Lite wallet server
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44 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2021-2022 Duke Leto and The Hush Developers
# Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
# Purpose: Script to build Hush lightwalletd on x86 64-bit arch
set -e
# Check if go is installed on system and exits if it is not
if ! [ -x "$(command -v go)" ]; then
echo 'Error: go is not installed. Install go and try again.' >&2
exit 1
GO_VERSION=`go version | { read _ _ v _; echo ${v#go}; }`
GO_VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo $GO_VERSION | cut -d. -f1)
GO_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $GO_VERSION | cut -d. -f2)
echo ""
echo "Welcome to the Hush magic folks..."
echo ""
echo ".------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------."
echo "|L.--. ||I.--. ||G.--. ||H.--. ||T.--. ||W.--. ||A.--. ||L.--. ||L.--. ||E.--. ||T.--. ||D.--. |"
echo "| :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || :/\: |"
echo "| (__) || :\/: || :\/: || (__) || (__) || :\/: || :\/: || (__) || (__) || :\/: || (__) || (__) |"
echo "| '--'L|| '--'I|| '--'G|| '--'H|| '--'T|| '--'W|| '--'A|| '--'L|| '--'L|| '--'E|| '--'T|| '--'D|"
echo "+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'+------'"
echo ""
echo "Building with Go v$GO_VERSION"
if [[ $GO_VERSION_MAJOR -lt 1 ]] || [[ $GO_VERSION_MINOR -lt 17 ]]; then
echo "Go v$GO_VERSION is too old to build, please upgrade to at least v$GO_MIN_VERSION"
exit 1
# now to compiling...
echo ""
echo "You have go installed, so starting to compile Hush lightwalletd for you..."
go build -o lightwalletd main.go
echo ""
echo "Hush lightwalletd is now compiled for you. Enjoy and reach out if you need support."
echo "For options, run ./lightwalletd --help"