HushList Protocol Whitepaper
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
2.1 KiB

package Hush::List;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Hush::RPC;
use Try::Tiny;
use File::Spec::Functions;
#TODO: verify
my $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR = $ENV{HUSH_CONFIG_DIR} || catdir($ENV{HOME},'.hush');
#TODO: create this if not specified
my $ZADDR = $ENV{HUSH_LIST_ZADDR} || die 'No funding zaddr found';
sub _sanity_checks {
if (!-e $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR ) {
die "Hush config directory $HUSH_CONFIG_DIR not found! You can set the HUSH_CONFIG_DIR environment variable if it is not ~/.hush";
print "No Hush List config directory found, creating one...\n";
sub new {
my $hush_list = {};
my $rpc = Hush::RPC->new;
# we only need a single RPC connection
$hush_list->{rpc} = $rpc;
$hush_list->{lists} = {};
return bless $hush_list, 'Hush::List';
sub new_list {
my ($self,$name) = @_;
my $lists = $self->{lists};
die "Hush list $name already exists" if $lists->{$name};
return $self;
# send a message to a Hush List, weeeeee!
sub send_message {
my ($self,$from,$name,$message) = @_;
my $rpc = $self->{rpc};
# TODO: better validation
die "Invalid Hush list name" unless $name;
die "Hush message cannot be empty" unless $message;
die "Invalid Hush from address: $from" unless $from;
my $hush_list = $self->{lists}->{$name} || die "No Hush List by the name of '$name' found";
my $recipients = $hush_list->recipients;
die "Max recipients of $MAX_RECIPIENTS exceeded" if (@$recipients > $MAX_RECIPIENTS);
# prevent an easily searchable single xtn amount
my $amount = 1e-4 + (1e-5*rand());
# this could blow up for a bajillion reasons...
try {
$rpc->z_sendmany($from, $amount, $recipients, $memo);
} catch {
die "caught RPC error: $_";
} finally {
# TODO: notekeeping, logging, etc..
return $self;
sub new_taddr {}
sub new_zaddr {}