Lite wallet server
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Duke Leto and The Hush developers
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license
package common
import (
// TODO: 'make build' will overwrite this string with the output of git-describe (tag)
var (
Version = "v0.1.3"
GitCommit = ""
Branch = ""
BuildDate = ""
BuildUser = ""
type Options struct {
GRPCBindAddr string `json:"grpc_bind_address,omitempty"`
GRPCLogging bool `json:"grpc_logging_insecure,omitempty"`
HTTPBindAddr string `json:"http_bind_address,omitempty"`
TLSCertPath string `json:"tls_cert_path,omitempty"`
TLSKeyPath string `json:"tls_cert_key,omitempty"`
LogLevel uint64 `json:"log_level,omitempty"`
LogFile string `json:"log_file,omitempty"`
HushConfPath string `json:"hush_conf,omitempty"`
RPCUser string `json:"rpcuser"`
RPCPassword string `json:"rpcpassword"`
RPCHost string `json:"rpchost"`
RPCPort string `json:"rpcport"`
NoTLS bool `json:"no_tls,omitempty"`
GenCertVeryInsecure bool `json:"gen_cert_very_insecure,omitempty"`
Redownload bool `json:"redownload"`
SyncFromHeight int `json:"sync_from_height"`
DataDir string `json:"data_dir"`
PingEnable bool `json:"ping_enable"`
Darkside bool `json:"darkside"`
DarksideTimeout uint64 `json:"darkside_timeout"`
// RawRequest points to the function to send a an RPC request to hushd;
// in production, it points to btcsuite/btcd/rpcclient/rawrequest.go:RawRequest();
// in unit tests it points to a function to mock RPCs to hushd.
var RawRequest func(method string, params []json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error)
// Time allows time-related functions to be mocked for testing,
// so that tests can be deterministic and so they don't require
// real time to elapse. In production, these point to the standard
// library `time` functions; in unit tests they point to mock
// functions (set by the specific test as required).
// More functions can be added later.
var Time struct {
Sleep func(d time.Duration)
Now func() time.Time
// Log as a global variable simplifies logging
var Log *logrus.Entry
// The following are JSON hushd rpc requests and replies.
type (
// hushd rpc "getblockchaininfo"
Upgradeinfo struct {
// unneeded fields can be omitted
ActivationHeight int
Status string // "active"
ConsensusInfo struct { // consensus branch IDs
Nextblock string // example: "e9ff75a6" (canopy)
Chaintip string // example: "e9ff75a6" (canopy)
HushdRpcReplyGetblockchaininfo struct {
Chain string
Upgrades map[string]Upgradeinfo
Blocks int
BestBlockHash string
Consensus ConsensusInfo
EstimatedHeight int
// hushd rpc "getinfo"
HushdRpcReplyGetinfo struct {
Build string
Subversion string
// hushd rpc "getaddresstxids"
HushdRpcRequestGetaddresstxids struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
Start uint64 `json:"start"`
End uint64 `json:"end"`
// TODO: hushd rpc "z_gettreestate"
HushdRpcReplyGettreestate struct {
Height int
Hash string
Time uint32
Sapling struct {
Commitments struct {
FinalState string
SkipHash string
Orchard struct {
Commitments struct {
FinalState string
SkipHash string
// hushd rpc "getrawtransaction txid 1" (1 means verbose), there are
// many more fields but these are the only ones we current need.
