my $txid = $xtn->{txid};
my $memo = pack('h*', $xtn->{memo});
printf "=" x 80;
print "\n";
printf <<HEAD;
Hushlist '$name' Memo
printf "$memo\n";
printf "=" x 80;
print "\n";
return @memos;
} else {
debug("find_memos: No memos found for $name + $zaddr");
7 years ago
# show details about a particular hushlist
7 years ago
sub status {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $list_specific_conf = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'list.conf');
my %list_conf = read_file( $list_specific_conf ) =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)$/mg ;
my $member_list = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'members.txt');
my @members = read_file($member_list);
my @nicknames = map { m/^[^ ]+(.*)/ } @members;
my $num_members = @members;
print "Hushlist '$name' has $num_members members, generated at $list_conf{generated}\n";
#map { print "\t - $_\n" } @nicknames;
map { print "\t - $_" } @members;
7 years ago
sub new_list {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $lists = $self->{lists};
# a list is simply a list of addresses, which can be looked up by name, and maybe some other metadata
$lists->{$name} = { recipients => {} };
my $list_dir = catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name);
if (!-e $list_dir) {
# create the config dir for the list for the first time
mkdir $list_dir;
if (!-e $list_dir) {
barf "Could not create directory $list_dir !";
} else {
barf "Hushlist $name already exists!";
my $list_specific_conf = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'list.conf');
my $member_list = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'members.txt');
my $time = time;
my $sending_zaddr = $rpc->z_getnewaddress;
open my $fh, '>', $list_specific_conf or barf "Could not open $list_specific_conf for writing";
print $fh "# hushlist $name config v$Hush::List::VERSION\n";
# every list has a unique sending zaddr, so there is no metadata leaked
# across one user sending messages to multiple hushlists
print $fh "sending_zaddr=$sending_zaddr\n";
print $fh "generated=$time\n";
# default chain is hush for now
# changing the chain of an existing list means that the subset
# of members that have addresses in the local contact list for the
# new chain will receive message, or operation aborts if no valid
# contacts on new chain
print $fh "chain=hush\n";
close $fh;
open my $fh, '>', $member_list or barf "Could not open $member_list for writing";
print $fh "";
close $fh;
# We consider members.txt the oracle, so users can simply maintain a simple
# text file of one item per line, and other files serialized version
# ~/.hush/list/LIST_NAME/
# ~/.hush/list/LIST_NAME/list.conf - list-specific config items
# ~/.hush/list/LIST_NAME/members.txt - list member zaddrs, one per line
# ~/.hush/list/LIST_NAME/list.json - list data, in JSON
# ~/.hush/list/LIST_NAME/list.png - user-specified image for list
return $self;
# make a local hushlist PUBLIC by publishing its PRIVKEY
# to the blockchain via OP_RETURN. This is a ONE WAY PROCESS!!!
# You can not make a public hushlist private again, it's privkey is in the wild,
# but we CAN make
sub public {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
# hushlist://SKxqPjNKvcfpmBpR8daQHNj4DoMfKmaPiVcT3A3YPynZNYXoDoaq?height=215683
sub subscribe {
my ($self,@hushlist) = @_;
my ($chain, $net, $key, $height) = @hushlist;
#warn Dumper [ @hushlist ];
my $rescan = "whenkeyisnew";
$rpc->z_importkey($key, $rescan, $height + 0);
return $self;
sub add_contact {
my ($self,$name,$contact) = @_;
#TODO validate
$name ||= '';
barf "Invalid Hushlist list name!" unless $name;
$contact||= '';
barf "Invalid Hushlist contact=$contact" unless $contact;
#barf "Hush list $list does not exist" unless $list;
# TODO: does contact exist already?
my $member_list = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'members.txt');
open my $fh, '>>', $member_list or barf "Could not open $member_list for writing";
print $fh $contact . "\n";
close $fh;
return $self;
sub remove_zaddr {
my ($self,$name,$zaddr) = @_;
7 years ago
barf "Invalid zaddr=$zaddr" unless $zaddr;
my $lists = $self->{lists};
my $list = $lists->{$name};
7 years ago
barf "Hush list $list does not exist" unless $list;
delete $list->{recipients}->{$zaddr};
return $self;
# send a memo to a Hush List, weeeeee!
sub send_memo {
my ($self,$rpc,$name,$memo) = @_;
# TODO: better validation
barf "Invalid Hush list name" unless $name =~ m/^([a-z0-9]+)$/i;
barf "Hush memo cannot be empty" unless $memo;
my $MAX_MEMO = 512;
my $length = length($memo);
barf("Hushlist memo too large! $length > $MAX_MEMO") if ($length > $MAX_MEMO);
#my $debug = sub { debug("send_memo: @_") };
my $debug = sub { warn "send_memo: @_" };
# each hush list has a sending_zaddr defined at time of creation
# which is used to send to this list
my $list_specific_conf = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'list.conf');
unless (-e $list_specific_conf) {
barf "Hushlist config for $name list not found!";
my %list_conf = read_file( $list_specific_conf ) =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)$/mg ;
my $from = $list_conf{zfrom} || $list_conf{tfrom} || $list_conf{sending_zaddr};
