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Duke Leto 6 years ago
  1. BIN
  2. 105


Binary file not shown.


@ -853,111 +853,6 @@ $ 0.0 $ and the default fee is currently $ 0.0001 $ but these numbers are subjec
\HushList supports file attachments and embedding arbitrary binary data, it is not limited to ASCII.
$\bit$ means the type of bit values, i.e.\ $\setof{0, 1}$.
$\Nat$ means the type of nonnegative integers. $\PosInt$
means the type of positive integers. $\Rat$ means the type of rationals.
$x \typecolon T$ is used to specify that $x$ has type $T$.
A cartesian product type is denoted by $S \times T$, and a function type
by $S \rightarrow T$. An argument to a function can determine other argument
or result types.
The type of a randomized algorithm is denoted by $S \rightarrowR T$.
The domain of a randomized algorithm may be $()$, indicating that it requires
no arguments. Given $f \typecolon S \rightarrowR T$ and $s \typecolon S$,
sampling a variable $x \typecolon T$ from the output of $f$ applied to $s$
is denoted by $x \leftarrowR f(s)$.
Initial arguments to a function or randomized algorithm may be
written as subscripts, e.g.\ if $x \typecolon X$, $y \typecolon Y$, and
$f \typecolon X \times Y \rightarrow Z$, then an invocation of
$f(x, y)$ can also be written $f_x(y)$.
$\typeexp{T}{\ell}$, where $T$ is a type and $\ell$ is an integer,
means the type of sequences of length $\ell$ with elements in $T$. For example,
$\bitseq{\ell}$ means the set of sequences of $\ell$ bits.
$\length(S)$ means the length of (number of elements in) $S$.
$T \subseteq U$ indicates that $T$ is an inclusive subset or subtype of $U$.
$\byteseqs$ means the set of bit sequences constrained to be of length
a multiple of 8 bits.
$\hexint{}$ followed by a string of \textbf{boldface} hexadecimal
digits means the corresponding integer converted from hexadecimal.
$\ascii{...}$ means the given string represented as a
sequence of bytes in US-ASCII. For example, $\ascii{abc}$ represents the
byte sequence $[\hexint{61}, \hexint{62}, \hexint{63}]$.
$\zeros{\ell}$ means the sequence of $\ell$ zero bits.
$a..b$, used as a subscript, means the sequence of values
with indices $a$ through $b$ inclusive. For example,
$\AuthPublicNew{\allNew}$ means the sequence $[\AuthPublicNew{\mathrm{1}},
\AuthPublicNew{\mathrm{2}}, ...\,\AuthPublicNew{\NNew}]$.
(For consistency with the notation in \cite{BCG+2014} and in \cite{BK2016},
this specification uses 1-based indexing and inclusive ranges,
notwithstanding the compelling arguments to the contrary made in
$\range{a}{b}$ means the set or type of integers from $a$ through
$b$ inclusive.
$\listcomp{f(x) \for x \from a \upto b}$ means the sequence
formed by evaluating $f$ on each integer from $a$ to $b$ inclusive, in
ascending order. Similarly, $\listcomp{f(x) \for x \from a \downto b}$ means
the sequence formed by evaluating $f$ on each integer from $a$ to $b$
inclusive, in descending order.
$a\,||\,b$ means the concatenation of sequences $a$ then $b$.
$\concatbits(S)$ means the sequence of bits obtained by
concatenating the elements of $S$ viewed as bit sequences. If the
elements of $S$ are byte sequences, they are converted to bit sequences
with the \emph{most significant} bit of each byte first.
$\sorted(S)$ means the sequence formed by sorting the elements
of $S$.
$\GF{n}$ means the finite field with $n$ elements, and
$\GFstar{n}$ means its group under multiplication.
$\GF{n}[z]$ means the ring of polynomials over $z$ with coefficients
in $\GF{n}$.
$a \mult b$ means the result of multiplying $a$ and $b$.
This may refer to multiplication of integers, rationals, or
finite field elements according to context.
$a^b$, for $a$ an integer or finite field element and
$b$ an integer, means the result of raising $a$ to the exponent $b$.
$a \bmod q$, for $a \typecolon \Nat$ and $q \typecolon \PosInt$,
means the remainder on dividing $a$ by $q$.
$a \xor b$ means the bitwise-exclusive-or of $a$ and $b$,
and $a \band b$ means the bitwise-and of $a$ and $b$. These are
defined either on integers or bit sequences according to context.
$\vsum{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the sum of $a_{\allN{}}$.\;
$\vxor{i=1}{\mathrm{N}} a_i$ means the bitwise exclusive-or of $a_{\allN{}}$.
The binary relations $<$, $\leq$, $=$, $\geq$, and $>$ have their conventional
meanings on integers and rationals, and are defined lexicographically on
sequences of integers.
$\floor{x}$ means the largest integer $\leq x$.
$\ceiling{x}$ means the smallest integer $\geq x$.
$\bitlength(x)$, for $x \typecolon \Nat$, means the smallest integer
$\ell$ such that $2^\ell > x$.
The symbol $\bot$ is used to indicate unavailable information or a failed decryption.
\nsection{Account Funding}
On first run, \HushList creates a new shielded zaddress $z_F$ to fund transparent addresses for pseudonymous sending.
