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object Deps {
// For use in the top-level build.gradle which gives an error when provided
// `Deps.Kotlin.version` directly
const val kotlinVersion = "1.3.72"
const val group = ""
const val artifactName = "kotlin-bip39"
const val versionName = "1.0.0-beta09"
const val description = "A concise implementation of BIP-0039 in Kotlin for Android."
const val githubUrl = ""
const val publishingActive = false // set to true to activate bintrayUpload task
object Kotlin : Version(kotlinVersion) {
val STDLIB = "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$version"
object Kotest : Version("4.0.5") {
val RUNNER = "io.kotest:kotest-runner-junit5-jvm:$version"
val ASSERTIONS = "io.kotest:kotest-assertions-core-jvm:$version"
val PROPERTY = "io.kotest:kotest-property-jvm:$version"
object Square : Version("1.9.2") {
val MOSHI = "com.squareup.moshi:moshi:$version"
val MOSHI_KOTLIN = "com.squareup.moshi:moshi-kotlin:$version"
open class Version(@JvmField val version: String)