# default should probably be TUSH, but meh...
my $chain = $list_conf{chain} || 'hush';
#barf "Invalid Hushlist chain! $chain" unless $chain =~ m/$(tush|hush)$/i;
barf "Invalid Hush from address! $from" unless $from;
my $list_members_file = catfile($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,$name,'members.txt');
unless (-e $list_members_file) {
barf "No members file found for Hushlist $name!";
my @list_members = read_file( $list_members_file );
# we sometimes get a trailing newline, sigh
chomp @list_members;
my %list_members = map { $_ => 1 } @list_members;
#$debug->("list_members=" . join(",",@list_members));
warn Dumper [ @list_members ];
# Now that we have all the list member pseudonyms, look them
# up in the appropriate chain
my $contacts_file = catdir($HUSHLIST_CONFIG_DIR,"$chain-contacts.txt");
unless (-e $contacts_file) {
barf "Could not find Hushlist contacts for chain $chain!";
# grab all contacts
# TODO: serialize/make more effiecient/etc
my %contacts = read_file( $contacts_file ) =~ /^([a-z0-9]+) (.*)$/mgi ;
$debug->("contacts=" . join(",",keys %contacts));
# this is the subset of contacts that we are sending to on this hushlist
# with proper amount/memo keys to appease the z_sendmany gods
my $list_addrs = { };
# This must be a string to make JSON elder gods happy
my $amount = "0.00"; # amount is hidden in (z,z) xtns, so it does not identify list messages via metadata
# override default amount with the amount key in this lists config file
if ($list_conf{amount}) {
$amount = $list_conf{amount} . "";
my $raw_memo = unpack("h*",$memo); # backend wants hex-encoded memo-field
while (my ($addr, $contact) = each %contacts) {
print "contact $contact has $addr\n";
# if this contact exists on this list, add them to recipient list for z_sendmany
if ($list_members{$contact}) {
$debug->("adding $contact => $addr to recipients");
$list_addrs->{$contact} = {
address => $addr,
amount => $amount,
memo => $raw_memo,
7 years ago
warn Dumper [ $list_addrs ];
barf "Max recipients of $MAX_RECIPIENTS exceeded" if (keys %contacts > $MAX_RECIPIENTS);
$debug->("initiating z_sendmany");
my $default_fee = 1e-4;
my $CURR = "HUSH";
my $fee = defined $ENV{HUSHLIST_FEE} ? sprintf "%.8f", $ENV{HUSHLIST_FEE} : $default_fee;
my $balance = $rpc->z_gettotalbalance;
my $zbalance = $balance->{private};
my $tbalance = $balance->{transparent};
my $recipients = (keys %$list_addrs);
# this is the total cost to send the current Hush
# transaction to N recipients each with $fee
my $total_cost = $fee * $recipients;
$debug->("calculated total_cost=$total_cost $CURR for $recipients recipients");
# decide on which balance to look at
my $available_balance = ($from =~ m/^zc/) ? $zbalance : $tbalance;
if ($available_balance < $fee) {
$debug->("Insufficient balance to pay even one fee=$fee");
}elsif ($available_balance < $total_cost) {
$debug->("Insufficient balance to pay full xtn fee=$total_cost to $recipients recipients with balance=$available_balance");
# z_sendmany
# Arguments:
# 1. "fromaddress" (string, required) The taddr or zaddr to send the funds from.
# 2. "amounts" (array, required) An array of json objects representing the amounts to send.
# [{
# "address":address (string, required) The address is a taddr or zaddr
# "amount":amount (numeric, required) The numeric amount in ZEC is the value
# "memo":memo (string, optional) If the address is a zaddr, raw data represented in hexadecimal string format
# }, ... ]
# 3. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only use funds confirmed at least this many times.
# 4. fee (numeric, optional, default=0.0001) The fee amount to attach to this transaction.
my $minconf = 1;
my $opid = $rpc->z_sendmany($from, [values $list_addrs], $minconf, $fee);
if (defined $opid) {
$debug->("z_sendmany opid=$opid from $from");
# omg we got an opid, lets see what is up
7 years ago
my @opids = ( $opid );
my $status = $rpc->z_getoperationstatus([@opids]);
if ($status) {
$debug->("$opid has status=$status");
} else {
$debug->("no status for opid=$opid");
} else {
$debug->("z_sendmany failed!");
return $self;
sub new_taddr {}
sub new_zaddr {}