You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
11 KiB

import com.squareup.moshi.Json
import com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass
import com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
import com.squareup.moshi.kotlin.reflect.KotlinJsonAdapterFactory
import io.kotest.assertions.asClue
import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldNotThrowAny
import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import okio.Okio
import java.util.*
class MnemonicsTest : BehaviorSpec({
val validPhrase = "void come effort suffer camp survey warrior heavy shoot primary clutch crush open amazing screen patrol group space point ten exist slush involve unfold"
val lang = Locale.ENGLISH.language
Given("a valid, known mnemonic phrase") {
When("it is converted into a seed") {
val result = MnemonicCode(validPhrase).toSeed()
Then("it should not be null") {
result shouldNotBe null
Then("it should not be empty") {
result.size shouldNotBe 0
Then("it should be the expected length") {
result.size shouldBe 64
And("when that seed is converted to hex") {
val hex = result.toHex()
Then("it should be the expected length") {
hex.length shouldBe 128
Then("it should equal the expected value") {
hex shouldBe "b873212f885ccffbf4692afcb84bc2e55886de2dfa07d90f5c3c239abc31c0a6ce047e30fd8bf6a281e71389aa82d73df74c7bbfb3b06b4639a5cee775cccd3c"
Given("a request for entropy") {
When("each supported word count is requested") {
Then("ensure each result has the correct bit length") {
row(12, 128),
row(15, 160),
row(18, 192),
row(21, 224),
row(24, 256)
) { count, bitLength ->
val wordCount = Mnemonics.WordCount.valueOf(count)
wordCount shouldNotBe null
bitLength shouldBe wordCount!!.bitLength
wordCount.toEntropy().let { entropy ->
entropy.size * 8 shouldBe bitLength
Given("a supported word count") {
Mnemonics.WordCount.values().forEach { wordCount ->
When("a mnemonic phrase is created using the ${} enum value") {
MnemonicCode(wordCount).let { phrase ->
String(phrase.chars).asClue { phraseString ->
Then("it has ${wordCount.count - 1} spaces") {
phrase.chars.count { it == ' ' } shouldBe wordCount.count - 1
And("when that is converted to a list of CharArrays") { { String(it) }.asClue { words ->
Then("It has ${wordCount.count} elements") {
words.size shouldBe wordCount.count
Then("Each word is present in the original phrase") {
phraseString.split(' ').let { correctWords ->
Given("predefined entropy as hex") {
When("it is converted to a mnemonic phrase") {
Then("it should match the expected phrase") {
row(24, "b893a6b0da8fc9b73d709bda939e818a677aa376c266949378300b65a34b8e52", "review outdoor promote relax wish swear volume beach surround ostrich parrot below jeans faculty swallow error nest orange army bitter focus place deer fat"),
row(18, "d5bcbf62dea1a07ab1abb0144b299300137168a7939f3071f112b557", "stick tourist suffer run borrow diary shop invite begin flock gospel ability damage reform oxygen initial corn moon dwarf height image"),
row(15, "e06ce21369dc09eb2bda66510a76f65ab3f947cce90fcb10", "there grow luggage squirrel scene void quarter error extra father rural rely display physical crisp capable slam lumber"),
row(12, "0b01c3c0b0590faf45fc171da17cfb22", "arch asthma usual gaze movie stumble blood load buffalo armor disagree earth")
) { count, entropy, mnemonic ->
val code = MnemonicCode(entropy.fromHex())
String(code.chars) shouldBe mnemonic
// uses test values from the original BIP :
Given("The original BIP-0039 test data set") {
val testData: TestDataSet? = loadTestData()
testData shouldNotBe null
When("each provided entropy is converted to a mnemonic phrase [entropy -> mnemonic]") {
Then("each result matches the corresponding test mnemonic phrase") {
testData!!.values.forEach {
val entropy = it[0].fromHex()
val mnemonic = it[1]
String(MnemonicCode(entropy).chars) shouldBe mnemonic
When("each provided mnemonic phrase is reverted to entropy [mnemonic -> entropy]") {
Then("each result matches the corresponding test entropy") {
testData!!.values.forEach {
val entropy = it[0]
val mnemonic = it[1]
MnemonicCode(mnemonic).toEntropy().toHex() shouldBe entropy
When("each provided mnemonic phrase is converted into a seed [mnemonic -> seed]") {
Then("each result matches the corresponding test seed") {
testData!!.values.forEach {
val mnemonic = it[1].toCharArray()
val seed = it[2]
val passphrase = "TREZOR".toCharArray()
MnemonicCode(mnemonic, lang).toSeed(passphrase).toHex() shouldBe seed
Given("an invalid mnemonic") {
When("it was created by swapping two words in a valid mnemonic") {
// swapped "trend" and "flight"
validPhrase.swap(4, 5).asClue { mnemonicPhrase ->
Then("validate() fails with a checksum error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.ChecksumException> {
Then("toEntropy() fails with a checksum error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.ChecksumException> {
Then("toSeed() fails with a checksum error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.ChecksumException> {
Then("toSeed(validate=false) succeeds!!") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
MnemonicCode(mnemonicPhrase).toSeed(validate = false)
When("it contains an invalid word") {
val mnemonicPhrase = validPhrase.split(' ').let { words ->
validPhrase.replace(words[23], "convincee")
mnemonicPhrase.asClue {
Then("validate() fails with a word validation error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.InvalidWordException> {
Then("toEntropy() fails with a word validation error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.InvalidWordException> {
Then("toSeed() fails with a word validation error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.InvalidWordException> {
Then("toSeed(validate=false) succeeds!!") {
shouldNotThrowAny {
MnemonicCode(mnemonicPhrase).toSeed(validate = false)
When("it contains an unsupported number of words") {
val mnemonicPhrase = "$validPhrase still"
Then("it fails with a word count error") {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.WordCountException> {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.WordCountException> {
shouldThrow<Mnemonics.WordCountException> {
shouldNotThrowAny {
MnemonicCode(mnemonicPhrase).toSeed(validate = false)
// Test Utilities
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TestDataSet (
@Json(name = "english") val values: List<List<String>>
fun ByteArray.toHex(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder(size * 2)
for (b in this)
sb.append(String.format("%02x", b))
return sb.toString()
fun String.fromHex(): ByteArray {
val len = length
val data = ByteArray(len / 2)
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
data[i / 2] =
((Character.digit(this[i], 16) shl 4) + Character.digit(this[i + 1], 16)).toByte()
i += 2
return data
fun String.swap(srcWord: Int, destWord: Int = srcWord + 1): String {
if (srcWord >= destWord) throw IllegalArgumentException("srcWord must be less than destWord")
if (destWord > count { it == ' '}) throw IllegalArgumentException("there aren't that many words")
return split(' ').let { words ->
words.reduceIndexed { i, result, word ->
val next = when (i) {
srcWord -> words[destWord]
destWord -> words[srcWord]
else -> word
if (srcWord == 0 && i == 1) "${words[destWord]} $next" else "$result $next"
fun loadTestData(): TestDataSet? =
.use { dataFile ->