Lite wallet server
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Duke Leto and The Hush developers
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license
syntax = "proto3";
package cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc;
option go_package = "walletrpc";
// Remember that proto3 fields are all optional. A field that is not present will be set to its zero value.
// bytes fields of hashes are in canonical little-endian format.
// CompactBlock is a packaging of ONLY the data from a block that's needed to:
// 1. Detect a payment to your shielded Sapling address
// 2. Detect a spend of your shielded Sapling notes
// 3. Update your witnesses to generate new Sapling spend proofs.
message CompactBlock {
uint32 protoVersion = 1; // the version of this wire format, for storage
uint64 height = 2; // the height of this block
bytes hash = 3; // the ID (hash) of this block, same as in block explorers
bytes prevHash = 4; // the ID (hash) of this block's predecessor
uint32 time = 5; // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
bytes header = 6; // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
repeated CompactTx vtx = 7; // compact transactions from this block
message CompactTx {
// Index and hash will allow the receiver to call out to chain
// explorers or other data structures to retrieve more information
// about this transaction.
uint64 index = 1; // the index within the full block
bytes hash = 2; // the ID (hash) of this transaction, same as in block explorers
// The transaction fee: present if server can provide. In the case of a
// stateless server and a transaction with transparent inputs, this will be
// unset because the calculation requires reference to prior transactions.
// in a pure-Sapling context, the fee will be calculable as:
// valueBalance + (sum(vPubNew) - sum(vPubOld) - sum(tOut))
uint32 fee = 3;
repeated CompactSaplingSpend spends = 4;
repeated CompactSaplingOutput outputs = 5;
// CompactSaplingSpend is a Sapling Spend Description as described in 7.3 of the Zcash
// protocol specification.
message CompactSaplingSpend {
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
// output is a Sapling Output Description as described in section 7.4 of the
// Zcash protocol spec. Total size is 948.
message CompactSaplingOutput {
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext
message CompactSpend {
bytes nf = 1; // nullifier (see the Zcash protocol specification)
message CompactOutput {
bytes cmu = 1; // note commitment u-coordinate
bytes epk = 2; // ephemeral public key
bytes ciphertext = 3; // first 52 bytes of ciphertext