Lite wallet server
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Example lightwalletd configurations

Table of contents

  1. Why
  2. With Nginx
  3. No Web
  4. Apache


The Hush Lightwalletd can be configured in numerous different ways depending upon your specific setup. Here I will cover some example configurations and include shell scripts you can modify for your needs once you decide how you want to configure it.

With Nginx

For Nginx specifics, refer to the lightwalletd README to setup your SSL cert config.

  1. Then you configure nginx for for a regular website & then run certbot to generate certs.

  2. Then use a block like this in your nginx config under the port 443 section:

location / {
    # Replace localhost:9067 with the address and port of your gRPC server if     using a custom port
    grpc_pass grpc://;
  1. Then you can use this example shell script to run lightwalletd with an nginx reverse proxy frontend. In the script you have to change the hostname and username before running it.

No Web

Here we run lightwalletd without any web servers (no nginx) and as a stand-alone service managing the SSL cert config internally. Use this example shell script to run lightwalletd stand-alone.


I do not know Apache, but you are welcome to contribute your example configuration if you are using it as a reverse proxy.