HushdRpcReplyGetrawtransaction struct {
Hex string
Height int
// hushd rpc "getaddressbalance"
HushdRpcRequestGetaddressbalance struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
HushdRpcReplyGetaddressbalance struct {
Balance int64
// hushd rpc "getaddressutxos"
HushdRpcRequestGetaddressutxos struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
HushdRpcReplyGetaddressutxos struct {
Address string
Txid string
OutputIndex int64
Script string
Satoshis uint64
Height int
// reply to getblock verbose=1 (json includes txid list)
HushdRpcReplyGetblock1 struct {
Hash string
Tx []string
//TODO: this function is not currently used, but some of it's code
// needs to be implemented elsewhere
func GetSaplingInfo() (int, int, string, string, int, int, int, error) {
result, rpcErr := CallRpcWithRetries("getblockchaininfo", []json.RawMessage{})
var err error
var errCode int64
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
errParts := strings.SplitN(rpcErr.Error(), ":", 2)
errCode, err = strconv.ParseInt(errParts[0], 10, 32)
5 years ago
//Check to see if we are requesting a height the hushd doesn't have yet
if err == nil && errCode == -8 {
return -1, -1, "", "", -1, -1, -1, nil
return -1, -1, "", "", -1, -1, -1, errors.Wrap(rpcErr, "error requesting block")
var f interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &f)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, "", "", -1, -1, -1, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading JSON response")
chainName := f.(map[string]interface{})["chain"].(string)
upgradeJSON := f.(map[string]interface{})["upgrades"]
saplingJSON := upgradeJSON.(map[string]interface{})["76b809bb"] // Sapling ID
saplingHeight := saplingJSON.(map[string]interface{})["activationheight"].(float64)
blockHeight := f.(map[string]interface{})["headers"].(float64)
difficulty := f.(map[string]interface{})["difficulty"].(float64)
longestchain := f.(map[string]interface{})["longestchain"].(float64)
notarized := f.(map[string]interface{})["notarized"].(float64)
consensus := f.(map[string]interface{})["consensus"]
branchID := consensus.(map[string]interface{})["nextblock"].(string)
return int(saplingHeight), int(blockHeight), chainName, branchID, int(difficulty), int(longestchain), int(notarized), nil
func GetLightdInfo() (*walletrpc.LightdInfo, error) {
params := []json.RawMessage{}
result, rpcErr := CallRpcWithRetries("getinfo", params)
if rpcErr != nil {
return nil, rpcErr
var getinfoReply HushdRpcReplyGetinfo
err := json.Unmarshal(result, &getinfoReply)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcErr
params = []json.RawMessage{}
result, rpcErr = CallRpcWithRetries("getblockchaininfo", params)
if rpcErr != nil {
return nil, rpcErr
var getblockchaininfoReply HushdRpcReplyGetblockchaininfo
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &getblockchaininfoReply)
if err != nil {
return nil, rpcErr
// If the sapling consensus branch doesn't exist, it must be regtest
var saplingHeight int
if saplingJSON, ok := getblockchaininfoReply.Upgrades["76b809bb"]; ok { // Sapling ID
saplingHeight = saplingJSON.ActivationHeight
vendor := "Hush lightwalletd"
return &walletrpc.LightdInfo{
Version: Version,
Vendor: vendor,
TaddrSupport: true,
ChainName: getblockchaininfoReply.Chain,
SaplingActivationHeight: uint64(saplingHeight),
ConsensusBranchId: getblockchaininfoReply.Consensus.Chaintip,
BlockHeight: uint64(getblockchaininfoReply.Blocks),
//TODO: set these via LDFLAGS
//GitCommit: GitCommit,
//Branch: Branch,
//BuildDate: BuildDate,
//BuildUser: BuildUser,
//EstimatedHeight: uint64(getblockchaininfoReply.EstimatedHeight),
//HushdBuild: getinfoReply.Build,
//HushSubversion: getinfoReply.Subversion,
// TODO: get notarized key
// TODO: longestchain
Notarized: uint64(0),
}, nil
// FirstRPC tests that we can successfully reach hushd through the RPC
// interface. The specific RPC used here is not important.
func FirstRPC() {
retryCount := 0
for {
_, err := GetBlockChainInfo()
if err == nil {
if retryCount > 0 {
Log.Warn("getblockchaininfo RPC successful")
if retryCount > 20 {
"timeouts": retryCount,
}).Fatal("unable to issue getblockchaininfo RPC call to hushd node")
"error": err.Error(),
"retry": retryCount,
}).Warn("error with getblockchaininfo rpc, retrying...")
