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plugins {
id 'maven-publish'
id 'com.jfrog.bintray'
id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm"
id 'org.jetbrains.dokka' version '0.10.1'
id 'java-library'
tasks {
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = 1.8 }
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
compileTestKotlin {
kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = 1.8 }
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
// Generate Kotlin/Java documentation from sources.
dokka {
outputFormat = "html"
dependencies {
implementation Deps.Kotlin.STDLIB
// Tests
testImplementation Deps.Kotest.RUNNER
testImplementation Deps.Kotest.ASSERTIONS
testImplementation Deps.Kotest.PROPERTY
testImplementation Deps.Square.MOSHI
testImplementation Deps.Square.MOSHI_KOTLIN
test {
testLogging {
showExceptions = true
showStackTraces = true
exceptionFormat = "full"
events = ["failed", "skipped"]
showStandardStreams = true
sourceCompatibility = "8"
targetCompatibility = "8"
// Publishing
group =
version = Deps.versionName
// Create the pom configuration:
def pomConfig = {
licenses {
license {
name "MIT-style"
url ""
distribution "repo"
developers {
developer {
id "gmale"
name "Kevin Gorham"
email ""
scm {
url ""
// Jar containing Kotlin sources
task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
archiveClassifier = 'sources'
from kotlin.sourceSets.main.kotlin.srcDirs
// Jar containing docs
task docsJar(type: Jar) {
archiveClassifier = "javadoc"
group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
dependsOn dokka
from dokka
publishing {
publications {
Production(MavenPublication) {
artifact sourcesJar
artifact docsJar
artifactId "kotlin-bip39"
version Deps.versionName
pom.withXml {
def root = asNode()
root.appendNode('description', Deps.description)
root.appendNode('name', 'kotlin-bip39')
root.appendNode('url', '')
root.children().last() + pomConfig
bintray {
user = project.hasProperty('bintrayUser') ?: System.getenv('BINTRAY_USER')
key = project.hasProperty('bintrayApiKey') ?: System.getenv('BINTRAY_API_KEY')
publications = ['Production']
override = true
pkg {
repo = 'android'
name = 'kotlin-bip39'
description = Deps.description
publish = true
publicDownloadNumbers = true
userOrg = 'ecc-mobile'
licenses = ['MIT']
vcsUrl = ''
dryRun = true
version {
name = Deps.versionName
desc = Deps.description
released = new Date()
vcsTag = this.version