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Add docs for lightwalletd with HSCs and for --http-bind-addr

Duke 1 year ago
  1. 26


@ -117,6 +117,29 @@ cargo build --release
* If you have trouble compiling silentdragonlite-cli, then [please refer to it's separate documentation here]( on how to build it and what pre-requisites need to be installed.
## Running a server for Hush Smart Chains
This lightwalletd code can be used with any Hush Smart Chain. For example, here is how you would
run the lightwalletd for DragonX :
./lightwalletd --grpc-bind-addr localhost:9069 --http-bind-addr localhost:9070 --hush-conf-path ~/.hush/DRAGONX/DRAGONX.conf --no-tls --rpcport=21769
For this code, your Nginx config will need to use the same GRPC port, so something like `grpc_pass grpc://localhost:9069;`
The above code should be compatible with running a lightwalletd on the same server that runs one for Hush, which by default uses ports 9067 for grpc
and 9068 for http. If you are only running a single lightwalletd on a server, the following should work for DragonX :
./lightwalletd --grpc-bind-addr localhost:9069 --http-bind-addr localhost:9070 --hush-conf-path ~/.hush/DRAGONX/DRAGONX.conf --no-tls --rpcport=21769
To run lightwalletd for other HSC's, you must specific the correct RPC port via `--rpcport` , point to it's config file via `--hush-conf-path` and
use use unique ports that nothing else is using for `--grpc-bind-addr` and `--http-bind-addr` . Make sure your nginx config `grpc_pass` port matches
what you give to `--grpc-bin-addr` .
## Lightwalletd Command-line Options
These are some of the most used command line options for lightwalletd:
@ -124,7 +147,8 @@ These are some of the most used command line options for lightwalletd:
| CLI option | Default | What it does |
| --grpc-bind-addr | | address and port to listen on |
| --grpc-bind-addr | | address and port to listen on via GRPC |
| --http-bind-addr | | address and port to listen on vi HTTP |
| --tls-cert | blank | the path to a TLS certificate |
| --tls-key | blank | the path to a TLS key file |
| --no-tls | false | Disable TLS, serve un-encrypted traffic |