Time.Sleep(time.Duration(10+retryCount*5) * time.Second) // backoff
func CallRpcWithRetries(method string, params []json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
retryCount := 0
maxRetries := 50
for {
// params := []json.RawMessage{}
result, err := RawRequest(method, params)
if err == nil {
if retryCount > 0 {
Log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("%s RPC successful"), method)
return result, err
if retryCount > maxRetries {
"timeouts": retryCount,
}).Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("unable to issue %s RPC call to hushd node"), method)
"error": err.Error(),
"retry": retryCount,
}).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("error with %s rpc, retrying..."), method)
Time.Sleep(time.Duration(10+retryCount*5) * time.Second) // backoff
return nil, nil
func GetBlockChainInfo() (*HushdRpcReplyGetblockchaininfo, error) {
// we don't use CallRpcWithRetries here because the calling code does it already
result, rpcErr := RawRequest("getblockchaininfo", []json.RawMessage{})
if rpcErr != nil {
return nil, rpcErr
var getblockchaininfoReply HushdRpcReplyGetblockchaininfo
err := json.Unmarshal(result, &getblockchaininfoReply)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &getblockchaininfoReply, nil
func GetCoinsupply() (string, string, int, int, int, int, error) {
params := []json.RawMessage{}
result1, rpcErr := CallRpcWithRetries("coinsupply", params)
var err error
var errCode int64
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
errParts := strings.SplitN(rpcErr.Error(), ":", 2)
errCode, err = strconv.ParseInt(errParts[0], 10, 32)
//Check to see if we are requesting a height the hushd doesn't have yet
if err == nil && errCode == -8 {
return "", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, nil
return "", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, errors.Wrap(rpcErr, "error requesting coinsupply")
var f interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(result1, &f)
if err != nil {
return "", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading JSON response")
result := f.(map[string]interface{})["result"].(string)
coin := f.(map[string]interface{})["coin"].(string)
height := f.(map[string]interface{})["height"].(float64)
supply := f.(map[string]interface{})["supply"].(float64)
zfunds := f.(map[string]interface{})["zfunds"].(float64)
total := f.(map[string]interface{})["total"].(float64)
return result, coin, int(height), int(supply), int(zfunds), int(total), nil
func getBlockFromRPC(height int) (*walletrpc.CompactBlock, error) {
// `block.ParseFromSlice` correctly parses blocks containing v5
// transactions, but incorrectly computes the IDs of the v5 transactions.
// We temporarily paper over this bug by fetching the correct txids via a
// verbose getblock RPC call, which returns the txids.
// Unfortunately, this RPC doesn't return the raw hex for the block,
// so a second getblock RPC (non-verbose) is needed (below).
params := make([]json.RawMessage, 2)
heightJSON, err := json.Marshal(strconv.Itoa(height))
if err != nil {
Log.Fatal("getBlockFromRPC bad height argument", height, err)
params[0] = heightJSON
// Fetch the block using the verbose option ("1") because it provides
// both the list of txids and the block hash (block ID), which
// we need to fetch the raw data format of the same block. Don't fetch
// by height in case a reorg occurs between the two getblock calls;
// using block hash ensures that we're fetching the same block.
