Lite wallet server
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37 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2021-2023 Duke Leto and The Hush Developers
# Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
# Purpose: To process a release for a new version of lightwalletd
# *** Run with ***
# ./util/ 0.1.3
# *** the above 0.1.3 is the version number you're building ***
readonly VERSION
sed -i "s/0.1.3/$VERSION/g" util/
sed -i "s/0.1.3/$VERSION/g" util/
sed -i "s/0.1.3/$VERSION/g" common/common.go
sed -i "s/0.1.3/$VERSION/g" doc/man/lightwalletd.1
set -e
echo ""
echo "Let's build new release $VERSION of lightwalletd..."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Building x86 binary"
make build
echo "Building x86 Debian package"
echo "lightwalletd $VERSION x86 is done... now to build ARM..."
# TO-DO: automate ARM deb pkg build
#echo ""
#echo "Building ARM binary"
#make build-arm
#rm lightwalletd
echo "ALL DONE FOR lightwalletd $VERSION release"