HushList Protocol Whitepaper
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.5 KiB

package Hush::RPC;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bitcoin::RPC::Client;
use Hush::Util qw/barf/;
sub new {
my $port = $ENV{HUSH_RPC_PORT} || 8822;
my $host = "";
my $rpc = Bitcoin::RPC::Client->new(
port => $port, # set this to 18822 to use testnet
host => $host,
user => $ENV{HUSH_RPC_USERNAME} || "hush",
password => $ENV{HUSH_RPC_PASSWORD} || "hushmegently",
# rpc calls, how do they work?
#debug => 1,
my $info = $rpc->getinfo;
if ($info) {
return $rpc,
} else {
my $coins = {
8822 => 'HUSH',
18822 => 'TUSH',
8232 => 'ZEC',
18232 => 'TAZ',
my $coin = $coins->{$port} || 'cryptocoin';
print "Unable to make RPC connection to $coin full node at $host:$port !\n";
print "Your $coin full node is not running, or not accessible at that port :(\n";
my $chaininfo = $btc->getblockchaininfo;
my $blocks = $chaininfo->{blocks};
# Set the transaction fee
my $settx = $btc->settxfee($feerate);
# Check your balance
# (JSON::Boolean objects must be passed as boolean parameters)
my $account = '';
my $balance = $btc->getbalance($account, 1, JSON::true);
# Send to an address
my $txid = $rpc->sendtoaddress("1Ky49cu7FLcfVmuQEHLa1WjhRiqJU2jHxe","0.01");