params[1] = json.RawMessage("1")
result, rpcErr := CallRpcWithRetries("getblock", params)
if rpcErr != nil {
// Check to see if we are requesting a height the hushd doesn't have yet
if (strings.Split(rpcErr.Error(), ":"))[0] == "-8" {
return nil, nil
return nil, errors.Wrap(rpcErr, "error requesting verbose block")
var block1 HushdRpcReplyGetblock1
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &block1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockHash, err := json.Marshal(block1.Hash)
if err != nil {
Log.Fatal("getBlockFromRPC bad block hash", block1.Hash)
params[0] = blockHash
params[1] = json.RawMessage("0") // non-verbose (raw hex)
result, rpcErr = CallRpcWithRetries("getblock", params)
// For some reason, the error responses are not JSON
if rpcErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(rpcErr, "error requesting block")
var blockDataHex string
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &blockDataHex)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading JSON response")
blockData, err := hex.DecodeString(blockDataHex)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error decoding getblock output")
block := parser.NewBlock()
rest, err := block.ParseFromSlice(blockData)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing block")
if len(rest) != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("received overlong message")
if block.GetHeight() != height {
return nil, errors.New("received unexpected height block")
for i, t := range block.Transactions() {
txid, err := hex.DecodeString(block1.Tx[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error decoding getblock txid")
// convert from big-endian
return block.ToCompact(), nil
var (
ingestorRunning bool
stopIngestorChan = make(chan struct{})
func startIngestor(c *BlockCache) {
if !ingestorRunning {
ingestorRunning = true
go BlockIngestor(c, 0)
func stopIngestor() {
if ingestorRunning {
ingestorRunning = false
stopIngestorChan <- struct{}{}
// BlockIngestor runs as a goroutine and polls hushd for new blocks, adding them
// to the cache. The repetition count, rep, is nonzero only for unit-testing.
func BlockIngestor(c *BlockCache, rep int) {
lastLog := Time.Now()
lastHeightLogged := 0
// Start listening for new blocks
for i := 0; rep == 0 || i < rep; i++ {
// stop if requested
select {
case <-stopIngestorChan:
params := []json.RawMessage{}
result, err := CallRpcWithRetries("getbestblockhash", params)
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Fatal("error hushd getbestblockhash rpc")
var hashHex string
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &hashHex)
if err != nil {
Log.Fatal("bad getbestblockhash return:", err, result)
lastBestBlockHash, err := hex.DecodeString(hashHex)
if err != nil {
Log.Fatal("error decoding getbestblockhash", err, hashHex)
height := c.GetNextHeight()
if string(lastBestBlockHash) == string(parser.Reverse(c.GetLatestHash())) {
// Synced
if lastHeightLogged != height-1 {
lastHeightLogged = height - 1
Log.Info("Waiting for block: ", height)
Time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
lastLog = Time.Now()
var block *walletrpc.CompactBlock
block, err = getBlockFromRPC(height)
if err != nil {
Log.Info("getblock ", height, " failed, will retry: ", err)
Time.Sleep(8 * time.Second)
if block != nil && c.HashMatch(block.PrevHash) {
if err = c.Add(height, block); err != nil {
Log.Fatal("Cache add failed:", err)
// Don't log these too often.
if /* DarksideEnabled || */ Time.Now().Sub(lastLog).Seconds() >= 4 {
lastLog = Time.Now()
Log.Info("Adding block to cache ", height, " ", displayHash(block.Hash))
if height == c.GetFirstHeight() {
Log.Info("Waiting for hushd height to reach Sapling activation height ",
"(", c.GetFirstHeight(), ")...")
Time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
Log.Info("REORG: dropping block ", height-1, " ", displayHash(c.GetLatestHash()))
c.Reorg(height - 1)
// GetBlock returns the compact block at the requested height, first by querying
// the cache, then, if not found, will request the block from hushd. It returns
// nil if no block exists at this height.
func GetBlock(cache *BlockCache, height int) (*walletrpc.CompactBlock, error) {
5 years ago
// First, check the cache to see if we have the block
block := cache.Get(height)
if block != nil {
return block, nil
// Not in the cache
block, err := getBlockFromRPC(height)
5 years ago
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if block == nil {
// Block height is too large
return nil, errors.New("block requested is newer than latest block")
5 years ago
return block, nil
// GetBlockRange returns a sequence of consecutive blocks in the given range.
func GetBlockRange(cache *BlockCache, blockOut chan<- *walletrpc.CompactBlock, errOut chan<- error, start, end int) {
// Go over [start, end] inclusive
low := start
high := end
if start > end {
// reverse the order
low, high = end, start
for i := low; i <= high; i++ {
j := i
if start > end {
// reverse the order
j = high - (i - low)
block, err := GetBlock(cache, j)
if err != nil {
errOut <- err
blockOut <- block
errOut <- nil
func displayHash(hash []byte) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(parser.Reverse(hash))